New????? Gardeners World
Well i have just watched the New?? Gardeners World Programme and am completely underwhelmed!!!!!!
I felt I had gone back at least a decade.
it was like visiting a garden which was fairly enjoyable but which you would not put in your diary to visit again as it was SO uninspiring.
the garden is so far removed from what most peoples own gardens are like, far too grand !!!
which is why I love GOY as you see and share experiences and photos with people who have “normal” plots.
The open garden part was better. Thank god for Joe Swift but then I enjoyed the banter between Toby ,Joe and Alys whereas this was like a school lesson.
Monty,s voice is so boring and brought back memories of teachers who just read out facts out of books rather than engaging your interest.
I will record it each week to watch when I have nothing else to do but it won,t be a “must watch” for me.
The background music was diabolicle as well :o((
Thats my rant over !! SORRY
14 Mar, 2011
Previous post: Human Flowers
Next post: BBC Beechgrove Garden
I agree, Helen...
I didn't like the music at all ... :o(((
... and I would have preferred if Carol had identified each plant as she enthused about them, as she does on her tours of Chelsea flower shows etc...
Don't know if anyone saw the gardening parts of the ITV show "This Morning" ... featured some weekdays a few months ago...
...Diarmuid Gavin was the gardener .. excellent... far from the weird garden designs which we've seen from him at times in the past ... instead, he gave useful and knowledgeable demonstrations of gardening tasks..
14 Mar, 2011
yes TT i liked This Mornings garden bits as well. I also love a Scottish BBC gardening programme called Beechgrove Garden which has such homely presenters who show you their failures and triumphs ,and are so down to earth [excuse the pun ] not sure if it is shown in England though .I,ll let you know when it starts again in case you can get it with i-player ?
14 Mar, 2011
I've not heard of Beechgrove Garden, but it sounds good :o)
14 Mar, 2011
been on for years up here TT .One of the presenters has been on it for years and is now in his 80,s . It is broadcast from Aberdeen so the plant growth will be a couple of weeks behind your area but their knowledge and methods are brilliant ,you feel they are your friends.
14 Mar, 2011
I love Beechgrove as it helps us northern gardeners cope with our weather and advises us on what we can grow.
14 Mar, 2011
Yes must have good music in background(meatloaf, bat out of hell) lol
14 Mar, 2011
LOL Jiffy that might have added some much needed va va voom to him!!!!
14 Mar, 2011
I`ve just watched it on iplayer and in actual fact I enjoyed it ,apart from the music that is.
I can see what you mean about it being too grand but lets face it , if Monty and his wife like it who are we to argue, we all have different ideas of what we want in our gardens.
I will be giving it a chance......
14 Mar, 2011
Well - I'm going to disagree - I think it was a big improvement on the last series, and I enjoyed it. I hope that Joe goes off to visit more NGS gardens during the year - after all, he is the President of the NGS now!
14 Mar, 2011
I watched , but didn't notice the music ....??????? I must have tunnel-vision!
15 Mar, 2011
I loved it to Helen, sorry. I hated the previous years ones and I missed Monty and the team, but am glad they are back now. Yes his garden is rather grand and I bet he doesnt do all that himself, must have at least a team of twenty gardeners to keep it looking so beautiful!! Hopefully he will go into corners each week and teach us 'oldens' some new tricks!!!!
16 Mar, 2011
You are right grandmage in saying that you and many others like him .
That is why several different gardening programmes would be great to cover everyones taste.
It isn,t just the large garden that puts me off ,i just hate the way he presents it.
I like the more informal presenter with a touch of humour now and then .
I used to enjoy the garden make-over programmes as well lol
16 Mar, 2011
Terratoonie look up this web-site
and you will see what i mean about this gardening show and its presenters . their new show starts on April 4th at 7.30 on BBC 1 Scotland
16 Mar, 2011
Thanks Helen... I'll check that out :o)
16 Mar, 2011
I'm also underwhelmed - the new show is soo middle class with very little information. I don't dislike Monty but what a showcase for his wonderful garden - it's like an ego-trip just for him. Joe & Carol I like - but Rachel?!!
11 Apr, 2011
I so agree with you Spocket,I record it and watch later and keep hoping that somehow I will change my mind about Monty and the programme but so far I still find nothing inspiring or enjoyable in it at all !!
11 Apr, 2011
Oh I love gardeners world folks, it transports me away, if only for half an hour and I love Monty, I know his garden is way out of our league but he does show us how to plant etc. Surely he must have a team of gardeners doing all that work. Did you see Carol at that Camellia garden, how fantastic were they!
11 Apr, 2011
glad you enjoy it GM , but it leaves me totally uninspired !! Everything about Monty just grates on me, but I do appreciate that everyone is different and that's what makes life so interesting LOL :o))
13 Apr, 2011
Last Friday I channel-hopped between Gardeners World, an old episode of Friends, and Question of Sport ... Lol.
I think that most of my time was spent watching Friends ..;o)
13 Apr, 2011
lol TT I know what you mean :o)))
13 Apr, 2011
Lol. :o)))
13 Apr, 2011
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sadly I'm not suprised at what you say-- monty don has never inspired me anyway so I didn't bother to watch!
14 Mar, 2011