Human Flowers
I saw a few of these photos in the paper yesterday and was fascinated.
they are done by Cecelia Webber and I think that they are amazing.
In some of them it is easy to see the bodies but some take a while to see how she did it
I love them what do you think?
3 Mar, 2011
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Thats fantastic, very clever.
3 Mar, 2011
that,s what i thought as well Lulu. How she decided who went where ,goodness knows !!
3 Mar, 2011
great photos
3 Mar, 2011
Simply incredible! I love the red pepper one, how does she do it? Did you see Noseypotter put a picture of a brain on here once, all done with people, amazing, not sure if it is the same artist! Thanks Helen.
3 Mar, 2011
They are so clever Helen.I had an email recently with some very similar artistic,thanks for sharing.:o)
3 Mar, 2011
3 Mar, 2011
I saw these images last year and was very intrigued at how it was done. I'm pleased you have posted the photos, Helen...they are wonderful :) The sunflower with the petals coming off is quite something! Fabulous!
3 Mar, 2011
Amazing and all very beautiful
3 Mar, 2011
They are lovely!
3 Mar, 2011
glad you all like them . I was really intrigued by them and how they were done . When i first looked at the peacock I couldn,t see the bodies!!!
3 Mar, 2011
Amazing! thanks for showing us.
3 Mar, 2011
absolutely beautiful, so pleased you put them on, what talent this lady has,
3 Mar, 2011
Just incredible Helen!...Really glad you shared them .
3 Mar, 2011
Absolutely stunning.
3 Mar, 2011
brilliant pics.
3 Mar, 2011
I have seen these before I admit they are amazing but some of them give me the collywoggles, don`t know why, over vivid imagination perhaps....
3 Mar, 2011
My goodness, they are absolutely amazing. It wasn't until i saw the 2nd pictue that i realised what they were made up from. It was a pleasure to see them. Thank you for showing them
3 Mar, 2011
I nominated them for Goypedia but wasn't sure what subject heading so I sent them a message instead! Not flowers I know but amazing nevertheless!
3 Mar, 2011
thanks for all the comments :o))
3 Mar, 2011
What a lovely art form. I loved them, I too had trouble seeing the bodies in the peacock picture, but they are all very clever. Loved the blog thank you Helen.
3 Mar, 2011
I'm sure I've seen something like this but can't remember where. I think they're very clever. I wouldn't mind some photos of them lol
3 Mar, 2011
Yes, someone put them on the site last year. They are fabulous and well worth seeing again.
3 Mar, 2011
Good heavens such wonderful photo,s extremely eye catching. Thankyou .
3 Mar, 2011
Out of this world, very talented lady.......
3 Mar, 2011
4 Mar, 2011
They are unbelieveable so clever and Beautiful, thanks Helen for sharing them with us;0)
4 Mar, 2011
Certainly very clever.
4 Mar, 2011
Just brilliant!!! Thanks for showing these.
4 Mar, 2011
The talent some people have!
5 Mar, 2011
Just googled the artist and she has alsorts on her website, absolutely lovely butterflies on there. Have a look they are amazing.
5 Mar, 2011
thanks Oliveoil, i looked them up and they are lovely too. I will add them to this blog soon. I also read on her page that some people criticise and say that as they are put together by computer then they are not art but i disagree as she takes all the seperate photos and then artistically puts them together to make beautiful images and that is artistic talent surely .
5 Mar, 2011
when uploading the butterflies it suddenly dawned on me that i probably am wrong to publish these as they could be copywright !!!!! och well !! too late, they were in the Sun newspaper lol
5 Mar, 2011
Lol!! Am sure she wouldn't mind! I looked at her website too....and posted them to my facebook!
5 Mar, 2011
What an imagination to produce such effects . . . they're beautiful. Thank you Helen!
5 Mar, 2011
I agree Helen, they are very artistic you can be an artist using any form available, I much prefer this sort of work to some of the rubbish that is produced in oils and such like we see sometimes at the big art galleries. Art is art whichever method you use, I just appreciate beauty more than abstract. lol
5 Mar, 2011
definitely beats the "art" of unmade beds and cracks in floors that win prizes for some "artists" !!!!!!!
5 Mar, 2011
Most definitely Helen, if unmade beds wins prizes then I could be a very talented artist. lol.
5 Mar, 2011
Those images are utterly stunning. A bit like those old 'magic eye' pictures except if I concentrate I can actually see the people, lol. Really unusual, some of them are very difficult to make into anything but a picture of a beautiful flower! I like that a lot, thanks for sharing.
5 Mar, 2011
thanks Annie and welcome to Goy :o)
5 Mar, 2011
Wow! arnt they beautiful!
6 Mar, 2011
I do not think she will mind you giving her art a world wide audience. You are only using the images to show us what has impressed you and we too are impressed. I agree computer art is just a different way of producing pictures and we would never be able to afford originals done by hand. I love them and it is easy to see why 'Love lies bleeding' is nick named Lady in a Bathtub. Thank you for letting us share your pleasure. I love the dandelion seed head.
9 Mar, 2011
Hey everybody and Helen,
The artist's website is I work with Cecelia. Thank you for your excitement!
18 Apr, 2011
There you go Helen. No problem in sharing your happiness with friends. Cecelia is not just clever in putting this together she has a real artistic eye for seeing detail and conveying that to us.
18 Apr, 2011
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How utterly amazing, thanks so much for blogging these wonderful photo arts. The process must take her ages!
3 Mar, 2011