a week in the sun [in Scotland ]
OH and I had a super break in Nairn and Embo .The sun shone each day and the beaches and places we visited were great.
very relaxing
Nairn beach-one of my favourite places
robinson crusoe lol
looking for dolphins at Fort George near Inverness looking over to Fortrose on Isle of Cromarty
Dunrobin Castle,home of the Duke of Sutherland….near Golspie in Sutherland
looks more French Chateau than Scottish. It is in a beautiful setting and the views are magnificent. Inside is very impressive as well with lots to see.
butterfly and wasp attracted to this flower
some nice borders
well stocked borders
the long climb back up…kept stopping to admire the view [was really catching my breath LOL ]
looking down at garden
found this whale sculpture on Embo Beach :-)
stop at Bruar for coffee on way home after a lovely week
16 Sep, 2012
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Looks like a lovely place to spend a few hours.
16 Sep, 2012
You are making me homesick Helen. I grew up near Elgin and visited an aunt and uncle in Nairn for at least a week every summer. The beaches up that coast are wonderful. Thank you for sharing your lovely holiday with us. I do like the whale. Great garden at Dunrobin.
17 Sep, 2012
thanks everyone.
There was a lot of people around bb so I didn,t take a cutting :-(
It is a great area and the people in Embo told us they had NOT had a lot of rain this summer !!
Like you scotsgran I used to visit this area lots when our eldest son lived in Forres when he was in the RAF at Kinloss for 20yrs. so lots of good memories and a few bad as the reason we were there was to go to Elgin cemetery to visit grave of our first born grandaughter who died only 5hours old 16years ago and as her family are now in New Zealand we do the yearly visit. We also send photos of their old house etc. This year we sent photos of Kinloss Base now used by the army which was kind of sad too.
Dunrobin was a lovely place and so was Dornoch Cathedral and a lovely sunny day at beach in Brora where my OH,s dad was born many moons ago .
For anyone who caravans or camps the site in Embo called Grannies Heilin Hame is in a 1st class place with beach and views to die for .So is the one at Nairn Lochloy.
17 Sep, 2012
I'm sorry to hear about your reason for the visit but I hope they do have other children. Nobody can replace your grand daughter but having other children does help.
We spent four weeks in each of two summers in Orkney in caravans on farms. OH was at work every day. The kids and I loved it but OH would rather stay at home than go anywhere in a caravan. I think he would leave home if I suggested a camping holiday in a tent. I'll tell my younger daughter about these sites as she loves camping. Its a great holiday for kids. You sound as if you have had the batteries charged to take you through the winter.
17 Sep, 2012
we have thanks ,and I definitely couldn,t do camping now either lol but caravanning fine...all mod cons and central heating lol
thans by the way they do have a daughter and son and we have 8 grandchildren now but like you say you don,t forget .
Never been to Orkney but would like to go .maybe someday :-)
17 Sep, 2012
What a lovely place to spend your holiday, thoses beaches are fantastic and I love the picture of that beautiful Topairy garden at Dunrobin Castle, Thanks for sharing Helen;0)
17 Sep, 2012
Thank you for sharing your story with us Helen. It is nice that you and OH are still able to visit and that will comfort her family.
Beautiful pictures - don't we live in a wonderful place!
Great blog :)
17 Sep, 2012
Scotland is marvellous. We camped up in Scotland many times over the years and visited most corners. Lovely to get some sunshine too for your nostalgic trip Helen.
18 Sep, 2012
thanks PP and thanks Scottish ,we certainly do live in a lovely place and Dorjac the weather was just perfect which certainly made the trip unforgettable :-)
18 Sep, 2012
I like your last picture Helen. The tree branches look like BOCAGE on a Staffordshire pottery figure.
18 Sep, 2012
lol Dorjac :-))
19 Sep, 2012
Hello Helen, lovely blog and I love the pics. of you and your Oh. so nice to see you. What gorgeous gardens, so beautifully kept and how sweet of you both to visit your grandaughters grave and send photos too, I'm sure the family appreciate your doing that for them. I bet that fuschia has CCTV. on it, Lol
19 Sep, 2012
lol GM ,just as well I wasn't tempted then!!!
I decided to put OH and myself in the photos because I've enjoyed seeing other people in their blogs lately :-))
20 Sep, 2012
Know what you mean Helen, it is nice to put a face to a name :)
20 Sep, 2012
It just struck me Helen how quiet it seems up there in the further north of Scotland. A lovely empty beach and no one to be seen near you in the grounds of Dunrobin castle. It's probably 50-60 years ago since we used to visit Arisaig on the west coast, first of all, but we saw more people there then, than on your beach. Even near London when I went to Hyde Hall recently; lots of cars in the car park, but parts of the garden, which is not large, were deserted. Just the occasional person in the distance, as in your pictures.
21 Sep, 2012
I suppose Dorjac, that as schools are back on again ,maybe less families mid-week.
The beaches mostly had dog walkers or joggers or a few oldies like us lol .
.There was a lot of foreign tour buses around and at the castle.
I love Arisaig and the white sandy beaches around there :-))
21 Sep, 2012
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Glad you had some sun, looks like a great area to visit.
16 Sep, 2012