By helenium
What a glorious day it is here, the sun is shining, the birds are busying themselves, it’s just marvelous the way sunshine can lift the spirit! The other day I watched the sun shine through the rain, it just looked so lovely. I’m going into the garden, to cut the seed heads from the grasses, and make a start on pruning some things back, like Buddleia, and nip out the tops of Ribes and some willows that have been killed off with the frost. I wont go too far back, as I’m sure winter isn’t over by a long chalk! I like having a look to see what else has started into growth, it’s really exciting, I think that’s what keeps me going back, time after time, it’s the hope of finding the little surprises! Talking of surprises… it was just the other day I was telling, Lily about my could’ve been a bargain, Bamboo! Well… yesterday, I noticed on two of the plants (I had split the original large pot) that some of the canes are starting to turn green, I’m absolutely delighted, to say the least. I may be wrong but, when I thought the plants were dead, (they were obviously just resting and recovering from the bad weather last year) I grew peas up thier canes, maybe the nitrogen from the pea roots have been enough to restart growth. I’m still going to keep the other two bamboo plants, they may not be showing any signs of life, but, with the sweet peas covering the canes they make really good screens and the bees love them!
27 Feb, 2011
Next post: New Gadget
Hiya Karen, I have enough cheeriness for everybody today, so I thought I would share it around! Poor you what a shame your still not feeling well! Your a brave little soldier going out and doing some garden work first! Breathing in the fresh air probably made you feel a bit better after being indoors. Hope you're back to good health soon. The sun is still shining, looks like it's going to be a lovely evening, too! There's quite a few things showing tiny signs of life, they are, (I will take pictures when I remember) Rodgersia, Aconitums, Cetranthus, Aquilegias, and quite a few others. There are so far two casualties, my lovely Dieramas, one I recieved as Birthday gifts, which made it a bit more special, but the other ones have survived, so that's a bonus. One big surprise is, the Veronia, it's showing the tiniest signs of growth I planted it as a seedling, when it was only about 2in high late last year, I really should've potted it on first, to make it a bit sturdier, but it just shows what a tiny little thing is capable of coping with. I also found a huge over wintering caterpillar, of some sort in the ground, which was neither a weevil grub, or a leather jacket. I didn't squish it, I put it in the recycle bin, with the rest of the garden waste, I must sound like a wooss but I just can't kill anything!
27 Feb, 2011
lol! I sometimes put slugs in there!! I'm just the same as you!
27 Feb, 2011
I suppose they do eventually die, they couldn't possibly survive the heat of the huge compost heaps at the council recycle unit, could they? YIKES I hope not!!
27 Feb, 2011
lol! i sure hope not, or I could be in trouble!
27 Feb, 2011
Nice to hear your bamboo has survived. It's exciting to see things return to life after the winter.
28 Feb, 2011
Hiya Hywel, it sure is exciting... and a relief! To see a tiny spark of life appear after what it's had to endure, in the case of the bamboo, in a pot, is just amazing. The bamboos have taken from the winter of 09 till now, to show any signs of life. I'm really glad I didn't throw them out. It was probably just trying to give me a scare, teaching me a lesson that, it should've been in the ground and not a pot, well it worked, and as soon as the new border is finished in they will go. I do wish now, I'd kept the Cordyline for longer, maybe it would've sprouted from futher down the stem. Did you have any losses?
28 Feb, 2011
I have had a few losses I'm sure. I haven't found out yet lol And I think I lost a few fuchsias because they were too dry in the house, but that was my fault !
28 Feb, 2011
Shame about your fuchsias Hywel. I like fuchsias, my favorites being, Shelford, Cecile, Dollar Princess and Thalia. There are other's but, I can't think of their names at the moment. I like Pelargoniums too, my favorite of those are, Solo, Westwood and Fandango. But none of those are first place, that's taken by Echinacea, or any daisy for that matter, I never tire of looking at them! I suppose we all have our favorite plants
28 Feb, 2011
I got hooked on fuchsias when a colleague started selling cuttings in work. That was about 20 yrs ago.
My favourite plants of all time are cacti. I have been growing them since I was a teenager back in the 60s. I still have some of the original ones I bought.
I also like any daisy type flowers. They always make me feel happy :o))
28 Feb, 2011
Fuchsia's are so nice, there's lots of them to choose from, which makes it really easy to get hooked, and before you know it, you can't turn round without seeing a fuchsia. Have you seen the fuchsia web site called "find that fuchsia"? I have one cactus, about 28in tall. I don't know what type it is, as the only thing written on the label was"cowboy cactus" so I named him Chisum.
28 Feb, 2011
lol ! :D That's a good name ...
I have seen the fuchsia site but not looked in detail. I shall have to do that. Thanks for reminding me about it.
28 Feb, 2011
Hywel do you think thats a good IDEA? Going on that site should carry a dent in your wallet waring! LOL!!
28 Feb, 2011
lol ! :o)
1 Mar, 2011
It's only 5c here at the moment but it was minus 2.5c during the night. The good news is its stopped raining, YIPEEEEE! and the "SUN" is shining, YE HA!
16 Mar, 2011
I'm pleased the sun shon for you. I hope it was warm sunshine though. I hate cold temps even if it's sunny. I preffer mild rain lol I get depressed in cold weather.
We've had a nice spell of mild weather here lately but it's due to rain later today. I don't mind as long as it isn't cold :D
17 Mar, 2011
Thanks Hywel, it's even warmer today, it's broken cloud but, when the sun breaks through, it's glorious! It really changes the mood, lifts the spirit and makes all the difference, especially when making decisions, or at least that's how it seems to me!
17 Mar, 2011
Yes I agree with you there :)
17 Mar, 2011
What a great cheerful Blog Aileen! I love it when you get nice surprises like that. I am back in my bed now, blowing my nose and my face is aching, but earlier I popped out and chucked some of my winter casualties out of the greenhouse to make room for some new seeds. Sad to have to accept that stuff is dead, so nice to hear that some things are still alive underneath all the dead stuff!
27 Feb, 2011