By helenium
Here are a few photos of the garden
and after
last year’s make over.
17 Feb, 2011
Well done it looks lovely i bet you enjoy many an hour sitting in it watching the world go by. keep it up :)
17 Feb, 2011
That looks great, what a lovely big greenhouse you have. Well done.
17 Feb, 2011
I love your garden makeover Helenium,and also your planting.Well done,you must be so happy looking out on
your achievement..A lot of hard work,but well worth it.:o)
17 Feb, 2011
Thanks! Everyone, that was really nice of you all to leave such lovely comments, I appreciate it! I think because we're all gardeners, we know how much hard work it can be especially, when starting from scratch! In my blog, I mentioned that the best bit about it was when we sat under the parasol with a cuppa and a biscuit, and just looked round at all the work that had been done, I thought yip this will do for me! It will look more filled out this year, when the plants double in size. Now we have to start on the other half when the weather gets a bit better!
18 Feb, 2011
Looking forward to seeing the photos of the other half when it's done as you've done such a terrific job already. Isn't it wonderful when you can sit back and really enjoy the fruits of your labour. Well done!
18 Feb, 2011
What a difference. You've worked hard and it has paid off :o)
18 Feb, 2011
Gosh, what a transformation. You turned that garden from an unloved-looking place into a lush corner of heaven. It looks like a happy place to be in, well done!
18 Feb, 2011
Thanks! Diana. I much prefer it when the sun is shining, and not wet, I'll post some photos of what it looks like when it gets waterlogged! I's the waterlogged part we have to tackle this year, YIKES!!
18 Feb, 2011
What a difference - you would hardly know it's the same garden
Well done !
18 Feb, 2011
Thanks! Mariek. I appriecate your kind comments. I'm thinking about making the paths smaller, but that will have to wait a while! I am however going to have a new fence.I think there's a height restriction, but I could add trellis on top to make it higher. It wouldn't be stopping light from reaching the gardens on either side of me, as one side is a path and the other side gravel, no plants what so ever in either.
18 Feb, 2011
Hi Helenium! Great to see some pics of your garden. I've been trying to work out where it is! I was gardening in West End of Dundee for 18 years before we moved here to Carnoustie 5 years ago. Hope to see some more of your pics as the year goes on, especially as you grow all the things I 'don't' grow! It will be good to get some new ideas!
19 Feb, 2011
Thanks Karensusan, It's that old ancient capital of Scotland, beautiful Perth! We lived in Carnoustie for a wee while 20 years ago, near the links, then we moved here. I'll post some more pics as the garden fills out.
19 Feb, 2011
Oh, lovely Perth! I thought it might have been Dundee! Perth is a lovely city and so handy for getting to the hills! We used to take the children to Perth swimming pool every sunday am when they were babies, and often up to Kinnoul woodland walks too. Now it's just a bit too far for that kind of day out, and of course, they are both grown up! I haven't been in Perth for a long long time....I must visit again soon!
19 Feb, 2011
I took some pictures, at the top of Kinnoull Hill, I'll try to find them for you. I prefer perthshire, to the city, the scenery is breathtaking, but I would say that wouldn't I? Perth is full of historic buildings, I think the most famous is Scone Palace and not forgetting the racecourse.
19 Feb, 2011
I've never been to the races, but I love the palace, and I sang at The Earl of Mansfield's daughter's wedding!
19 Feb, 2011
Now that's something to add to your C.V! I've been to the races a few times, but it's not my idea of fun. I'd much rather be at one of our local nurseries or g/centres. Sigh... I know I'm an anorak!!LOL
19 Feb, 2011
Same here. I went to Branklyn Garden a couple of years ago, can't believe I hadn't been was lovely and the pretty! Was so sad when Cherry Bank didn't get that award to build the new Scottish garden....really disappointed.
20 Feb, 2011
I have to admit I've never been to Cherrybank Gardens, (National Heather Collection) I don't like heathers, so I never saw the point in visiting. It is a shame that they never got the funding for the new Caylx project, it was to be a large selection of native plants, and others to I expect, which would appeal to a lot more people. But maybe in the future, they can apply again. It would be brilliant if we could have something like the Eden project here, all those lovely tropicals on show, just wonderful. Now that just makes me sound selfish... but I prefer looking at those type of plants!
20 Feb, 2011
No, I agree, hate heathers. I have one white one flowering just now and every year I threaten to take it out! horrid plants, but nice with dwarf evergreens. Bluespruce has a beautiful display of heathers around his conifers. I like to see them like that, but wouldn't grow them myself, and that's why I have never been to cherrybank either!
20 Feb, 2011
Phew! I don't feel so guilty now.
20 Feb, 2011
20 Feb, 2011
You have worked so hard the garden looks great, looking forward to seeing it in the summer. My husband Paul in from Scotland his mum still lives in Edinburgh so we often pop up to see them. He is not much of a gardener himself but he helps me lift the heavy stuff and helps with any digging. (not in his dress through) LOL
3 Mar, 2011
Thanks Teds, the garden was hard work, but just to sit and relax and look at it, was worth every aching muscle.
I haven't been to Edinburgh for years, it's a lovely city! Wellies would have to be colour co-ordinated Paul's dress, he's not a colour clash guy, I can tell by his lippy, things would have to match! LOL!! My Hubby isn't a gardener either, not in the slightest bit interested, or so I thought! But when the garden was being planted, he said on a few occasions, you can't put that plant next to that one! Why, I asked? Because the foliage is almost the same, they'll clash, they'll just get lost, a hosta would look better, was his reply. A Hosta, I said in amazement,( I didn't even know he knew what a Hosta looked like) I paused for a few seconds and said, I think you're absolutely right! Then the reply came back, so now you see, I do listen to what you're saying, and don't have selective hearing as you've implied!!! But, I don't think he'll be looking to share half of the garden an time soon, but you never know!
3 Mar, 2011
O-oh...not liking the sound of this....could be interference brewing from the OH....we gardeners don't like that! Get him an allotment!! ;)) lolx
3 Mar, 2011
I wouldn't mind sharing "SOME", but there would be ground rules,(oh heavens pardon the pun,not intended!) no sticky beaking in my part of the garden, or it's all out "WAR"!!
3 Mar, 2011
LOL!! Your part being 90% of it of course.....?
3 Mar, 2011
Absolutely, Karen, better than OH having to move!!! LOL!!!
3 Mar, 2011
3 Mar, 2011
You've done a great job in your garden...a really lovely transformation and lots of work too! I expect things are starting to sprout and grow now the days are getting warmer and lighter.
Happy gardening, Helenium.
5 Mar, 2011
Thanks! Whistonlass that's kind of you. There are quite a few things coming up now, which is a relief. So far the only two casulaties, have been the Dierama. Last year I'm glad I took photos of plants in the garden, as now the new foliage is emerging and I'm thinking what is this plant? It would seem those pesky birds have nicked quite a few of the labels. I'm blaming the birds because I can't think of anything else that would take them, can you?
5 Mar, 2011
No, I surely can't think of anyone but birds that would take your labels....fairies that visit our gardens surely don't nick anything...:)
We are just getting prices/availability of rocks/pebbles/gravel to get our back garden into shape...all new experience for us. We've lived here for 20 yrs. but above our newsagent's business and were busy with work so didn't develop the garden. Now retired it's finally going to be more than just a dream :) Exciting and challenging all in one!
You'll have some surprises, Helen with your labels missing. Lots of fun ahead :)
5 Mar, 2011
I'm afraid my labeling is non existent. I only have a small garden but I still get a surprise every year. I'm a very much see it, like it, buy it, plant it, type of person LOL
5 Mar, 2011
How "FAB" is that! You'll love it! It's hard work, but, being a newsagent for all those years, up at the crack of dawn everyday, tells me that hard work is something you're not affraid of. You deserve every penny you spend Whistonlass, enjoy your retirement!
5 Mar, 2011
You and me both Teds! LOL! Get a machine, te he he!
5 Mar, 2011
I don't go in for lots of labels sticking up everywhere either teds. I'm like you, see it, like it, plant it, forget it!! lol...however, now that I have everything on my garden catalogue page on here, I dont need to have labels ...just plant them, make a note of their position and there you go! Actually I don't make a note of most things' positions, so when they come up I still get a surprise, but at least I can go to my page and i.d. them!
6 Mar, 2011
Wow. This is such a wonderful transformation that even the sun is shining! You now have such a pretty garden to look out on and I'm sure the people who live nearby are enjoying the view too. Well done, well worth the time and effort. :o)
17 Feb, 2011