Been Off
By hollyeves
Havnt been on here much this week what with hospital visit, blood test, where i must have picked up a bug as from Wednesday night ive had a bad stomach, sickness and generally feeling unwell….. have a funny head this morning and legs wont go… so not doing much again.. guess ive picked up a virus somewhere…..
The weather since Wednesday hasnt been good lots of rain and wind….. not very June like…..
Am going to catch up with you all over next few days….
18 Jun, 2011
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Previous post: Rainy Sunday.
Next post: Patio Today....
Oh get well soon Holly, sounds nasty, rest up so you can get back to gardening soon :o)
18 Jun, 2011
Thanks TT xxx
Thanks Sewingk XX
18 Jun, 2011
Plenty of bugs/virus' going around....hope you soon feel a lot better, Holly. Pleased that you are getting checked out so quickly with your bloodwork. Take it easy. x
18 Jun, 2011
I had the same thing last week, nasty, take care now and have plenty of fluids and put your feet up!
18 Jun, 2011
sorry to hear you are feeling poorly Holly, I do hope you will soon be back to your normal self, take care and keep warm,
18 Jun, 2011
Thanks everyone..... : O ))
18 Jun, 2011
Sorry to hear you are unwell Holly, just try to take it easy and hope you are soon feeling better;0)
18 Jun, 2011
Thanks pp... keep going back to bed for a while.. feel a little better so thought id come on here 4 a while....
18 Jun, 2011
Oh dear Holly, sorry to hear that, you take it easy and hope you are back on top form soon...
18 Jun, 2011
Thanks Lincslass..
18 Jun, 2011
Wishes for a speedy recovery Holly ... stay indoors out of the gale force winds! : o ))
18 Jun, 2011
thanks shirley....just put some bread out for birds... isnt the wind awful... dont feel a bit like doing anything ,so im
18 Jun, 2011
It's blowing in all directions too ... saves me pulling off the dead Cordyline leaves though! Take care of yourself and have a relaxing evening. : o ))
18 Jun, 2011
Thanks shirley....
18 Jun, 2011
Rain and wind here too Holly. I hope you are soon feeling better. Take it easy, drink lots of fluids and put your feet up. :o)
18 Jun, 2011
Hope you'll soon be feeling better Holly, at least you're not missing any lovely gardening weather.
take it easy and do let us know how you're getting on.
18 Jun, 2011
take care holly and get well, sorry you caught a nasty bug and at hospital to, not good really, so put your feet up and chill, thinking of you :o) x
18 Jun, 2011
oooooooooooo dear i do hope you are well soon hun ................ take care ok ................. x
18 Jun, 2011
awww Holly I hope you get sorted soon and take all the care you can - get well very soon (((((((((((())))))))))))))
18 Jun, 2011
Take care and hope you are fighting fit soon:)
18 Jun, 2011
I am sorry to hear you aren't well, take it easy,and rest..its an awful virus,and I know how you are feeling...get well soon :o)
18 Jun, 2011
Poor you, get well soon x
18 Jun, 2011
Glad you're back with us Holly...Good to know you are feeling better xx
18 Jun, 2011
Listen to your body Holly, take it easy for a bit. Hope you're feeling better very soon and with a bit of luck the weather will improve for your return to the garden.
19 Jun, 2011
Arrr thank you all for all your lovely comments. Im feeling a bit better today but still not eating much ive gone off my cups of tea as well, so know im not back to normal a bit better today and not quite so windy, tomorrows forcast doesnt sound to good though wet and windy.... lets hope the sun comes back and stays for a while very soon....
19 Jun, 2011
Glad you're feeling a bit better Holly - take care of yourself :):):):):):)
19 Jun, 2011
I hope you're feeling better Holly. I haven't been on here myself for a while either. It can be overwhelming sometimes, especially if you don't feel well.
Take care :o) x
20 Jun, 2011
Thanks paul....
Thanks Hywel.. nice to see you back again....ive just put a pic on of the pulmonaria you gave me....: O )
20 Jun, 2011
so sorry to hear you have been unwell, and hope u are feeling a bit better now, we have had awful weather cold, windy and very wet, but the sun has just come out hope it comes to you as well .....
24 Jun, 2011
Thanks Cazcat.. im feeling a lot better now... been dry and sunny today with the usual sea winds.... : O ))
24 Jun, 2011
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10 Oct, 2008
Hello Holly..
I hope you feel better soon.
Sky will keep you amused and look after you ;o)
18 Jun, 2011