Just found the site!
Having just found the site by browsing looking for Garden Centres (!) couldn’t resist joining up having read loads of the fantastic blogs. Haven’t any photo’s to add today due to taking the afternoon off and going out. What else would you do on a day that is overcast, raining and freezing cold but go to a garden centre?
I could sit indoors and sell things on eBay to make some money to buy plants, or I could put on the wax jacket, boots and woolly hat (nearly June) and go to the garden centre and drool over the plants. Having travelled all that way and wasted all that petrol, you just have to justify the expense by buying lots of plants, otherwise it’s a waste!
More to add to the collection waiting to go in the garden, couldn’t resist a Cornus Kousa Chinensis, always wanted one only to find they don’t like our soil being acid lovers. This one will live in a huge pot till it gets too big, then I might have to hire a digger to dig a big hole and fill with compost, couldn’t dig one that big, it takes a pickaxe (literally) to break up a hole big enough for a shrub.
Enough of all that, hopefully tomorrow there will be a break in the clouds enough to take some photo’s and show some of the garden – good and bad.
29 May, 2013
Next post: A bit about the garden!
Welcome to GOY. Warning - this site is addictive. But we're all plantaholics :-)
29 May, 2013
Welcome to GOY you have been warned this site is addictive lol but enjoy browsing blogging and finding out your never to old to learn something new .
29 May, 2013
I agree with Andrewr
You say just found this site " didnt know we we're lost"
Well you learn something new everyday.
29 May, 2013
Welcome to Goy, the answers easy, go stircrazy after three days of the good ole British summertime cos you've once again caught up with the housework, or come onto goy and garden in the armchair with like-minded people...
29 May, 2013
Welcome to Goy crasy weather it feels and looks more like Autumn.Cold winds and some rain showers not a lot of rain.
30 May, 2013
If we can't DO gardening we TALK gardening :) Welcome to GOY Honeysuckle..
30 May, 2013
And it`s a warm welcome from me to!
30 May, 2013
And from me......must be getting on for four years now since I found Goy.........I,ve learnt so much, found some beautiful plants and gardens from all over the world.....but more than that I found lovely likeminded people who love their gardens and love laughter too xxx
30 May, 2013
Welcome to GOY ..Look forward to your pic's
30 May, 2013
Welcome to GoY! I've only been here since February but I'm addicted already!
30 May, 2013
And here is your blog :o) I found it !
... so Welcome to GoY :o))
31 May, 2013
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cornus are beautiful ~ hope it does well for you ~ and hope there is some sun tomorrow ~ looks like the weekend might be better?
29 May, 2013