Bressingham Gardens, Norfolk
After my last blog about the rats I thought I would write something that was more readable and pretty! But be warned there are loads of photo’s.
OH decided out of the blue that a visit to Bressingham Gardens would be good. Influenced by Gardeners World who said it was the 50 year anniversary of The Dell garden.
So last Sunday the weather was lovely and we went to visit.
It is a few years since we went last and then it was really to take our Grandson to visit the trains which are there also. Lots of trains, some static and some which you can ride around the perimeter of the gardens on.
Bressingham Hall is an estate covering 220 acres (not all garden of course), purchased by Alan Bloom in 1946, details here:
The main garden around Bressingham Hall is laid out in island beds, devised and planned by Alan Bloom and the last time we visited the beds were just showing the growth of the perennials. This time they were in full bloom and stunning. The entrance is just a taste of the wonderful layout.
With the huge splashes of colour and the backdrop of mature trees, as well as this one with lovely red peeling bark, it just set it all off beautifully.
Picturesque stone and brick bridge over an inviting path, the folly or brick building for sitting and admiring the view.
The main house and some of the beds.
These tall (as me) white flowers were stunning, not sure what they were as couldn’t see the label, but the ones at the front are Solidago.
There were prostrate Clematis growing through some beds, not one I recognised at all.
This white grass was stunning but the label I took a photo of doesn’t seem to relate to the grass!
Lots of clumps of the smaller flowering Kniphofia, some bred by the Blooms. Other blocks of colour and I have a soft spot for Sedums.
Just stunning flowers everywhere you looked, these were everywhere, tall and stately in bold blocks of colour, made my one at home look sad!
Thank you for getting this far! That was the top garden and from there we went down to Foggy Bottom which is Adrian Bloom’s garden, full of wonderful conifers, shrubs and heathers. More of that on my next blog.
15 Sep, 2017
Previous post: Oh Rats!!
Next post: Autumn and Winter lack of gardening
That's looks like a great place to visit - lots of colour and a really peaceful feel.I love the bridge too. Fancy having a plant in your own garden named after you!
Interesting to see the ground cover clems - I've been wondering whether to give one a go next year.
15 Sep, 2017
Oh now that's my idea of a day well spent, I must add it to our list of places to visit, the mass planting looks amazing, I'm quite taken with the white grass.. Lovely photo's Honey, I have a book upstairs on Foggy Bottom so looking forward to your next part, thankyou for sharing...
15 Sep, 2017
It's one of my favourite gardens.It is a few years since we visited it so perhaps it is time to visit it again. Do they still have the garden centre ,a lot of my plants came from there ? Lovely photos.
15 Sep, 2017
Thank you all for ploughing through all the photo's. It really is a stunning place and very well kept. Grass edgings crisp and sharp! Wouldn't it be nice to have a bridge like that Karen, even without water it just has that rustic feel.
I agree with you Stera, having a plant in the garden with your name on it must give a sense of achievement. There are lots of 'Bressingham' plants, Agapanthus and Montbretias to name a couple.
I don't think I can live up to a book on Foggy Bottom Lincslass, but that depends on the age of the book of course. I have one of Adrian Blooms books on conifers which is ancient and shows his garden in it's infancy, with loads of spaces around the conifers and being there last week, then coming back and looking at the book, it's amazing how it's filled in!
It truly is a favourite garden Marjorie and well worth a visit, for those that have an OH who doesn't like gardening there's always the engines to look round, but my hubby enjoyed the plants, so there's hope yet, not that I think he will ever turn into a gardener, but he did buy a conifer he took a fancy to!
The garden centre which I think decades ago used to be Blooms own is now a Wyevale GC so not of much interest to me, but I went and looked anyway. But you can download the Bressingham Nursery mail order catalogue here:
I haven't dared to look yet!
15 Sep, 2017
It looks a very interesting place. I remember them talking about it on Gardener's World last week :)
15 Sep, 2017
Thanks for sharing your lovely day out. It's YEARS since I visited, and will definitely try to go again next summer because those beautiful island beds are an inspiration. I seem to remember that they publish an excellent catalogue - well illustrated - for tempting mail order!
16 Sep, 2017
One of my treasures, a hosta Bressingham Blue, is the most wonderful showpiece. It's leaves are huge, heartshaped, ruffled and the prettiest blue. The flower on my avatar is the bloom of the BBH.
All those wonderful drifts of colour too.. just breathtaking. I have so many solidago plants that I've been on a mission to control them so that other things can have a chance... It's a very common plant (dare I say weed) here that spreads like wildfire. It's interesting to see the features of the many varieties, though. All nicely tamed for better gardens than mine! lol... In mine it has been relegated to the margins of the forest and it blooms quite happily at the same time as the ciliolate and novae angliae asters. A pretty combo of mauve and gold.
looking forward to the next blog, honeysuckle~
21 Sep, 2017
Lovely blog.....fantastic gardens....
3 Jan, 2018
You are of course right Sheila, it inspires you to make more of the forgotten corners.
I too have Solidago, probably not a plant I would have bought myself, it's the common one, but OH took a fancy to it and you just can't put a non-gardener down if they like something! So now it just gets split and dotted elsewhere when it decides to take over. Like you Lori I tend to relegate it up onto the field where eventually it can romp to it's hearts content, for the insects and bees. I love the Novae Angliae asters, but I think the peacocks ate mine, or perhaps the rabbits!
Thanks Dotty for reading all of my latest blogs. I love it when people take the trouble to read them, like talking in the flesh to friends. No good muttering to OH about cuttings, pests and the emergence of seedlings and perennials - just washes over the top of his head!
4 Jan, 2018
Your welcome I have enjoyed catching up......
5 Jan, 2018
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I really enjoyed the tour Honeysuckle! Its a lovely place and I just adored the bridge and the planting in that area.
15 Sep, 2017