Fenland skies
The weather here has been quite impressive, when you can avoid the rain! According to the forecasters, rain would be sweeping across the Fens for most of the day, but not so!
Two loads of washing done and dry, before it went a bit quiet and still, usually presaging some rain. So the washing came in and a quick heavy shower and it was gone again.
Somewhere during the day I decided that I would take some photos of the huge, stunning, amazing Fenland skies. For anyone who lives in a built-up area the amount of sky can be overwhelming.
I have left some land, trees or houses in the bottom of the photos to give some scale, I have had to crop quite a lot of the sky off to get them to size! In the background of some are huge electricity pylons, which will give you some scale.
All the photos were taken within half an hour of each other and the shades in the sky are truth, not photo enhanced.
The next few are of various main drains and creeks that cover the Fens and are superb habitats.
The next few pictures are of the Middle Level Main Drain which was completed in about 1843. Drains are straight as a die, creeks are the ones that curve, but both have important jobs to drain the land – and make sure I don’t get flooded!! Photos with the skies prominent of course.
Natty little single-track bridges cross many of the drains, many with sensor traffic lights. Not much traffic follows many of these roads.
Yet more open skies.
Victorian lady picking up her skirts to tiptoe through the marshland.
Stark reminders of just how open it all is.
This one has the main road (!) past our house in the foreground, keep to the road or you might end up in a dyke! For those of you who don’t know, a dyke is an even smaller drainage ditch and nothing to do with the slang term.
There you go! Another blog that has rambled on. It might look barren and the wind does howl across the open fields, but at night there is no light pollution and the stars are like a blanket!
26 Feb, 2020
Previous post: The sun is shining!!!
Next post: It's wild!
Stunning landscapes. I love the fenlands. such diversity.
26 Feb, 2020
and photos I meant to add. :o)))
26 Feb, 2020
Reminds me of some the the midwestern states - Kansas, Oklahoma. We call them pancake states, ha ha. Love your photos and your description. Beautiful landscape in the Fens.
26 Feb, 2020
Never ending skies of The Fenlands, we love them, one hill / slope compared to some, lol, between my hometown and then its flat all the way to The Wash, our son lives in Boston so we do travel them a fair bit, days like today we'd be hard pushed to keep the car steady as that wind must be ripping across those fields.. Lovely photographs Honey....
27 Feb, 2020
Beautiful dramatic skies, Honeysuckle. Fenland/the Fens is/are such beautiful areas of the country.
27 Feb, 2020
Lovely. I do love Skyscapes. The night sky must be wonderful. I haven't seen it without light pollution for years, so I'm quite envious. Lovely quality of light in all the photos. Thanks for your blog.
27 Feb, 2020
You can see why 3d., before photos, it must have been really inspiring trying to capture the splendour and just plain vastness of the skies.
Diversity, Seaburn, now there's a word that doesn't get much given to Fenland, but fits perfectly. The first think most people say is 'flat' but when you think of the wetland where so many wild birds come as a haven for the winter, OH saw a Bittern the other day - in a ditch! And watching the Buzzards and Kites soaring up and up for what seems like miles makes you really envious, so though we might not have the majestic old Oaks and Beeches and woodlands, we have our compensations.
I can imagine Bathgate that it would. I have never seen those areas except on TV, but the vastness does remind you. Hopefully we won't get the dust storms that are associated with those states - they may well be yet another 'label' that gets bunged on an area that is only part true!
Ah! Boston stump, Lincslass. I believe you can see that for miles before you get there. And how many of our Boston people went off the the USA to name their Boston? When you look into local history and genealogy (which I do) it's amazing how many East Anglian people just upped and left for the US. Not like the Irish who died in such vast numbers, but just I suppose for a less hard life - let's hope they found it.
Thanks Kate, not everyone's cup of tea, the massive spaces and lack of some facilities might not appeal, but we do have some civilisation, don't we Lincslass?
The night sky is open, vast and makes you realise just how unimportant most of our woes are in the grand scheme. One of my neighbours, (we don't have many but the Council is working on it!) moved from in a town and can't get over the skies, he's up at dawn to watch the sun come up and out again to watch it set. Long may that novelty last.
28 Feb, 2020
"rows and flows of angelhair..
and icecream castles in the air..
and feather canyons, everywhere...
I've looked at clouds that way..."
you live in "big sky country" like our western provinces...
I also live in a pocket of dark sky... and the stars seem to sit on the treetops! Terry and I have remarked that we could never return to the city... even for the convenience as we age. The Fens deceive the eye.. like the prairies. a person who is not familiar with them does not see the diversity but a good trudge will soon bring awareness of the distance, and especially when walking against the wind!
28 Feb, 2020
So beautiful, and also for some reason these landscapes make me feel very lonely. And exposed..like I could be lifted and carried away on the wind at any time. I enjoyed looking at your photos very much HoneyS. :)
28 Feb, 2020
Love the lyrics Lori, I had forgotten about them, but so apt! I agree with you and Terry, no city life for me. Sadly the council are allowing the filling in of all the little pockets of land along the road. Used to be a road, now re-sorted by the Council into a village, no amenities, no shops, Church, pub, but we are a village.
People are selling off bits of their garden, why would you do that, to have a house within a few feet of you? In-comers moan about no street lights, no pavements, mud on the road from the tractors, too many tractors! The list is endless, so why move here?
Rant over. Back to my little bit of land where the meadow is starting to become home to the dispossessed creatures from the mono-culture farmland with lack of hedges. Partridges nested last year, this year I WANT Pheasants nesting.
I can understand the loneliness bit Karen, wind blowing through the reeds, trees bent from the wind when they were growing and empty ploughed fields - all make you think of abandonment! As for the being lifted and carried away, to watch the Buzzards doing just that makes you jealous!
29 Feb, 2020
so many people on our poor little globe... it's moaning. thank goodness you're holding onto your little sanctuary, Honeysuckle. don't blame you for ranting. makes a person want to build their own Motte and Bailey doesn't it? do you have any wind turbines like they have in Scotland?
2 Mar, 2020
Motte and Bailey, now there's a thought! We are technically on a flood plain, though the water is managed so well here with sluices and pumps that everything would have to fail before we were in any danger. Still having a Motte. with the bailey to keep all the animals in (and burglars out) would be lovely, just some small holes for the hedgehogs and such like to travel.
Wind turbines are everywhere, lots of single ones which supply out-lying farms, some little groups and one or two bigger ones. Fenland lends itself to these, due to the open landscape. Lots of off-shore ones around our coast and more in the planning!
3 Mar, 2020
Super sky pictures ... so many clouds full of contrast and character.. Well done !
7 Mar, 2020
Thanks Terra. Sometimes I just feel that a I would like to record some of the vastness of the Fens, before we get built on too much! The skies will of course still be there but probably more concealed by light pollution.
8 Mar, 2020
Big storms and tornadoes out in Kansas & Missouri this weekend as you mentioned.
8 Mar, 2020
Breathtaking! I hope the Victorian lady makes it across without too much mud on her skirt :-)
7 Apr, 2020
Glad to see you back Bornagain. I have a strange liking for these monstrous pylons, bit 'war of the worlds' and a bit 'end of the world leftovers', not that I would want one at the end of my garden!
7 Apr, 2020
Me neither:-)
7 Apr, 2020
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You can see why artist painted those skies.
26 Feb, 2020