Some of the garden flowers
I seem to write a blog about anything and everything apart from flowers, so this one is a trip around some of the flowers that have been, or are, in bloom over the last month.
My favourite at the moment is the wild Greater Stitchwort (Stellaria holostea) which is a mass of white at the moment with it’s starry flowers.
This one was a small piece which came from the bank of my daughter’s old house. Tiny fragment, nurtured like any exotic flower as this is one of the flowers of my childhood. It grew in abundance along the lanes and on the banks, before the days of multi pesticides, so it’s precious. Tiny starry flowers which were always called Soldiers buttons in Norfolk, but has lots of other names.
It lives in what was designated as a wild area, for the moths, butterflies and insects to inhabit. Sadly it has always been infested with not only Ground Elder, but Bindweed too, so the overall effect is not quite what I envisioned! Sharing this dry bed is the Leucanthemum which would take a direct bomb hit to dislodge. It seeds itself quite happily everywhere, but when in flower makes up for it.
Here it has spread around the base of the cherry tree which is now just a support for the Clematis. The pigeons killed the tree, don’t let anyone tell you they don’t do any harm. They ate every emerging bud from the tree and it eventually just gave up the ghost.
Two lilacs, firstly the dark plain purple one which I wrote a question on, which is in desperate need of a radical prune come the winter.
Secondly one which my OH and I bought on one of the rare trips to the nursery together. Nursery trips are usually done alone, while he is at work, so no-one but me knows just how many plants came home in the car. Now he is working from home, so how that will work later, I am not sure. I am not planning on any trips to the G.C. for a while, I think it’s too early for much mixing!
Next a few of the Iris’s, a Rose won in a raffle a few years back which grows against my shed (Yes, I do have net curtains in my shed!) and the climbing tobacco plant which has rambled to a height of about 15 ft over the old Leylandii.
I had to take one of the Genista which was a tiny plant and got stuffed into the corner of the Heather bed until I found it a permanent home. Looks like this is the permanent home now, and it is a quite impressive dome when in flower, even if it is prickly to weed around. Peacocks always get in the way, but he looks quite good against the yellow.
The Peony is a lovely colour, fleeting in it’s flowering period and very messy when it sheds it’s petals. A plant that takes up a lot of room for a short burst of colour.
The Grevillea (not sure of the variety) which the bees adore.
Under that and the other shrubs is the variegated strawberry. This came as a small plant in a pot and wanted to colonise the world, so it got let out to make a carpet under the shrubs. Strangely I always thought that this had a pink flower!
What are we left with that I took photos of? The Lupins and Delphiniums starting to flower, the Cardoon taking over, perhaps it will suppress the weeds in that bed. A corner of the frog pond which is starting to mature, apart from the creeping Campanulas which the peacocks like to eat. And the pansies/violas which I think were grown from seed last year and are a splendid colour spread in lots of places.
Last and definitely least is the moss. I do a lot of my weeding and general gardening sitting or kneeling on the ground as I have arthritis in my back so it doesn’t like to bend for long. While you are down that low you see lots of things, insects, ants nest and mini plants. Two different mosses, one a forest pine tree to mini beasts and the other the moss the birds glean for their nests.
Thanks for reading this far, now I must go and stake trees which have got a bit wobbly in the wind we have just had.
15 May, 2020
Previous post: Tree rats!
Next post: More Spring to Summer flowers
Great to know what the stellaria is - we have one self seeded in our border and I was wondering what it was.
Your plants are lovely, particularly the irises, even if they are fleeting. The coffee-coloured one is particularly striking. Do you have a name for it?
Your peacock is a great poser, his colour contrast with the gorse is particularly impressive! Quite the dandy.
I've never seen the variegated strawberry. such a pretty plant.
Thanks for showing.
15 May, 2020
What a glorious garden you have and it is beautifully looked after.
The favourite flower of mine, which really caught my eye is your brown petalled iris - I think it is lovely.
15 May, 2020
Great blog, loved your photos.
15 May, 2020
Your blogs are always interesting and I enjoyed this one too. There are Stitchworts in the hedgerows all around here, and I have some Leucanthemums in my garden. I love them so always keep some in a 'wild' corner.
Your lilacs are beautiful, as are all the others. I've never seen a variegated strawberry. It's very pretty and would look nice with pink flowers. I used to have a green one with pink flowers but it died off.
The mosses are fascinating aren't they :)
15 May, 2020
Lovely blog, HSG! You have some really pretty colours in your garden. I looked up Cardoon and Stellaria as I hadn’t heard the names. I release the former is the artichoke thistle.
15 May, 2020
Nice to see Stitchwort in a garden. When our firstborn was two I began to try to teach him wildflower names and this was the first one because the roadsides had lots of it. But he had no interest at all in any kind of plants. And now he has an ecology degree and works doing surveys...
But he still hates daffodils for some reason.
You have some lovely plants there - such a pleasure to look round!
15 May, 2020
Thanks Sunnydais, of course it has no label but would assume it is Grevillea Banksii, but don't quote me on that! it is hardy and has been outside for a few years now. Bought as a small 'shrublet' in a small pot, the GC were selling small rooted cuttings of the larger shrubs, cheaper, but you have to wait!
16 May, 2020
I have a great passion for wild flowers Anget, not to the point of mania, but with sorrow that they are all disappearing from the countryside. Big guilt trip when I have to pull up something, but I try to leave as many as possible. We have a field which I am trying to add wild flowers (as well as the over-spill from the front garden) to, a hedge-bottom layer would be great and I have added Campions, Violets, grasses, Lamium as well as bulbs. I had to fence a portion off as though we have Buttercups growing on the field anyway, the ones I transferred had their leaves trimmed by the geese. They also had the tops off most of the others I planted. What with the two geese girls, two chickens and a cockerel who also like to dig things up, the fenced bit was getting desperate!
16 May, 2020
Thanks for the comment Wildrose, sadly the garden looks better on the photos than in reality. The grass never goes brown from the heat because we are on clay and it's not really grass, mostly buttercup, Selfheal and moss - but looks good from the distance!
The Iris is a lovely colour, I don't know the name sadly. Somewhere I have a box which contains the labels of the plants, I can't leave them out, they get moved around - peacocks and blackbirds are the main culprits, just have to pull them out. The "beautifully looked after" bit has been helped by the lock-down and I am slowly working my way round the various bits of the garden removing weeds, nettles and loads of dead-nettles. More guilt by doing the latter as the bees adore them and after I have dug them up, still fly round looking for them - Oops!
16 May, 2020
Thanks Linda for your kind comment, I do get a bit carried away when I get round to taking photos and the lock-down does mean I get to read GOY a bit more and add some blogs. So as long as we are all keeping safe, it's not all bad.
16 May, 2020
Thanks Hywel for saying the blogs are interesting, I try to make them so adding, hopefully, something for everyone. Not sure where the Strawberry came from, I know it sat in a pot on the corner of the Iris bed for a couple of years. I shall keep an eye on it now as (unless the brain is on the blink) I am sure it had pink flowers! Perhaps I had your green one with the pink flowers as well as this one and am confusing the two. If it gets too rampant it will have to go and live up on the field with the other overspill. The Stitchwort can spread as much as it likes and I will be rooting some of it and putting it in various places so it's not an 'eggs in one basket' plant.
16 May, 2020
Not sure the Cardoon is in the right place Kate! There were two tiny seedling pots bought from the G.C. for 50p pot last year. They got stuffed in there as a warm, sunny spot with the intention of perhaps moving them - not going to happen now! Had to put Cardoon as though it is the artichoke thistle there are so many regional names, it can get confusing. The Stellaria I had to look up as I had always known it as Soldier's Buttons which would have been a name other people might well not know!
16 May, 2020
Thanks Stera, glad to hear that someone else likes it. Quite honestly unless you knew it was a wild flower it could pass for a cultivated one. It does look decidedly less attractive later, but then so do lots of plants after flowering! My daughter, now 51 (where did that go?) used to get pushed along the country roads on the 6 mile walk to her Grandmothers and we collected wild flowers on the way. By the time we got there she would have a (slightly soggy) bunch of flowers to present. My Son, 31 (re-marriage accounts for him!) was also brought up learning the flowers, trees and bugs and now tells everyone that his Mother knows the name of all the wild flowers - not true by the way, but something must have sunk in! Now your Son has his ecology degree perhaps all that early work did take hold.
16 May, 2020
lovely amble through your garden lots and lots going on in there, even a bit of wildlife with the peacock, do really like that brownie coloured iris, not very often you see that colour on a flower.
17 May, 2020
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Absolutely full of colour - well done! I need to look up Grevillea...........thank you!
15 May, 2020