More strange goings on!
By ian_digs_v2
I mentioned, in my last blog, that we had experienced the back door opening by itself. Well last night it opened four times before I locked and bolted it and wedged a stool under the handle.
Whatever happened caused the optical sensor of my camera to burn out. The camera is in the repair shop now but I was able to recover the following footage from the “SD” (memory) card.
I guess I am going to have to believe there is something happening that I can’t explain but it still doesn’t sway me that we will have to move.
You can watch the first clip by clicking here
Until any one of us gets hurt or disturbed by “whatever” then I’m quite happy to give it a stern warning and leave things as they are!
5 Oct, 2010
Previous post: The Chook-house is finally finished (well almost!)
Next post: A bit of fun making a special effects video!
OMG what ever next Ian. it is all very weird, i,ve watched the video over and over and can't see anything either.keep us posted.
5 Oct, 2010
And when you bolt and lock the door everything stays closed? It is all strange to say the least.
I'd just keep bolting the door to avoid the repeat performance.
5 Oct, 2010
watching this gave me cold shivers.... it seems you do have some sort of spirit activity going on.... glad it doesnt sppok you out....
5 Oct, 2010
C'mon Ian, you're running round the back aren't you? lol
5 Oct, 2010
I thought I am the only one who experienced this paranormal activities. Ian if you have a mirror facing your door remove it, they use it as their portal, but for me as long as nobody get sick in the family, I'll share my house. they are a part of nature anyway.
5 Oct, 2010
Ooh err Ian... I wouldn't want to move, but I would be seeking a way of resolving whatever the issue is...
5 Oct, 2010
Must be something 'physical' on the outside ... surely a ghostie would manage to open a locked door :)
Nah, nae buying it!
5 Oct, 2010
Ian you made me B..........dy Jump with that!!!!!!.Glad its not evening. Its not nice is it and not even Halloween....Sorry about your camera, hope it won`t be too costly a job.. I`ve calmed down now so going to have another look..
On a lighter note, that does happen here on a regular basis but ours is caused by a very naughty Brynner , if we need him outside for a while we have to lock the door, he`s even taught Morgan how to open the kitchen door.
5 Oct, 2010
I don't know about that Donna - I had a friend at school who lived in an old house where the same thing happened on a regular basis. They, like Ian, discovered that a bolt did the trick, but then the doorknobs on the internal doors were regularly rattled instead...
5 Oct, 2010
Just a thought... have you put the safety chain on as well ?
5 Oct, 2010
I must admit to being a bit of a sceptic But why does the clip not play for me?
5 Oct, 2010
I live in an old house with doors that open on their own, but it is just the wind from the open window in the bathroom. In your case it is very strange that the handle is pressed down. Put it this way, even if it is a person doing it, it is a very unkind trick to play. It is frightening either way.
5 Oct, 2010
Hi all,
firstly if the camera had been a cheap one I wouldn't have bothered to get the sensor replaced but as it is I will be forking out an absolute fortune for it. (not as much as replacing the camera though)
All I know about this door opening is, I'm sure the wind and air pressure can do some amazing things but I have yet to see them turn a door handle!
As for me running around the back to do it, if the video had been 15 minutes long then I would have had the chance to get round there but not in the time span there is! Lol.
I'm not "spooked" by this kind of thing at all. Until I get solid evidence to the contrary I have to believe there is a rational explanation for all the recent things that have been going on.
I'm not sure why it wont play for you Pamg but if you go to this address you can watch it there.
Copy and paste this link into your browser and it should take you straight to it!
5 Oct, 2010
Ian - air pressure will cause sufficient force on a door latch to cause it to retract into the door, thereby cause the door handle to lower. I see nothing in your video that confirms an alternate suggestion. The door is not locked, bolted or chained, and clearly does not fit snug to the jamb. Airy fairies are just that.
5 Oct, 2010
A bit scary, Ian. I admit to feeling a trifle nervous, more from anticipation than any fear.
I don't think it can be from differing air pressures in/outside of house otherwise why would the handle go down several times before the door opened & why didn't the door open with more of a "rush" rather than slowly? Why would it also stop for a moment then start up again till it was completely open? No, air pressure doesn't do it for me.
5 Oct, 2010
hi ian sorry i missed this but here now and i saw something on the last slow part, it was like a bright small orb or light, very clear to me, but that could be me, cause when i went to a physcic lady years ago on a few occasions, she told me i had spiritual sences, i have seen things before on a couple of occasions,i got a strange feling while watching this video to, but not bad feelings, someone comming home,, maybe you should try find something out about the land your bungalow is on, something from the past, dont be affraid its the living we sgould be afraid off ;o))
5 Oct, 2010
Balcony - the handle would move several times if the differing air pressure did not equalize on the first instant. The "rush" you mention, is clearly avoided by the several movements alliminating a large descrepency in pressure. The stoppage is evidence of pressure equalization, and the further movement simply a draft. As I said earlier, believing something is so, does not make it so. I certainly would welcome alternative suggestions from you, to assist Ian in solving this dilemma.
5 Oct, 2010
Hi Balcony,
I am refusing to let this upset me and I won't be losing any sleep over it, that's for sure. I have to admit I too dismissed air pressure due to one factor!
San, where did you see the "orb"? I've been researching paranormal activity on line and there is a lot of references to orbs.
Jason, I am very grateful to you for offering an alternative to the more popular belief that whatever opened that door "must" be paranormal but as I said to Balcony I have one problem with your theory and that is the kitchen door was slid shut and there were no windows open. There was no sudden changes in the rest of the house (ie, doors or windows being opened) as I was reading comments on GoY and Carol was watching TV. Our 7 yr old was fast asleep in bed and to top it all the doors in this house are quite heavy and are balanced to keep them in one position (due to us both needing wheelchairs). There wasn't much of a breeze last night and I think it would have taken a real gust to move it!
I have to say though Jason, I have also dismissed ghosts, spirits and aliens until I get the necessary proof.
Not to worry, we will get to the bottom of it I'm sure and then I will take action (if any is needed)
5 Oct, 2010
I have been doing some more research and while I'm not at all convinced of the existence of an "afterlife" I must conclude, at this point and until I get any further evidence, the only logical course of action is to explore ALL possibilities! Not believing in something does not mean it doesn't exist, surely?
By evidence I don't mean video footage of things moving but absolute proof of what moved them.
6 Oct, 2010
paranormal is contrary from normal. Any leap of faith into any kind of belief structure will have a human origin and therefore be a fabrication of the human mind.
"Not believing in something does not mean it doesn't exist, surely?" is actually not strictly true, after all, you can choose not to believe in something that others do, but because of a lack of education, both parties may not be aware that the subject is false or true.
For example, most people on this planet believe that the moon orbits the earth, and the earth orbits the sun. That's it. Full stop.
This actually is not strictly true.
I would suggest that the solution to your problem may well be along similar lines; far closer to home than any leap of faith.
6 Oct, 2010
This blog is very interesting,I am enjoying reading everybody's idea's.
6 Oct, 2010
Ah just get the minister round for a cup of tea and excorcise (sp) the place. Job done!!
6 Oct, 2010
"For example, most people on this planet believe that the moon orbits the earth, and the earth orbits the sun. That's it. Full stop.
This actually is not strictly true."
I can't wait to hear your explanation of this!
Donnaj1dlh, I'm slightly embarrassed to ask one! Lol
6 Oct, 2010
Hi Mavis,
Sorry I missed you out in my last comment!
I think this is subject is something everyone (believers or not) enjoy and it seems we all have differing opinions!
6 Oct, 2010
Hello Ian ... no problems, it is everybody's different opinions that are making this a good blog I think.How are things with you today?
6 Oct, 2010
We're not to bad, thank you Mavis.
Carol had a fall the other day (nothing serious) and I am just plodding along, as usual! Lol.
I hope you are keeping OK?
6 Oct, 2010
Jasonf,you remind me of my younger son - mention anything remotely metaphysical to him, and he goes off into one - as far as he's concerned, if you can't touch it, see it, or prove its existence, it doesn't exist, lol! Scientist's mind I reckon... and I must add I'm not suggesting you've "gone off into one", though the rest applies.
6 Oct, 2010
I had this argument with a former lecturer once. He said that because he was a scientist, he had to believe in God as the chances of human life starting "by accident" were so slim as to be negligible. My argument was that, surely if there is any possibility of that "chance" occurring, no matter how small, then it would be wrong to dismiss it! Similarly here, if there is no evidence to disprove the existence of "spirits, ghosts or (I suppose) little green men" then surely we shouldn't rule them out as a possible answer to the occurrences?
6 Oct, 2010
crikey Bamboo, the last time I went "into one", I was left talking to myself, and so far, you and others are still here, so I can't be doing too bad.
"if you can't touch it, see it, or prove its existence, it doesn't exist" is another one of those misnomers, in that there are things that don't exist, of which their existence can be witnessed - that's a real mind blower for physicists!!! Quatum mechanics deals with the probabilities of existence and non-existence, in that dark matter rules the universe, yet nobody has seen any yet, but we know it's there. Apparently.
It's like creation. Just because 99% of the population "believe" that this happened a long time ago, doesn't alter the fact that it didn't. It's just a good way of helping non-physicists to understand a process.
Likewise Ian, the earth and moon. What you know is true, to a point, but the earth also rotates beyond it's own diameter. The moon, although it doesn't rotate, it does "orbit" beyond it's own diameter too. This is because of the gravitational pull between the two bodies. Think of two concentric circles. It's like a fulcrum on a see-saw. In reality, the fulcrum point between the earth and moon, is about 1,000 miles beneath the earths crust, and this changes year by year as the moon pulls further and further away from us.
So you see, Ian, just because "everyone" "believes" something to be true, does not make it so, no matter how much in the majority they are.
Here endeth the lesson for today ;)
6 Oct, 2010
As we are in the middle of a muddle here Ian due to the house being modernised ,I am doing okay,tell Carol to take care.
6 Oct, 2010
I will Mavis (and often do) but it never seems to make any difference! Lol
I hope your muddle sorts itself out PDQ for you and you are not much longer stuck in the middle of it!
6 Oct, 2010
6 Oct, 2010
Ah yes,quantum mechanics, physics, etc. - must be disconcerting for those scientific minded people to know that something must be there, but you can't prove it is, and can only give it a name like "dark matter" (bell ringing here, something about dark waves, recent?). Horticulturalists are certain there are hormones working inside plants - but no one's proved they're there, all you can do is assume they are because of the way the plant works... I remember my learned brother in law telling me that, whilst it looks like research in various fields seems to indicate we know a lot, in reality, the estimated amount of certain knowledge is about 2%... That's an awful lot of ignorance, lol!
6 Oct, 2010
crikey, yes Bamboo. It's like advances in medical research, whereby at our present rate of progress it is calculated that for every day that we live, we will be increasing our lifespan by 5hrs.
This is seriously good news for me, as it seems I will be living 12 years longer than it would have been calculated when I was born.
Of course, this also applies to Ian, who might just need all these extra years just to work out what his flappy doors are up too!!! :)
6 Oct, 2010
I don't believe that for a minute though Jason - the bit about increasing life span, that is. I suspect any advances by the medical fraternity are more than offset by increasing levels of pollutants in the environment, not to mention the human capacity for being architects of their own destruction, at a very individual level and more widely. I smoke, for instance...
6 Oct, 2010
ian as the door was almost fully open a light like orb was about in line with handle and also saw a faint light to the left lower door frame, i checked again and saw it again, and a strange feeling within me, truley
6 Oct, 2010
well i think we live longer because we know more and can get medical help which keeps us going, a bit like if you fix your car it will run longer, thats it, i smoke to bamboo, and we all know its not good, but on the other hand i know plenty of people who have died early and not smoked or drank, i feel when its your time then thats it, simples ;o))
6 Oct, 2010
smoking though is a prime cause of artery disease. I suspect that years ago a heart attack would have been the final straw, whereas today, by way of example, an ambulance can get you into a cardiac unit, stents can be fitted, and a life saved for many years to come.
Environmental pollutants do have a debilertating effect, but can be offset by dietry management - not all country folk live longer than townies.
Your "belief" Bamboo, is somewhat misplaced, as these very "offsets" were considered as the basis for the equation.
It is generally true to say that what we do in our 20's, affects us in our 40's, and what we do in our 30's, affects us in our 50's. However, the fundamental base is always your genes. If you come from "bad" stock, any recifying procedures will always be compromised.
Sanbaz, as you seem to be so observent, try a similar procedure with the sound. Turn up the volume, and shut your eyes, and focus intently upon the beathing patterns. Enough said.
6 Oct, 2010
I'm so glad this is not happening in my house Ian! Good luck
6 Oct, 2010
OMG Jason, is that what you have based your whole disbelief theory on? The sound of our ICE MAKER! ! ! !
It's not anyone "breathing" at all.
6 Oct, 2010
Thanks Lily, it seems we posted together there!
6 Oct, 2010
I'm creasing up with laughter here...and hubby is joining in! The Ice Maker! lol
6 Oct, 2010
My son has looked at your video, Ian. He reckons he can see a shadow at two points in the video....on your bolt fixture 1.11 and again at 1.16?
He has used photoshop to enlarge that part of the photo and says..."it's VERY obvious at 1:11 that something like a person passes behind the camera...! (if you know where to look)"
Wonder what you think, Ian. My son has sent me the photoshop photos but I don't know how to post them here. If you want to see them then send me a pm with your email addy and I'll forward them to you. And check out your video again and see what you can see at those two times he mentions.
The mystery continues.........
6 Oct, 2010
a "disbelief theory"? Oh dear, not at all Ian. I'm simply saying that ghosts and goblins are a fabrication of the human mind. What remains is natural phenomina or fiddly fingers. Being wise after the event doesn't really do it for me.
7 Oct, 2010
Well excuse me for pointing this out but it is yourself that has made the mistake on this occasion so perhaps for once you should open your mind to the thoughts and feeling of others.
You appear to change your opinion to suit the situation. For example you believe that "dark matter" exists yet nobody has ever touched, seen, tasted, smelt or heard it, yet there are 'literally' millions of examples of respectable members of society that have gone on record as having experienced the paranormal, ghosts, spirits etc. etc. (Including little green men) but you constantly ridicule and rebuke anyone here who dares to have an opinion different than yours!
I think it is time for me to respectfully ask you not to comment on any of my blogs (both past and future) any more.
7 Oct, 2010
Now then, back to normality.
W'lass I have looked where you mentioned and to say I'm flabbergasted is an understatement. Every time I've watched this video I've concentrated on the windows of the door to try and see any movement outside but it appears I have missed what is under my nose. I can clearly see, now that you've pointed it out, that there is indeed a very definite shadow on the chain hardware.
All I can say is, as you can see in the video, nobody got in through the outside (back) door and I can tell you that nobody went through the living room door so whatever made that shadow wasn't in the kitchen when I shut the door and didn't go through that door after I had shut it. (you can quite clearly hear that door closing and would hear it if it opened again) It may explain however why the motion detector started the camera the first time when there was no obvious movement once the camera was rolling. The second time the motion detector "went off" it's quite clear that it starts recording almost straight away as it recorded the door handle lifting again.
I will PM you my email addy (It will save me from doing the photo shop for myself! Lol)
7 Oct, 2010
Ian time to pop to your local church and talk to the priest, it is part of his duty to exorcise a lost spirit that just needs laying to rest ! Do it, and dont be shy, you are allowed to ask for help even if you dont believe ! or do, I dont know. This spirit needs to be realeased and a man of the cloth can do it. Take care.
7 Oct, 2010
Seen it Ian definitely something there.
7 Oct, 2010
It appears that I let my temper run away with me again in the early hours of this morning. (That can happen after more than three days with little to no sleep, but it's no excuse and I shouldn't have done it!)
To Jasonf.
I apologise most sincerely about my previous outburst. It shouldn't have happened and there is no excuse for my childish behaviour.
Of course I want you to continue commenting on my blogs and hope you can forgive me for being so rude to you.
(I will also send Jason a PM asking him to forgive me)
7 Oct, 2010
"but you constantly ridicule and rebuke anyone here who dares to have an opinion different than yours!" - yes, I did think that was rather harsh, but hey ho, apology more than readily accepted, and if there is any misunderstanding regarding my comments, then please accept my apologies for not having been clearer.
To be honest, I don't mind in the least that people have differing opinions, after all, we were all trying to find a solution to your problem.
True, I think ghosts and ghoulies are a complete load of rubbish, but I only base that opinion upon archaeological evidence, that confirms the human origins of such things. The fact that the Pope and others would disagree with me, is fine. After all, it is not exactly in their best interests to support my view.
Actually Ian, I take my hat off to you, and perhaps I can learn from your stance and be a little more understanding too.
Shake hands = shake hands :):)
7 Oct, 2010
Thank you Jason, I'm very grateful that you can accept my apologies.
Best wishes
7 Oct, 2010
Oh good oh, all sorted then, you two. I just want to chip in and say, Jason, that I'm not at all religious, don't believe in ghouls and ghosties or spirits or mediums or any of that claptrap - BUT, I have had 3 very strange and unsettling experiences in my life, with no logical explanation for any of them, and certainly no medical one. I prefer not to recall them, they make me uncomfortable - I hate it when I can't find a logical explanation for something, specially being a control freak. And having been an observant person with a very good eye for detail and an extremely good memory, I can't even tell myself I'm imagining, or forgetting... So now I just try to keep an open mind and not dismiss apparently "paranormal" events as rubbish, though I find its a constant struggle to over ride my dismissive scepticism - without those 3 odd experiences, I probably wouldn't be able to, lol!
7 Oct, 2010
good point Bamboo.
It is an interesting thought that the "ultimate" skeptic, Richard Dawkins, admitted that a very good case could be made for God, but he would not be able to accept it.
I found it of great comfort, that in doing so, he completely ignored archaeological evidence.
Without doing a "quick search", I would suggest that there are more people on this planet "believing" in some kind of "God" with all it's trappings, than not, but then most people believe that British Gas is British, when in fact it's parent company is German!!!
Personally, if the evidence I am presented with informs me that it is claptrap, then no amount of wishful thinking is going to persuade me otherwise.
As somebody once said, "It is rather difficult to believe in stars, but very easy to believe about them."
7 Oct, 2010
' There are more things in Heaven and Earth Horatio than are dreamed of in your philosophy' (shakespeare-- I looked it up!)
Just imagine someone living in his time being shown what we do today, not only the transport, communications --- everything about our lives now so many ways to explain odd happenings that in another 500 years would be commonplace ( If we're still here)-- how about our ghosts being future people with a hitch in the technology or...........
7 Oct, 2010
Another very good suggestion Pam, perhaps if we keep talking about it then we might solve the question right here on GoY!
7 Oct, 2010
did you ever read 'hitch hikers guide to the galaxy'?--- well the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything is..... 42
well Douglas Adams ( deceased- and probably knows the answer) probably explained it as well as anyone!!! ;0)))
7 Oct, 2010
My favourite book, Hitchhikers Guide, its the only non fiction I've kept in the house, and I remember 42 and so long and thanks for all the fish...
7 Oct, 2010
and the restaurant at the end of the universe--- must find it and read it again Bamboo--- nice to meet another fan !
7 Oct, 2010
I still have a Babel fish in my ear! Lol
7 Oct, 2010
it does help Ian!!--- ;0))
8 Oct, 2010
and my towel!
8 Oct, 2010
I've got striped pyjamas... but they're pink and white!
8 Oct, 2010
Unfortunately I don't have a dressing gown and matching slippers so I can't go. Mind you I did once have a Ford Prefect! Lol
8 Oct, 2010
Hi Ian.
I've been watching your video with great interest. Are you sure that someone isn't taking the Mickey? Maybe someone is crawling up to the door below the windows.
I did notice the shadow right away and wondered about that. It would explain the motion sensor being activated.
When the door finally opens, I find it curious that the latch disconnects and the door doesn't open right away. It just clicks off the latch and then sits there for a moment before opening further. When it does open further it's not a smooth movement is it? It looks like someone is just giving it little pushes instead of taking the handle, turning it and opening the door all in one go.
Very interesting.....I'll be interested to see anymore paranormal activity you manage to catch.
9 Oct, 2010
I was freaked out watching this Ian! Still - I'm eagerly following all your paranormal activity, quite fascinating, I suppose I'm not living there though....
9 Oct, 2010
Hi Gilli, Our back garden is secured all around with high fences and six foot gates and our outside light didn't go on (it's on a passive infra red sensor so it should have done) so unfortunately I think I will have to disagree with your theory. It's a good one though and I wish it were true!
Pip, I don't think I've lost a seconds sleep because of this (mind you I don't sleep that well anyway so there wouldn't be much of a noticeable difference. I'm just not scared by the unknown!
9 Oct, 2010
Well you're a braver man than me, gunga din... You mustn't be a control freak then Ian, lol, that's probably why it terrifies me - don't know what it is, can't find out, can't CONTROL it, panic stations...
9 Oct, 2010
Well Bamboo, I'm married so I'm used to not being in control!
9 Oct, 2010
Ooh, naughty, naughty Ian, slapped wrist from Carol for that one...
9 Oct, 2010
Lol Bamboo, so it's just another normal day then?
9 Oct, 2010
It's very interesting Ian. I just hope the activity doesn't escalate.
9 Oct, 2010
So do I Gill, so do I!
9 Oct, 2010
No more "bumps in the night," Ian? Is your camera now fixed? When did these "odd" things start to happen? Any memories of the time? It seems you have only just now been "bothered" by these strange happening during the last month or so.
9 Oct, 2010
I think you're about right Balcony. I had that anomaly appear behind me on the web cam footage but before that keys, cigarettes and things would get moved about or go missing only to turn up in some random place or other and I think this has been happening since day one!
I got my camera back but I wasn't happy with it as the quality was ridiculously bad compared to what it was like so I'm still using his and he's waiting for a new sensor.
10 Oct, 2010
Hi Ian, I've been away from my computer for a couple of weeks and am interested to hear if you've seen/heard anymore weird happenings? I've enjoyed reading your blogs! Hope you and your family are well.
24 Oct, 2010
Hi Eedee, we all have tummy bugs at the minute but generally we're all in good health thanks.
Thankfully we don't seem to have had anything else happen after this. We did keep a stool wedged under the door handle for a while though. I did leave the camcorder running for a few nights but caught nothing.
24 Oct, 2010
Its all hallows eve next weekend.......
24 Oct, 2010
Oooh don't Pam ...................
24 Oct, 2010
Hey sorry to hear you are all ill Ian. Do hope you all get better soon. A tummy bug isn't fun at all, particularly if the whole family have them.
Glad you haven't had anymore odd things happening too. Maybe "it" has got the message LOL...
24 Oct, 2010
Well to be honest Eedee, I wasn't convinced there was an "it" but I did know I wasn't going to be freaked out by it!
I think Holly may have fetched the tummy bug in from one of our neighbours but as usual with kids she had one bad night and day and is now fine again and is outside as I type playing on the green with her friends!
24 Oct, 2010
Sorry to hear you are ill. Hope you all get over the tummy bug soon, Ian.
24 Oct, 2010
Thanks Balcony, we're getting there but I wasn't impressed with dry toast for my Sunday lunch!
24 Oct, 2010
25 Oct, 2010
Hope you're all feeling better today, Ian. x
25 Oct, 2010
Yes thank you W'lass. much better, just had fish and chips :~))
25 Oct, 2010
The great standby :) Pleased to hear improved health has arrived.
25 Oct, 2010
It's our favourite (when it's my turn to cook! Lol)
25 Oct, 2010
WOW!!! What a change - from dry toast to fish'n'chips!
26 Oct, 2010
I was wasting away Balcony, I must be down to 22 - 23 stone by now! Lol
26 Oct, 2010
Hello Ian
I haven't been on GOU in ages, well since the change ( I'm not liking them ) so I just popped for a look see & came across ur blog. I watched ur videos & I am a bit spooked. On the second watch I saw the shadows, & I could see an energy twice. I got a sense that it was either a child or an elderly frail person trying to open the door to go out! Not come in! I also heard a sound.
What an energy on that other video by ur computer no wonder u were cold.
I have a really good pic ( at least I think so anyway ) of an orb. I took a pic of my sis & her friend sitting out in her garden, behind my sis there is a very clear pic of a light orb. See, very sadly she lost her son about a yr. b4 and I think it's him, my dear nephew & God Child William. It could be anyone of course.
For those that don't believe in ghost or spirits or something after this. All I can say is ur in for a rude awaking when u leave here. LOL. Sorry!
I duno what exactly is beyond here but there is something. As I've had soooo many things happen in my life and if I didn't get warnings and messages I just cant imagine how much worse my life would be. The only thing is I'm sorry I don't get more.
Well I can't wait for your next spooky video & blog.
Oh just thought, maybe try sprinkling powder or something like that on the floor by the door. Maybe put down a cloth or paper covered in something that can be moved easily. Salt, flour, sand or feathers. When my nephew left us my sis found feathers all the time mostly in her kitchen, she started collecting them and has a box of them now. Maybe dust the door area with something also as u film the next video.
All the best.
29 Oct, 2010
Hi Anjie, just saying hello ! Not heard from you for ages, hope you are Ok.?
29 Oct, 2010
Recent posts by ian_digs_v2
- Not lost - just cold!
3 Jan, 2011
- Driving safely in snowy/icy conditions
29 Nov, 2010
- Hallo everyone!
18 Nov, 2010
- Killing off a website.
29 Oct, 2010
- A bit of fun making a special effects video!
9 Oct, 2010
- The Chook-house is finally finished (well almost!)
4 Oct, 2010
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Hhhhhm the original video freaked me out slightly, but I had to watch the one of the door.
Maybe it was a neighbours dog/cat or something???
Bit of a sceptic me!
5 Oct, 2010