Arresting a thug!
By ian_digs_v2
I recently posted a photo (on the bottom of my last blog) showing the lovely bunch (is bunch the right word?) of crocosmia that my neighbour had kindly given me. The lovely people of GoY warned me of the potential dangers of this thug of a plant and suggested that I get rid of them ASAP. Now being very grateful to my neighbour and him being a regular visiter to our house, I didn’t want to upset him by just chucking them away.
So this is what I have done.
Remove said thug from it’s freshly planted position
Find a suitable pot or container
These are cheap hanging baskets at £1 each.
Replant thug into pot and
Bury the whole lot back into position
Replace the weed membrane to stop any self seeding
Repeat this with the three other bunches (I’m still not sure if thats the right word or not?) of afore mentioned thug and all is well on planet Digs again and neighbour will be happy to donate any more plants that are going spare, plus the slabs he gave me and the use of his wheelbarrow any time I need it! ! !
Can anyone remember the fiasco of the original Hibiscus planting blog that was brought to a standstill by a pipe runnhing through the garden, right in the middle of the border?
Well he it is again! ! !
27 Sep, 2009
Previous post: My attempt at a spring bulb planter!
Next post: Last of the summer blooms!
Thank you Hywel, I'm hoping so. :~))
27 Sep, 2009
What a diplomat you are Ian. Sounds like you found a happy solution all round. Is that your new pond? lol
27 Sep, 2009
What a great idea, killing two birds with one stone, repotting and not upsetting, hope they now keep at bay for you, bunches who cares if its right or wrong we know what you mean, so that makes us clever :o)))
27 Sep, 2009
Hi Lily, you know me by now I don't like to upset anyone and anyway he might have other things to give me. :~))
What pond Lily?????
Thanks Morgana, anyone is cleverer than me because I couldn't think of the word 'clump' but I have now. ;~))
27 Sep, 2009
What a good solution, Ian! Good thinking, there. :-))
27 Sep, 2009
Thank you Spritz. ;~))
27 Sep, 2009
Don't put your self down Ian there are plenty of people will do that for you in this world. I would say you are quite clever
27 Sep, 2009
awwwwww thanks Morgana, I'm blushing now. ;~))
27 Sep, 2009
He he
27 Sep, 2009
good thinking ian, threw mine behind the trees and they still grew but dont mind them there, lol
27 Sep, 2009
Thanks San, I've put two of them either side of our big Hibiscus. and I'm hoping they will look nice there. :~))
27 Sep, 2009
they should look great ian, i do like them, just sometimes get to many leaves spreading, so yours should be ok in pots :o), off to bed now, so nite nite ian :o)
27 Sep, 2009
I've PM'ed you San! ! !
27 Sep, 2009
~they do seed everywhere mind ~so keep an eye on them! We have got stacks of it in the verges at the side of one of the local roads where it has escaped into the wild~does look quite nice though and I love the yellow and pink!
27 Sep, 2009
Very diplomatic Ian well saved hehehe, the pond Lily was on about is the one you will have if you fracture that damn pipe :o))))
27 Sep, 2009
Thanks Arlene, That sounds lovely. :~))
Cheers Bob, I couldn't see the conection mate. I blame the tablets .............. I don't get enough of them, Lol. :~))
27 Sep, 2009
On second thoughts Ian, if you dig a hole big enough and then fracture the pipe, you can have a fountain as well as a pond. :o))))
28 Sep, 2009
Good idea mate. Are you offering to do the digging for me?
28 Sep, 2009
Call me thick if you like, but where's the water coming from if the pipe isn't already broken? Surely not rain!
28 Sep, 2009
I've PM'ed you. Lol
28 Sep, 2009
Thanks Ian, it's now as clear as mud! lol
28 Sep, 2009
Lol Lily, when I do things like that I blame the tablets, usually that I don't get enough. ;~))
28 Sep, 2009
Lol. I don't even have that excuse! I could blame the eyes but I think it's the brain :o(((
Did you get the PM?
28 Sep, 2009
Aww Ian im sorry for causing you all this extra work but im saving you extra work in a few years time, honest :)))) once they've accumilated there like concrete to dig into, thats how i ended up neglecting my front garden, they took over my borders..and i think its great that you listened to our advice, Some wouldn't.. Happy gardening.. Dee..
28 Sep, 2009
Good idea ian...........ive just put some Crocosmia into a pot..... ready 4 next year............
28 Sep, 2009
Hi Ydd I always listen to good advice but sometimes just forget to act on it Lol. The last thing I want is to make any un-necessary work for myself and anyway I enjoy digging and planting and as they had only been in for less than a day they just came straight out without any real fuss.
Holly, great minds think alike where-as I on the other hand just copy ............ ;~))
28 Sep, 2009
its done now ian, they are lovely plants by the way, i have crocosmia lucifer in pots burried into the borders in the back garden and a yellowy orangy one too..
28 Sep, 2009
I agree, I must admit the first time I took any notice of them was when I saw Lucifer in Spritzhenry's garden. I am going to look for that one next year when I've sorted the beds out and rearranged a few things. :~))
28 Sep, 2009
I bought the bulbs for about £2 in spring, 8 in the pack i think, ive only had one flower but expecting more next year..
28 Sep, 2009
Fingers crossed for you then Dee, I think they do take a few years/seasons to get established. I try places like Ebay first, there are some good growers selling on there!
28 Sep, 2009
Ian - you may find after a few years, the pots are completely full of crocosmia. You will then need to dig up the pot, split up the crocosmia and replant about half of it. Give the other half to some poor unsuspecting s*d and give them some expert advice about planting their new gift in a pot :-)
28 Sep, 2009
Exactly what happened to me Andrew hahaha
28 Sep, 2009
Cheers Andrew, I thought that would be the case.
Ydd, I think you have done me a real favour in starting all of this in the first place. so thank you bunches. :~))
28 Sep, 2009
YW Ian...
28 Sep, 2009
No probs. ;~))
28 Sep, 2009
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Well done Ian. I think that's a good way of stopping them from spreading.
27 Sep, 2009