A poem...
By indypendant
Have I told you today that I love you,
Did I tell you today that I care….
Did I say there’s no one above you
Did I mention that you are my air…
Without you I have here no future
My present and past are forlorn
My thought and my word but a suture
To stitch up my psyche so torn
All the tears that cling to my lashes
All the fears that we faced one by one
And the bravery these moments dashes
To be broken like eggs on a stone
To lose you would be an injustice
To watch as your soul slipped away
To be unable to halt the advances
of the darkness that shatters the day
Did I tell you today that I love you
have I told you today that I care
Have I said theres no one above you
Have I breathed the last of your air
Lest I never, my arms wrap around you
lest I never speak to you more
lest I’m left on my own here without you
let me say youre the one I adore
And my days will be night never ending
And my sun will shine never more
till we meet in the ultimate mending
on that distant and far away shore
Did I tell you today….
Whats it all about?
Its my love poem to SWIWOL, its a reminder to you all, take the time to tell those you love …that you love them , while you can!SWIWOL was taken to hospital last night with a suspected heart attack, and I wrote this when i got home, thinking I may never see her again.
She’s ok now I hasten to add, it wasn’t a heart attack but an severely irregular heartbeat, which is just as dangerous apparently as the pause in the beating is enough for blood to clot and go to the brain as a stroke, she went to critical threshold 3 times in 3 hours when her vitals went below a certain point (they have a scale ) but its been caught in time and she has been stabilised and will be fine if she stays on the meds etc.
I thought long and hard about writing this,
I came to the site this morning and answered a couple of things to distract myself from the waiting for news and realised that I have no one else to turn to but my friends here on GOY.
So …i decided to share this with you, not for sympathy or your good wishes for SWIWOL of which I am sure there will be many (cause I know you well already) but to make sure that you take advantage of THIS day, to make sure YOU tell the one/s you love while you can, she was nearly beyond my reach last night, and it killed me to think she could go so quickly without it being said!
You don’t need to say anything to this other than,
“I WILL tell them”,
that alone will be enough for us, for thank all the powers that be, we STILL have each other!28 Sep, 2009
"I WILL tell them!"
But Indy...what can I say to you? Thinking of you both tonight, and praying for a full recovery for SWIWOL. Take care both of you.
Di xx
28 Sep, 2009
~you are so right Indy!~Best wishes to your better half~I hope she is much better soon!
28 Sep, 2009
O.M.G. Indy I have decided to click the 'I like' feature on your blog as anyone can see you have written this from the heart, I have tears in my eye's upon reading it and I wish SWIWOL (please what is her name?) all the very best and a speedy recovery. If I lost my better half I would'nt know what to do I would be totally lost without her. All the best mate.
And 'I will tell them!'
28 Sep, 2009
Im just sending you and SWIWOL a Hug Indy, im not gonna get Soppy.. Me an Hub say I love you every day to each other.. And i have a feeling from now on thats what you will do.. XXX...
28 Sep, 2009
baz and i tell eachother ever day and text eachother to saying the same, what a beautifull poem indy, i have tears here, love and hugs to you both, thinking of you , im so pleased SWIWOL is going to be ok, xx
28 Sep, 2009
Such a beautiful poem written with love wishing you both well and years to share the love you have
good night god bless
28 Sep, 2009
Bless you Indy,that is a lovely poem and made me cry, even moreso as I read the reason for it. So pleased SWIWOL is ok and praying with all my heart she continues to be so. I nearly lost my hubby like that a couple of years back, he has to take a lot of medication Indy but otherwise he`s ok,praying for you both.xx Sue.
28 Sep, 2009
I WILL tell them!
How beautiful! Made me cry too! Wish SWIWOL well from me. So glad she (and you) got through it!
Is Sprog ok, he must've been pretty worried too!
Namaste & Shanti.
28 Sep, 2009
Dear Indy, SWIWOL and Sprog, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love to you all. Namaste my friend x
29 Sep, 2009
Wonderful poem, Indy...
I hope your special lady is feeling stronger every day...
29 Sep, 2009
I've PM'd you
29 Sep, 2009
Swiwol (real name Mair, pronounced Myer ) is very much better now her condition has been stabilised, she's been looking drawn and pale for a while now, and the difference is clearly visible , much more like her old self, with colour in her again.
Sprog was a gem! he tried very hard to be brave and he made a good show of it, there were a few tears and we have had a good long talk about it, so he understands whats happened.
Me?....well I'm still quietly in bits about it all, though I've always been an emotional sort and can cope with crying, both tears of joy and tears of sorrow....
Thank you all for your thoughts prayers and encouragement , we do apreciate them all,and thank you for being there...
29 Sep, 2009
What an awful shock !! :o(
I hope you're all right. It must be a big strain for you.
And I'm glad Mair is ok now and under medication.
You poem is so true. Very often we don't take the time to appreciate what we have until it's too late.
I'm so glad it's not too late for you...
Take care. I will be thinking of you both today.
29 Sep, 2009
That's a lovely poem Indy and I'm so glad they have your lovely wife stabilised.
I don't think you were ever in need of this "wake up call" Indy but some of us take our loved ones for granted. We should never be complacent about what we hold dear, life is so fragile.
29 Sep, 2009
There's nothing I can say that hasn't been said already - just give her a big hug from me please. It must have been a frighteneing experience for both of you.
I've just sent Mrs James a simple text message now, and I'll tell her again when I pick her up from work!
Dwi'n meddwl amdanoch eich dau! Pob lwc!
29 Sep, 2009
"I will tell them"", Indy. Thinking of you, hoping that SWIWOL will be home again soon!
29 Sep, 2009
My love is home already David, once they were sure that she was stable they let her come home. I have time off from Uni (theyve been very good ) to look after her while she finds her feet again, and she's already driving me nuts as she wanders about trying to do things, I knew it was a mistake to let her out!!!lol. No i don't let her do anything she just tries to do stuff and I take over asap. She's a stubborn one my lady!
She sends you all her thanks for your loving wishes and says she understands why I spend so much time with you all now!!!
29 Sep, 2009
Well all the love and care she is receiving from us can only be doing her good
29 Sep, 2009
Oh it is MG, we have been going through exceptionally stressful times and have been cut off from our usual relations with one side of her family, many of my needs have been met here with my new friends but she has no such outlet and the stresses were too much in the end.
To see all your lovely supportive comments and wishes has made her shed a tear or two of gratitude for your presence, albeit you are all a long way away.
Its funny how we chat as if we were having a cuppa or glass with the people next door, and at the same time are miles apart. Its an easy relationship to have here, you can join in or not as you feel the need, dipping in and out of several chats at once.
Youre all worth your weight several times over in good compost (I won't say gold, its not nearly as valuable!! It doesnt grow anything to feed body and soul). Bless you all
29 Sep, 2009
Must have been an awful shock....I hope Mair makes a full and quick recovery.....you take it easy. I'm no longer with the person I love, but I may just tell her tonight, Great poem.
29 Sep, 2009
'I will tell them' in my prayers Indy.
29 Sep, 2009
Indy i am relieved Mair is home because they would not have let her out if she was not up to it,unfortunately she will want to do things and you will want to do them for her thats the way we are and that in itself can put stress on you both,I know from experience how trying the next few days can be and my advice to you is try not to be over protective, hope you dont mind me saying this I made myself a nervous wreck,its easy to be wise after the event....... Hugs to you all.xx
29 Sep, 2009
Nah got it sussed now LL threatened her with the roll of gaffer tape , she took the hint and went and laid down watching telly!!! lol I have wayz of making you stop MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!
29 Sep, 2009
Indy you are a bad man hehehe I do hope Mair takes it easyand I am sure she will with you standing by with the gaffer tape. My family's best wishes go to you and yours at your worrying time.
Pomaikaʻi Maikaʻi Pomaikaʻi Okole Maluna! Aloha.
29 Sep, 2009
Told you you would !!!
LOADS of love'n'kisses to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
29 Sep, 2009
Lovely poem Indy I 'm sure she would love it, hope she recovers dont worry , I have nursed and watched my mum have 3 big heart attacks and each time she has came back stronger this was when she was in her 60s, she lived another 27 yrs after.
29 Sep, 2009
I'm so glad you've got Mair home, and that Uni are being so good about giving you time off! Sprog is quite a brave kid, isn't he?
Love to all 3 of you!
29 Sep, 2009
Yes, same from me too :)
Take it easy Mair....one step at a time....and get well soon!
Love to you and yours,
Di x
29 Sep, 2009
Best wishes to the beautiful Mair for her continued improvement love to you all x
29 Sep, 2009
Hello Mair...
I hope you are feeling better today. xxx
30 Sep, 2009
Thank you all again for your good wishes, Mair is feeling a ittle better each day although she tires easily and I won't stand much chance of getting her to do the winter digover of the raised beds I'm afraid!
She's still got to rest up and gain her strength, as you can imagine but we are all confident of a full recovery, bless you all!
30 Sep, 2009
What lovely news Indy glad she is ok, dig over raised beds indeed lol .
30 Sep, 2009
Digging over the beds for winter? What's the matter with you, man? You can't have her doing things like that! Its won't be good for her. You must start her off on small pots first, and then build her up gently in time to dig the whole garden, while you stand and watch to make sure she's OK. LOL
In all seriousness - good news that she's slowly getting better though!
30 Sep, 2009
She's already done the pots, on trays in bed so she didnt have to exert herself too much , though the nurses did complain about he compost and drew the line at manure entering the ward, since coming home to bed rest she's sorted the hanging baskets and theres only the big planters to do before we get to the raised beds......
30 Sep, 2009
I will tell them.
I will also tell you, I don't think GoY would be so bright without you. You,Mair, and Sprog? are a light in the gloom of our life, with your whit, humour and lifestyle you show us, always, how we can be happier, healthier and so much better than we already are. Your stories have us rivetted to our seats, your jokes have us falling off of them and your lifestyle has us leaping out of them, so to you I say, without any reservation, We love you too Indy.
Let your god be with you.
Carol, Holly and Ian.
30 Sep, 2009
just seen the lovely pics to go with your poem now indy,, mair is such a beautifull women, you make a lovely couple, im so glad she is home with you now, take care of eachother and love and hugs from myself baz and family x
30 Sep, 2009
I totally second what Ian has said and am so glad that Mair is now home and beginning her recovery. Lots of love and best wishes to you all xxx
30 Sep, 2009
Glad there was good news at the end of this blog and hope she soon recovers fully!
By the way, are you a Van Morrison fan??? (Borrowed the first couple lines from him? Mind you, there was a Jim Reeves song that started similarly.
Vrey touching and well written poem!
30 Sep, 2009
We wish her a speedy recovery and love to you all x x x
30 Sep, 2009
Oh Indy...what can I say...for 5 years I have wished with all my heart that I'd said something more than 'Ok...have a good time' to my boy as he went out that night...
Although I realise you can't live your life worrying you are going to lose someone ...what you can do...as you so rightly say...is tell them you love them as often as you can. Even your big, laughing bear of a son, your grumpy teenage daughter, your busy, rushing - about other half...just take the time.
Lovely to see pics of you & Mair...a big hug to you both & so happy for you that she is ok.
Love Fluff.xx
30 Sep, 2009
Yes I like van morrison, but if theres a similarity its unintentional, still most things have been written/said before by someone havent they!
Yeah she is rather gorgeous innt she!, and very intelligent too, after all she picked me didn't she?
30 Sep, 2009
lol indy, :o)
30 Sep, 2009
Poor woman! LOL!
30 Sep, 2009
SO modest Indy !! :-))
30 Sep, 2009
And deluded!
30 Sep, 2009
You gotta admit though I got a really pretty deluded state goin on with her as the starring player eh!!!
30 Sep, 2009
Say that again??????
30 Sep, 2009
You gotta admit though I got a really pretty deluded state goin on with her as the starring player eh!!!
30 Sep, 2009
LOL !!
30 Sep, 2009
Yroit Soo mi maite
30 Sep, 2009
Aar our kid. Ow yow 'olding up ? :-)
30 Sep, 2009
Good mate , meditating time now see ya's termorrer!
30 Sep, 2009
Night bab :-)
30 Sep, 2009
Hello Mair...
How are you today ? Gardening in bed again ?
...careful with that compost on the duvet ... xxx
1 Oct, 2009
Tired lady this evening but shes smiling through !
3 Oct, 2009
Keep smiling Mair xx
3 Oct, 2009
She'll defo try CD, very stubborn woman my missus motto
nos ferros ilegitemai carborundum (dont let the b@st@rds grind you down)
3 Oct, 2009
Best quote of the week Indy! Big hug to Mair.x
3 Oct, 2009
Backtracking & finally got with the stream here. Glad Mair is home safe. Last Feb my mom had complications which led her to irregularities & now blood tests every 2 weeks to adjust the blood coagulation. Her feet swell from her heart not pumping right, & her doctor suggested at least some exercise & easy walking to improve circulation. Tires easily so patience when you're used to being very active. Glad they caught it: my dad is in hospital now with a 2nd stroke that happened Thurs...recovering faster than from the 1st as he knows the regime. You're right: it's good to have others to divide the sorrows and multiply the joys. "I shall pass this way but once..." so let me do any kindness along the way.
4 Oct, 2009
Very touched by your poem - glad your wife is ok- it is important to let people know how you feel and not just assume they know. Lost a lot of family over the years and every time my boys go out I tell them (they know why but it helps!!) so fingers crossed that she will be fine for you both
5 Oct, 2009
Will add your dad and mum to the healing list OG, your quote is one of my very favourites as well!
She's been to the docs today who has reassured her/us that she'll be fine and she's got used to her meds, he's even talked us into giving up smoking as well which we'll start in a few days time when this pouch of baccies finished , thanks for your good wishes GS ans OG and everyone else here!
5 Oct, 2009
Thanks. You and Mair are in my thoughts & prayers as well. The Quitting Smoking Blog should be one for the Guinness Book! Haven't managed it myself: good luck. If nothing else, bless the whole pouch & each puff. It's all good, 'member?
7 Oct, 2009
Well we've been meaning to give up for a while but... theres always a but isn't there....A blog about it? you just want to see pics of the carnage trail I'll be leaving through the unsuspecting world don't you OG!! lol
7 Oct, 2009
So happy to hear that you didn't lose her!!! Got chills up and down reading the poem and what you wrote after the poem. You're lucky to come to this realization about telling people you love them at every chance...sometimes people don't realize this until they've actually lost someone and then sadly it's too late! Most heartfelt wishes to you both. I always tell loved ones that I love them...you never know if it will be your last chance!
17 Nov, 2009
Every time I see this blog & your amazing poem, I think of the song "If tomorrow never comes"!!
17 Nov, 2009
Thanks Tasty, Its business as usual again now, Except shes on a 3 day week back at work. The blog was written to remind people of just that ,remind them remember to do so every day!!
Hey M ! glad youre still enjoying it " If tomorrow never comes" indeed!
18 Nov, 2009
Wonderful poem, Indy....so glad Mair is on the mend. A three day week will ease her back in to everyday life. Just tell her to still take care, when we are used to being 'do-ers' it is hard to not do...if that makes sense!
We none of us know what is around the corner....Hubby, children, we are always there for each other and just 'know' how we feel. But you are right, we need to say I Love You more often. I WILL.....
Please, what does SWIWOL stand for? I would guess at an affectionate nickname?
18 Nov, 2009
She who is worthy of love PG, :~)))
18 Nov, 2009
Ah-ha....thank you!
18 Nov, 2009
Ahhhhh....I get it too now!xx
18 Nov, 2009
Think yourselves lucky he told you, PG & Fluff! He made Morgana & I keep guessing! Lol!
Hey Indy! Yes, I still think its lovely!
18 Nov, 2009
My hubby would be HWDTMB! ;o)
See if you can guess!
18 Nov, 2009
He who drinks to much beer, he who dated to many blondes, he who drives me bonkers,he who donates to mindless bimbos, he who dangles trinkets mainly bangles, he who dances to minging banjos, ...
18 Nov, 2009
Hmmmmm....now which one shall I choose...they're all so apt!! LOL!
Or...He who dances to my bolero, he who downloads too many blogs or he who digs the main bitch!!
18 Nov, 2009
Hi Indy and Mair,pleased all is well take care both of you......
18 Nov, 2009
Seeing all the Fosters he bought the other day Fluff, I'd go for Indy's first one !! lol ;~)))
19 Nov, 2009
Yep...that was the one Sue!!
19 Nov, 2009
In that case I'd be a SWDTMB and you'd be a SWDTMV !! lol What about you Indy ?? (Dare I ask Fluff ???) ;~)))
20 Nov, 2009
HWMOLMWDCAOAMC for sure Sue! LOL, work that one out correctly and I'll send you a bot of 2009 vintage when its ready!
20 Nov, 2009
OMG !!!! If I work that one out you can send me a bl***y case !!! ;~)))))
20 Nov, 2009
Come on Sue...you've got to have a go!
Do I get a sip for that at least Indy/!!
20 Nov, 2009
Lol Fluff !! Give me time, I'm working on it !!! ;~)))
21 Nov, 2009
partly right,Fluff well done.All the info you need to work it out is on site that much i'll say!
21 Nov, 2009
He Who Must Open Law Manuals Whilst Distilling Christmas Alcohol .... Oh ....And Making Curry !!!
Getting warmer ???? Lol ;~)))
21 Nov, 2009
Brilliant Sue...better than mine...He who makes only luscious mellow wine decants carefully after opening & makes curry!! ;o)
21 Nov, 2009
I think we deserve a bottle each for our efforts so far !! Waddaya say Fluff ?? Lol ;~)))
21 Nov, 2009
Oh we are such smart ar...(e=mc2) folk here on Goy, warmer but no bottle yet girls ;~)))))
21 Nov, 2009
He's so tight isn't he?! ;o)
21 Nov, 2009
As a duck's Fluff !!! lol ;~)) Thinking cap back on .....
21 Nov, 2009
Tighter than that I am remember half scot !!!
but to be nice you have got the first two exactly right!!! LOL
21 Nov, 2009
Gee wiz Indy !! That is SOOOO generous of you !!! (As a Scottish duck's Fluff !) ;~)))
21 Nov, 2009
Oi! No denigrating Scottish ducks!!
21 Nov, 2009
I know Sue thats me to a tee generous to a fault!
Well said M, Well said! ;~))))
Just when you thought you knew all the abbreviations in text....
( ! ) regular ar*e
( ! ) fat ''
(!) tight ''
( * ) sore ''
( E=mc2) smart ''
and my personal fav
( x ) kiss my ''
21 Nov, 2009
(!) (E=mc2) !! ;~)))
21 Nov, 2009
How comes the regular & fat are the same??
21 Nov, 2009
( ! )
( ! )
sorry M! the site take the extra spaces out
22 Nov, 2009
22 Nov, 2009
He Who Makes Organic Liquor Must Wish December Came Around Oftener And More C...uickly...
22 Nov, 2009
Tut tut!! Notice I'm not even trying!!
22 Nov, 2009
HWMOLMWDC...And Offered A Merry Christmas???????
22 Nov, 2009
He Who Must Offer Liquid Merriment When December Comes And Open My Cellar....?????
I think I'll give up now.
22 Nov, 2009
Hee hee!
22 Nov, 2009
Don't be misled by the xmas greetings B they have nothing to do with it !!! you got 2 right as well, well done
but to be fair Fluff did get "making curries" right, and thats all the help youre getting let me know when you want to give up and I'll think about telling you for your xmas box K !!! ;~))))
22 Nov, 2009
Okay, okay.....let's just keep at it, shall we, girls?!!!
He Who Must Obey Lovely Mair Whilst Deseeding chillies and organising another mega-curry.....
22 Nov, 2009
He Who Makes Organic Liquor Mulls, Whilst Dicing Chillies, About Others Making Curries ...............
Did I get the same two right as B ? (Sez she, thinking process of elimination !) ;~)))
22 Nov, 2009
Hello B !!! Posted at the same time !! lol
22 Nov, 2009
Surely we're getting a BIT nearer, Sue?
22 Nov, 2009
...he who might occasionally like mulled wine doesn't care about others making curries......
22 Nov, 2009
OOOOO...I HOPE you've cracked it when I get back, Sue!
22 Nov, 2009
Right our B ! He Who ..... is right. Making Curries .... is right. You got two right in your original two answers .... SOOOOOO ...
if His Lordship will at least tell us if anything is right about the ones above .... well ... process of elimination as I sez !!
Waddayasay Indy ???? ;~))
22 Nov, 2009
static at 4 right Sue!!!! ;~)))
22 Nov, 2009
Indy...you're not being very helpful!! Is there no reference to wine? To Mair?
Do we not even get a sniff of the cork for our efforts?!!
22 Nov, 2009
You could still be guessing at all of them Fluff, I've agreed on 4 what more do you want, a clue...no SWIWOL does not appear in it at all...and thats your lot, my grape wine is too precious to just give away willy nilly you know one has to really earn a bottle of this stuff.....;~))
22 Nov, 2009
Face it Girls its something to while away an odd moment or two until xmas arrives eh!!
jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way...
oh what fun an acronym to keep you all at play
22 Nov, 2009
LMAO (You bu***r !!) ;~)))
22 Nov, 2009
There's earning Indy & then there's blood.sweat & tears! :o(
22 Nov, 2009
Tell 'im Fluff !!! lol ;~)))
22 Nov, 2009
Sounds about right Fluff, consider the years of growing ,pruning ,training,manuring,thinning of laterals each season plus selection and removal of every weaker bunch on the lateral in question, spraying with water daily to enhance bud break, elimination of pests, watering, harvesting, processing by hand , crushing of globules, sterilisation of vessels, preparation of must, preparation of yeast , calculation of sugar content and supplementation, daily stirring of must,first racking to ferment ,2nd racking to demijon (including sterilisation etc) 3 rd racking to demijon (as above), 4th racking to bottle (as above), 12 months ish waiting anxiously before the first taste.
Blood Sweat and Tears? nah! not compared to sitting at a computer guessing at half a dozen letters of an acronym eh! no contest really, I'll just give in now and send all my bottles out at random to the great british public shall I, UN -LIKELYYYYYYY!
you are at liberty to give in anytime you wish , me I'm committed to carrying the whole process through to its hopefully non bitter end ( the bitters brewed in a different barrel) 8~)))
23 Nov, 2009
Was that an incy wincy little bite Indy ?? tee hee hee. Can I give in and have a pint of bitter instead ? lol ;~)))))
23 Nov, 2009
Well....there's no need to be sarky young Indy...if you don't want to give your wine away you only have to say! LOL!!
Don't even try to tell me you consider the growing of your grapes & the fermenting of your wine is a trial of such tremendous proportions...you love it!
And....It's not half a dozen letters...it's bl**dy 14!! Not that easy & extremely unlikely we'll get it exactly right.
Sue...can you not give in & settle for a pint of bitter? Where's your Brummy spirit? In the bottom of a vodka bottle if you are anything like me!!
We may beat him...we may not..but at least we can say we tried!
(I think Mair's on our side too!) ;o))))))
23 Nov, 2009
I have to say, girls, I just can't be bothered! Hope you manage to 'win' your prize!
23 Nov, 2009
Hmmmm.don't blame you Bscott...a man can make it too much like hard work eh?!!
23 Nov, 2009
Don't start 'im off again Fluff !! LOL ;~)))
23 Nov, 2009
Do you think he's listening??! :o)))))
23 Nov, 2009
With with the rear end of a duck, it's quite easy to imagine the front end of a bat !! LOL ;~)))
23 Nov, 2009
OoooooOo no need to get all thingy now Sue....
To knee cap
he who_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _making curries
clue number 2 ....goes with Namaste.....
ooo this is like hangman innit !!!
You'd be about here by now I reckon......Hangin Xmas!!!!
23 Nov, 2009
He Who Muses On Line, Meditates Wisely, Devours Chillies And Openly Advocates Making Curries !!!!!!
Warmer .........??? :~)))
23 Nov, 2009
He Who Meditates On Love, Metta, Dharma, Compassion And Order, And Makes Curry!
24 Nov, 2009
Marie ! You understand the Namaste clue ... we MUST be getting warmer by now !
24 Nov, 2009
Perhaps! I dunno really! Namaste is along the lines of 'the light in me bows to the light in you', but it doesnt help that much!
He Who Meditates on Light................????
24 Nov, 2009
He who Meditates...correct,
Next clue..think about what I think about these days...
25 Nov, 2009
He Who Meditates Over Law, Makes Wine, Digs Campus And Outdoors And Making Curries ......................????? :~)
26 Nov, 2009
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What a beautiful poem Indy... thank you s much for sharing! IB & I tell each other several times a day 'I love you' and we mean it... I hope and trust that SWIWOL is well soon. By the way my heart in in atrial fibrillation, has been for years and I have a VSD still going strong and intend to keep on doing so!
28 Sep, 2009