By jacque
Hi Goy Members&Friends just in case your wonder why i need2rest On my Hoilday Chat with Eileen & other words iv had with Janette i may have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome :( Im waiting Now 4 Hospital Appointment 2 check 4it ,Both hands are painfulI iwanted 2 share this with GOY as it makes me feel better XXX
5 Aug, 2008
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Oh Jacque
Sorry to read that...all i can say is i wish you all the best and hope the op is a success.
and for the members that dont know what it is.
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) or median neuropathy at the wrist is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed at the wrist, leading to pain, paresthesias, and muscle weakness in the forearm and hand. A form of compressive neuropathy, CTS is more common in women than it is in men and has a peak incidence around age 42, though it can occur at any age. The lifetime risk for CTS is around 10% of the adult population.
Most cases of CTS are idiopathic (without known cause). Repetitive activities are often blamed for the development of CTS along with several other possible causes. However, the correlation is often unclear.
It is a multi-faceted problem and can therefore be challenging to treat. Still, there are a multitude of possible treatments: treating any possible underlying disease or condition, immobilizing braces, prioritizing hand activities, and ergonomics. Recent studies have shown that medications have not been able to modify the extent of the disease. Ultimately, carpal tunnel release surgery may be required in which outcomes are generally good.
Best Wishes
5 Aug, 2008
Oh Jacque, thats not much fun , maybe the holiday will give you a chance to rest , perhaps by the time you get back an appoinment will be waiting for you , they won,t do both at once will they ?.
5 Aug, 2008
Best wishes for a successful treatment Jacques. My friend has this and has been treated successfully and is now fine.
5 Aug, 2008
Well take a nice rest and don't do anything to taxing while you wait to be seen. I'll be thinking of you. Surgery can work wonders for this, so keep positive thoughts!
5 Aug, 2008
I'm so sorry to hear that Jacque, I hope that the treatment goes well and you have a swift, full recovery!!
5 Aug, 2008
Thanx Every1 4 all your kind/thoughtful comments its lovely 2 know so many people careXXX Just hope itl all be over&done with b4 that Local Gardening Compertion Gets here again Jun09 lol :) PS Thanx 4 the INFO Kev X
5 Aug, 2008
Jacque you poor thing. I know this can be a very painful condition. Over the years I've known folk who had the surgery with good results, so that's the good part. Hope all goes well for you.
I'm due to spend between 1 and 3 days in a Hungarian hospital next week. I've got to have an ERCP which is an endoscopy type test to look at my liver, bile duct and pancreas, because my blood tests show there is something not right in my liver. Having gall stones removed last year did not clear up the problem. The Hungarian hospital experience is different to UK and not one I relish. Another interesting way to spend my holiday!!!
Oh dear Jacque, now you've encouraged us to start sharing our medical problems, it might open a floodgate. We'd better get back to gardening to take our mind off these things.
5 Aug, 2008
Gall Stones r horrid things i really feel 4 you Chris :( I hope ul be all fit &well once theyv sorted out your Health Problem Chris& i feel 4 us to open a Health Problem blog does no harm 2 any of us here on GOY as i feel we have a Speacial Community of Friends In 1 Place who&do make each other feel better :)X
5 Aug, 2008
aw Chris i hope your time in the hospital isnt too bad
5 Aug, 2008
You poor thing, Jacque! You definitely need a holiday and some sunshine. Please let us know when your operation will be. Chris, I'm so sorry you have health problems too. Good luck with the hospital - we'll all be thinking about you!
5 Aug, 2008
Sorry to hear that you are suffering with this condition Jacque. Make sure you have a really good rest on holiday and lets hope the treatment can be completed as soon as possible and you make a speedy recovery.
Love and best wishes from Grenville and Alan xxx
5 Aug, 2008
wishing you the best.
5 Aug, 2008
Hi Marguerite i believe me working in a Cold Meat Factory has messed my hands up :( i packed Cold Sliced Deli Meats & worked the same Motion for 8/9yrs ,My Hands were always In Very Wet Cold Conditions & Now its taking its toll ,i am worried &really dont want2have the Opps as i know im going to be limited in what i do Which il HATE so MUCH as i luv being busy ,But i know its got2be Done :/
5 Aug, 2008
After the surgery you will just have to find a "volunteer" to do your typing while you dictate! So you can let us know how you are doing!!
5 Aug, 2008
il just type 1fingered Wohilbuli lol :)
5 Aug, 2008
Jacque & chris sorry to here about your problems, hope when you both been in hospital things start getting better for you. Will be thinking of you both lol x.
5 Aug, 2008
So sorry to hear of your problem Jacque. I hope you can have successful treatmant for it soon. In the meantime you have your holiday to look forward to, and you also have all your friends on GOY if you ever feel it's getting on top of you. All the best from Hywel and Blodyn : )
5 Aug, 2008
i'll be thinking of you jacque and crossing everything for you good luck
5 Aug, 2008
Hope the appointment comes through quickly and not too much waiting around. Enjoy youre holiday. I like everyone else will be thinking of you.
5 Aug, 2008
Will be praying and thinking of you Jacque.
5 Aug, 2008
I too have this condition so know how thoroughly miserable it can be. Good luck with the op and I wish you a speedy recovery.
5 Aug, 2008
sorry to hear about your cts, not good news for a busy gardener, hope the weather is good , then you could sit and watch your helper work , try a large g&t with ice &a slice , it should help!!
5 Aug, 2008
Hi Jacque.
My mother-in-law had this years ago, and had both hands operated on, at the same time ! Wasn't very practical ! Especially in the following weeks !
My wife was also diagnosed with this a couple of years ago, and had her right hand operated on in a clinic, in an hour, in one afternoon, and was out of the bandages within a week (gradually using her hand again).
She'll be due for the left one to be done, at some point.
Yours truly was her right hand man !
I must say that when I heard her and her mother comparing notes about the operation etc, I can safely say that we have come a long way in medical terms.
Don't worry about it Jacque, these days it's more of an inconvenience than anything else.
Keep your chin up, when it's done, post a pic of yourself giving us the thumbs up !!
5 Aug, 2008
Wow so many well Wishers :) Thank u all so much 4 all the lovely Thoughts :) Iv been Told by My Dr i wont even b put Under! Theyl Opp with me awake & itl be Done in 8 mins Kev ! So again its quicker than your poor Wifes Opp :) Dont Like sight of my Own Blood ! il have 2 be Blind Folded b4 the Opp :) lol
5 Aug, 2008
Hi Jacque: hope all goes well at the doctor's; you could also try a chiropractor, a good one will tell you if he/she can help you or not, also, neuropathy is something that diabetics tend to get, but I've been taking borage oil 1000mg a day and so far have not developed it, it's been almost ten yrs since I was diagnosed, I was 29 am now 37. It helps to reduce inflamation of the nerves and they use it in Germany to treat neuropathy. My mom tried it as well and has helped her pain in the legs as well - she was diagnosed much later than me with diabetes, she's now 73. Don't usually give this type of advice (you never know hoe people will take it) but thought it could be useful.
5 Aug, 2008
Oh jacque, sorry to hear about you having Carple tunnel syndrome, I know how painful that can be. I had it quite bad for two years but kept putting off going to the doctors.In the end I had to see a specialist. I had 2 lots of steroid injections which eased it for several months but it came back again. That's when I started getting aching joints for which I started taking Glucosamine tablets. Don't know if it's all connected but since taking them I hardly ever get C.T.S. any more. Cluelesskev's right though, treatment has come a long way in just a few years, my father-in-law had both his hands done several years ago. Anyway, hope everything goes well for you, thinking of you and sending best wishes,Joannie xx
5 Aug, 2008
Im so grateful 4 all the Comments & Great Imfo i getting from all of you :) Iv thought about Chiropractor Raquel & iv also seen these so called infared Gloves that r ment to ease pain & swelling ???? So much i want2ask the Hosiptal when i get the Appointment ? Its great that your all being so Helpful :) XXX
5 Aug, 2008
jacque and chris, sorry to hear of your health problems, i wish you both a speedy recovery and hope you get back to normal, ASAP.. Hugs Dee...
5 Aug, 2008
:( thanks for sharing Jacque. All the best to you and Chris.
6 Aug, 2008
Ahhh just read hope every thing goes all right for you.. all the best to you Jacque...
6 Aug, 2008
Hi Jacque,
I had the same op, 2 years ago in left hand, a Mr Gibson From Southmead hospital in Bristol done mine, He was brill, I was worried about having local anactic, but it was fine it only took 15 mins, we had back ground music and we chatted, But you know for about 7 to 10 days you cant do anything, so make sure you get lots of help, don't refuse any help from friends or family,even if its just to make a drink (gin and tonic)lol, All the best im sure you will be fine...xxxxxxxxxxxx
6 Aug, 2008
Cant do ANYTHING FOR 7/10DAYS!!!! Does this mean iv2b taken 2 Toilet 2 :O lol . Serously pepperpot thanx 4 telling me all this but i must admit i dont feel any better about it :( Sorry every1 im just a Lala when it comes to Pain :( XXX
7 Aug, 2008
Hiya again Jacque.
The 'hour' I mentioned included waiting time, cup of tea etc !!
..and, they'll put up a sort of screen if you don't want to watch, but you'll probably have to hold it with your good hand !
And, yes, when they say don't use your hand at all, they mean it !!
And if it's any consolation, my wife said the worst thing for her was the needle(s) more than anything else.
You'll be cool Jacque, all the best.
8 Aug, 2008
Thanx 4 coming back on this subject Kev with more info :)
8 Aug, 2008
Just like to wish you a full & speedy recovery, no one like to have anything wrong with their health, i'm sure.
9 Aug, 2008
Only just read this Jacque, all my love and best wishes for a speedy recovery, think we all ought to come round and do your garden for you for the next few weeks!!
21 Aug, 2008
lol Now that would be Fantastic :) How about looking after it when iv had opp 2 ;)
21 Aug, 2008
Hi Jac - only just seen this - my aunt has this condition - I think for her it was years spent as a secretary and all the typing did for her wrists :-( Good luck and best wishes. Please don't feel you have to reply - wouldn't want to add to problems :-) Best wishes to Chris also!
27 Aug, 2008
AAAAAWwwwwwwww Sarah how could i not answer u bless! its not painful when i type only when trying2grip/hold things do i get the pains&sleeping dont help as i wake with awful tingling in Hands&Lower Arms :/ Just want2say2 all my GOY Friends who care so much that My Hospital Appointment to have the Tests On My Hands 2 Confirm CTS is on 15 SEPTEMBER ,so il be back from Holiday b4 i go & not long now 2get help :)
27 Aug, 2008
Hope all goes well for you. My Gran had the ops and they really helped her so heres hoping :~)
28 Aug, 2008
Oh, good - so we won't seeing any less of you on here! :-)
29 Aug, 2008
Not yet anyway Sarah &i can always push the Key board buttons with 1finger :)No stoping me Hey Sarah lol :D
29 Aug, 2008
Or you can type with your toes....te he he...!!
29 Aug, 2008
What while i stand on my Head Sarah lol :D
29 Aug, 2008
Orrrr.....you could put the keyboard on the floor - but whatever you fancy Jac! ;-)
31 Aug, 2008
sorry to hear about your hands, must be awfull for you. After reading the above comments it seems the op will be a big help. best wishes for your op, and hoping you have a real nice holiday.
12 Sep, 2008
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25 Aug, 2008
hope you dont have to wait too long on hospital app jacque and can get this op asap xx
5 Aug, 2008