Wild Meadow For 2009!
By jacque
As iv A Large Garden & love the Wildlife/Birds Visiting me im taking another step 2 Make My Garden Even MORE Wildlife Friendly ???? Been Thinking About it Since last Yr but wanted to Do Flower Beds 1st,I left a Large Piece Of My Garden Lawn Long so i Knew where the Meadow was Going2be :)You can see in the Pic Below where the Meadow will Be Sown :D
This Box i Purchased@weekend for £6.58 was ment 2 be £9.99! It covers 40 Sqaure Yards so should be Plenty for 1 or 2 sowings :)
Of Course all the Grass has 2 be Dug/Turned In so Soil Is Showing for the Seed To Be Scattered On ! il Post more Pics as It Developes :)
26 Jan, 2009
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Lovely idea Jacque....It will be hard work, but worth it. Cant wait to see it in flower
26 Jan, 2009
Great idea Jacque - so many insects and birds , animals will love this.
You dont have to dig all the grass up you know.You could germinate seeds then transplant into grass allowing them all to naturalise.
You may already have alot of wild seeds that are reduced by mowing.You may find that turning over to soil allows perennial weeds to dominate wildflowers .. just a thought.
26 Jan, 2009
Good luck with your new project, Jacque. Sounds good to me! :-)
26 Jan, 2009
You seem to have gardening plans well mapped out Jacque,I second Bb,s idea you will save yourself a lot of time and effort, even the great Mr Titch..does it that way,also you can buy wild plants at lots of G.Cs and nurseries ready for you to plant which will give you a head start,all you need do is dig hole big enough for them and then let nature do the rest.....
26 Jan, 2009
its gona look fantastic jacque and the wild life will love you for it.
27 Jan, 2009
Thanx for all your Lovely Comments il Post Pics in Summer when in Full Bloom :) What a Fantastic Idea J/R about Germinateing the seeds 1st itl be so much easier2do it that way Thanx so much4the Advice :) Does Mr Titch really do it this way 2 Lincslass? :D Think il Sow some today in My paper Pots so i can Plant them straight in2the Ground :)
27 Jan, 2009
Your garden looks lovely Jacque, especially with those cottages in the back. I'm looking forward to seeing the meadow in bloom. :o)
27 Jan, 2009
Hi Hywel Its nice to Know u think the Houses look like Cottages in background ,Theres a story to Those & My Own House Hywel ,these were Built In 40s to take in The Overflow Of the City Famillys who were sent 2 Rural Areas Of England in The 2nd World War,Was ment 2 be Demolished Yrs ago But the Council kept them & were Due 2 be Modernished B4 the Yr 2011! They should be Warmer & More Modern Looking after that :)x
27 Jan, 2009
They look like country cottages. I hope they don't spoil the look of them when they modernise them.
27 Jan, 2009
Im sure theyl look great Hywel iv already seen the 1s theyv done in Other Areas & they do look OK :)
27 Jan, 2009
Do you think it might be better to remove the grass rather than digging it in to reduce the fertility? You'll also be removing any rank week seeds that could grow and swamp your wild flowers.
27 Jan, 2009
Hi Wagger so many ways to do The meadow is`nt there:) i removed alot of Netles/Thistles from the Long Grass area Last yr so no weeds Visable as yet ? The Grass growing here is already Rye/Wild Looking so thats one goodthing ,I like Both Yours&BBs ideas Now! How Can i choose when both sound so Good??? ?
27 Jan, 2009
Looks like hard work but im sure it will look lovely in the summer.......im like you i love the wildlife in the garden....
27 Jan, 2009
I,m looking forward to seeing it in full bloom in the summer Jacque , I cant wait , the picture on the seed packet is lovely :o)
27 Jan, 2009
Your wildlife erea is going to look great, cant what to see it in the summer.
27 Jan, 2009
Wonderful Jacque- cant wait to see the results. You could naturalise some bulbs for spring interest as well.
27 Jan, 2009
U must read my Mind Grenville! I planted Some Tete Daffs in here Last Yr il post a Pic when their up :):)
27 Jan, 2009
You could also add some Camassias- tall spikes of blue flowers. They will look spectacular with the wild flowers. Are there any poppies in the seed mix?
You can do a GOOGLE search for suppliers of Camassias.It sounds really exciting.
Keep the fertility levels down and don't add any feed or fertiliser to the area. Wild flowers tend to thrive in poorer soils. You might wish to remove some of your lawn to reduce the fertility level as well.
Some wooden toadstool sculptures standing in your meadow will look wonderful when all is established, with a seat set nearby for viewing the insects and butterflies.
Good luck with the project and please post up some pics.
Love from us both xxxx
27 Jan, 2009
Im sure u do read my Mind Grenville iv another Apple Branch/ Plank Bench on the Go as we speak ;) Great Minds Hey! lol XXX
27 Jan, 2009
Oh that's going to look lovely Jac.....just imagine it all swaying in the breeze and all the butterflys and bees buzzing over it :-)
27 Jan, 2009
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Wonderful idea Jacque, your butterflies, bugs, bees and birds will be delighted. Good luck, keep us posted :-)
26 Jan, 2009