******** Name The Mice Compertion ********
By jacque
My New Editions 2 My Garden as you Know Are A Pair Of Little Feild Mice. I can`t think of a Name For Them so Im asking You GOY Members To Name Them For Me , Just Comment your desired name for Them Below & il be Getting My Daughter 2 Choose 1 from the List Of Names Youv All Given This Friday 30 Jan @ 3pm :)
The Winner Will Recieve Some Of The Country Meadow Seeds that i Purchased for My Own Garden Meadow This weekend Along with a Secert Prize??? ;) Hope you`l All Enjoy Picking/Chooseing Names for The Cute Mice ?You can name them as many times as u want The More The Better :) x
27 Jan, 2009
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Hi, yesterday I spotted a real mouse scurrying round my garden! I gave him a name that I can't repeat.
Names for your mice, the obvious would be Mickey and Minnie, but they are quite old fashioned. I will go for:
Marcus and Magenta.
27 Jan, 2009
LOL Now Thats Very Funny Sarah :D Marcus &Magenta very Different Marge :)
27 Jan, 2009
Bubble n Squeek ! :o)
27 Jan, 2009
They look like the two little chipmunks Chip n ' Dale remember them ? ( means something else entirely these days ! )
Jane suggests Sugar and Spice.
Ps I do hope that mystery prize isnt the one you won at Christmas Jacque ! lol
27 Jan, 2009
NO WAY thats MINE :) xxx
27 Jan, 2009
We think they should be given topical names and called 'Jonathan' and 'Russell' because they both look like they could be rather naughty, and we hope they don't use offensive language in the garden!
Bonkers- Chip n dales....... hope you're not suggesting mice who do a strip act.
Jacque will start blushing and become all embarrassed.
(oooh we are naughty!)
27 Jan, 2009
My Son K has a Friend named Jonathan :) Hes Very Tall & Doenst Use Offensive Language lol Thanx Grenville/Alan :) xxx
27 Jan, 2009
How about Max and Matilda..........
27 Jan, 2009
jane here..pinched computer..getting all excited Can I have another go ?!!! lol
27 Jan, 2009
Well Jacque I think they look like really cheeky little chaps so I would call them Ant and Dec.
27 Jan, 2009
Jacque... I say Raspberry and Ripple...Back to BB !
27 Jan, 2009
O i didnt put as Many goes as u like on Blog Jane lol il do that now :) x
27 Jan, 2009
Oh I like Raspberry and Ripple. Well done Jane.
27 Jan, 2009
LOL Chip`n-Dale i thought that was Antique Wooden Furniture lol :)
27 Jan, 2009
Sorry Grenville but arent these little ' fellas ' already naked ? lol
27 Jan, 2009
Iv never seen them naked BB! they always look like Indiania Jones 2 me lol :)
27 Jan, 2009
Well then, how about Indy and Jones?
27 Jan, 2009
Sorry Bonkers I thought they had to remove their fur coats as well !
27 Jan, 2009
I'm smiling here reading all he comments above, oh dear, this is difficult, how about Ken & Deirdre, lol.
27 Jan, 2009
What Dawn with their history ? ... OMG do they come apart Jacque in that case or come with lots of baggage ?
Antique furniture LOL Jacque very good poor things if they strip their coats off surely be down to the bare bones ..
27 Jan, 2009
Well Dawns, thinking about Corrie I wonder, as mice are quite timid creatures, if Roy and Hayley might be suitable names.
27 Jan, 2009
He, he BB. OK then, how about Homer & Marge, they've been together forever - no offence to our GOY Marge, lol.
27 Jan, 2009
We dont know if they are male and female to be fair, so probably Roy and Hayley would be very appropirate Ginelle, lol.
27 Jan, 2009
Lol Dawn.
27 Jan, 2009
How about Fred & Alma or Bonnie & Clyde or Posh & Becks or even better Charles & Camilla ,I can picture them at Highgrove .lol
27 Jan, 2009
Jacque..Jane here again...can I have another go ? Custard and Cream.....
27 Jan, 2009
Going along the lines of Yes, No and Maybe perhaps If and When would be appropriate names for your new pets.
27 Jan, 2009
how about Sam and Ella lol
27 Jan, 2009
Aw Irish Sam and Ella ? - thats sick lol
27 Jan, 2009
Hi Jacque - i was all set to suggest Twitchit and Squeak, but see Squeak has already made it onto the list!
This should make your daughter smile: our cat's real name is Socks (tho he hardly ever gets called that now) When my little brother (41) heard that, he said we should get another one and call him Pants : ))
Yes, i admit it, i hail from a family of nincompoops.
27 Jan, 2009
Looks like Bob & Bindi to me...
28 Jan, 2009
Well, that fruit looks over-ripe, perhaps a bit too fermented, so I've thought of "Hiccery" and "Diccery" Dock.. Watch 'em, or they may become 2 "blind drunk" mice! ;-)
Or, Caroline, Mork and Mindy Mouse? Oh no, thanks Jacque, another sleepless night ahead!!
Burp and Berry, Tum and Jerry, Daryl (Hall (e)) Berry and John (field of) Oates....right, I'm off to bed to count sheep!
28 Jan, 2009
You know David when I thought of Bob and Bindi...I also thougth of Mork & Mindy..LOL...
but I liked ....Bob and Bindi Better...LOL
28 Jan, 2009
Laurel and Hardy
Fred and Ginger
Ping and Pong.
Simon and Garfunkle
Morcombe and Wise
George and Gracie
Did we have Bubble and Squeak?
Anthony and Cleopatra
Randall and Hopkirk
Napoleon and Josephine
Bonnie and Clyde
Porgy and Bess
Punch and Judy
28 Jan, 2009
Itchy and Titchy ?
28 Jan, 2009
Gorrit! Scratch and Sniff!
28 Jan, 2009
Hi Jacque .. They remind me of the mice on telly years ago....so how about.....
Pixie and Dixie.............
28 Jan, 2009
Or...........Raspberry and Ruffle..........
28 Jan, 2009
Rrrrrrrrrr Pixie & Dixie i remember Them Holly :) Great Cartoon :) MMMMMmmmmmmmm Raspberry Ruffle Sweets i remember them 2 ;)
28 Jan, 2009
LOL all good Fun Hey M :)
28 Jan, 2009
Hows about Ickle and Pickle.........Thats what i call my little grandaughter....lol. icklepickle....
28 Jan, 2009
Or Dill and Basil......... Jacque youve got my brain going now lol......
Or Acorn and Conker....
28 Jan, 2009
lol Holly , Poor David went2bed thinking of names last nite & z Thanx lol :)
28 Jan, 2009
heres another one for you jacque, lol the clangers
do you remember that prog on tv? i bet BB does lol
28 Jan, 2009
Pinky & Perky, now i'm going back a bit.
28 Jan, 2009
Pinky&Perky i only remembr their Strings Clarice lol , But The Clangers il never 4get those Noisy Pink Things lol & the Soup Dragoons2 Eileen lol :) MMMMmmmmmmm i could just eat some Soup with a nice Crispy Bread Roll :)
28 Jan, 2009
Hi I once got a knitting pattern to knit Clangers, turned out to be too complicated......
To Dawn, I typed in Marge into the search engine and I came up in the middle of hundreds of Marge Simpson!
My name is Marjorie, but never liked it, was called after my Aunt Madge.I am too old to change it now.
28 Jan, 2009
I can Imagine it was Complicated Marge they sure were wierd Shapes were`nt they lol :)
28 Jan, 2009
Pinky & Perky
Billy & Bob
M & M
Squeaky & Cheeky
theres a few to be going on with...lovely cute meeces....
28 Jan, 2009
Hi Marge, bet you havent got a blue beehive though, lol. x I have an Aunt Marjorie and she is lovely :-) x
28 Jan, 2009
Itchy and Scratchy from the Simpsons but I like Scratch n Sniff from Weeding :))
28 Jan, 2009
Marguerite - our cats are Tom, Jerry and Butch - they'd love a mouse or two to play with I'm sure. LOL.
28 Jan, 2009
How about Flower and Petal....they are garden mice after all.
28 Jan, 2009
How about Hinge and Bracket?
(Now theres a trip down memory lane Jacque!)
29 Jan, 2009
Morning Grenville were`nt they the 2 ladys who sang 2gether &1 played a Piano? :) I remeber those :)xxx
29 Jan, 2009
Hi Jacque
We think you will find they were not 'ladies', but they did sing in high voices and also played the piano. They were absolutely brilliant !
Lol xxxx
29 Jan, 2009
Clangers ? Irish , yes course I remember them .. dropped a few in my time .
29 Jan, 2009
Benson & Hedges.
Fred & Ginger.
Danger Mouse & Penfold x-)
"I hate them meeces to pieces!" Who used to say that?
29 Jan, 2009
I think Pinky and Perky were pigs...lol
29 Jan, 2009
Hows about...... Pip and Squeak
29 Jan, 2009
That was JInx the cat........sid......
29 Jan, 2009
RRrrrrrrrr yes Grenville 2 Men Dressed like Women i remember now lol :)
29 Jan, 2009
Holly - can't say I remember Jinx the cat.....??
29 Jan, 2009
There is also...Cheech & Chong......not to mention...Chin & Charlie.........Barney & Besty.......Doc & Miss Kitty....that would not go well but I liked them as a kid...lets see...Kermit & Miss Piggy....
29 Jan, 2009
Grenville: Your HInge and Bracket comment made me laugh, along with Jacque's follow on comment, lol. Here we go, I'll have another go .... Trinny and Suzannah ..?
29 Jan, 2009
Hey Dawn , Janettes 2 Cows are called Trinny&Suzannah lol :)
29 Jan, 2009
Really Jacque, does that mean i can ave another go?
29 Jan, 2009
Theres not limit on how many goes u all have Dawn :) The More 4 Daughter 2 choose from the better ;) lol
29 Jan, 2009
Oh right, OK then Jacque, let me get on your daughter's wave length then ... I'll just shout my daughter for ideas, or is at that cheating ?
29 Jan, 2009
I like Dory and Donald...not sure why...LOL
29 Jan, 2009
Ok...running out of time..Jane here..Pip and Squeak !
29 Jan, 2009
In that case Dawnsaunt it should be, Lady & Gagga..:))
29 Jan, 2009
Hi Jacque,
My suggestions are:
Chalk and Cheese.
Basil and Sybil
Mice are associated with cheese. Photographers tell their subjects to say cheese when having their photo taken and one of the mice is looking at the camera. The other mouse looks the same but is not looking at the camera so they sort of fit the saying chalk and cheese. The white on their faces and under bellies looks chalky too. Now I hope you are going to be able to explain all this to your daughter when she comes to choose the winner. My second suggestion was obviously inspired by faulty towers - they had a rat in one episode, not quite a mouse I know. Basil can be grown in the garden as well.
I thought maybe your daughter would think more like my grand daughter so I e-mailed her for ideas she suggested:-
Bernard and Perla
Robbie and Chuckles
She struggled to come up with names from children's films with mice in but it was bed time when I asked. I think these suggestions are just names she likes. Chuckles goes with Chuck as in Chuck Berry - Rasberry. So another suggestion from me is:
Chuck and Berry
29 Jan, 2009
Starsky and Hutch
Kate and Leopold
Spic and Span
Mrs Brisby and Justin (The secret of Nimh)
Bernard and Miss Bianca (The Rescuers)
Matthias and Cornflower (Redwall)
29 Jan, 2009
Lady Gilli mon Cheri - I think you should explain the significance of each of your suggestions. In view of the number of suggestions you have made that should keep you busy until the competition closes (and hopefully stop you making more suggestions. lol)
29 Jan, 2009
Gilli..I had thought of Brisby..I loved the Secret of Nihm and so did my children...they even named the car I drove as a single mom of 4 children, Brisby...they all still love that car...it was some sort o f a little wagon..cannot even remember now what it was..that was over 20 years ago..lol...had not thought that Nihm was that long ago...
29 Jan, 2009
Hmmm, GF...Starsky and Hutch???? No significance that I can see....I just liked the names. Kate and Leopold from the movie of the same name. A love story. These two mice are obviously very much in love.
Spic and Span....These are very clean, neat and tidy mice....need I say more?
Mrs Brisby and Justin....from the story and movie "The Secret of Nimh" or "Mrs Brisby and the rats of Nimh". Mrs Brisby and Justin team together to save Mrs Brisby's children from the plowing.
Bernard and Miss Bianca are two mice friends from the Disney movie "The Rescuers"
Matthias the mouse hero wages battle against the evil rat Cluny the Scourge to save Redwall Abbey. He falls in love with the lovely mouse Cornflower and they subsequently marry and have children....From a book by the name of "Redwall Abbey"...the first in a series of books by Brian Jacques (A fitting name I thought considering the author of this blog)
30 Jan, 2009
Cj....My kids and I loved the Secret of Nihm movie too. I love the story of your kids naming your car Brisby. LOL
30 Jan, 2009
Has anyone said Bill and Ben yet
30 Jan, 2009
OMG so many Names :) thanx so much every1 for all your time & ideas :) il be chooseing 10 of my favs & Bubs "My Daughter" will pick from them ,Hope this is Ok with all of u ? il let u know the Winner @3pm . Plez no more Names after 12pm as they wont be seen 2 entry them :/ Many Many Thanx 2 U all :D
30 Jan, 2009
So hard for me 2 Choose just 10 Names i liked best 4 Bub 2 pick a Winner from ?I Think Gilli had the Most Names ? Well done 2 all who entered its been great having Memorys Sparked of Old TV Fav`s Ok Heres The Winner Members Its Last & Not Least ........DONNAs BILL&BEN.... Well Done , Bub just loved it & Thought of The Garden Flower Pots when she Heard/Saw It lol :)
30 Jan, 2009
LOL... Bill & Ben is perfect...!...I had not ever heard of it..but now I have to go and watch it on utube....I would have loved a show like this when I was a child...found it on Wikepedia...very interesting that the same person who did the Bill & Ben Flower Pot men...was the same one who did Teletubbies in the 90's...thank you for this...it has been great fun Jaque!...& thank your Bub...she did great..!
30 Jan, 2009
Many congrats Donna ;-)
30 Jan, 2009
Well done Donna :o)
30 Jan, 2009
Yes congrats Donnah.Good fun Jacque...more of the same please !
30 Jan, 2009
Well done Donnah. Make sure you post pics of the plants when your seeds grow.
31 Jan, 2009
And where is 'Little Weed' Jacque? lol.
31 Jan, 2009
Good choice Jacque, all good fun. Congratulations Donnah. Little Weeeeeed was my favourite!
31 Jan, 2009
Congrats Donnah Bill and Ben...they look like "two little boys"...hey Jacque could've been "Two Little Boys" LOL............... Sorry i missed it!
31 Jan, 2009
Congrats Donnah, Enjoy you Fab Prize... Dee..
1 Feb, 2009
Jacque - Bill and Ben were the original flower pot people. I thought the flowerpot people are the sworn enemies of good GOY members. An article appeared in the Observer on 20/04/08:- Are Bill and Ben trashing the planet? Flowerpot men sell us 500 million plastic containers every year in the UK, most of which end up in landfill. I saw your blog on newspaper flowerpots as well and thought you might have been a flower pot person when I read it. I never said anything about it at the time because it was environmentally friendly. Now that you have named the mice flowerpot people it confirms my suspicion that you are indeed a flower pot person. I was very shocked to discover you have created these flowerpot mice that are not to be trusted and you realise TT will need to be alerted. I think you should clarify was it Bill or was it Ben that ate the rasberry? You might need to reconsider your decision as a grave mistake may been made here. Goodbye Bill, Goodbye Ben. Bill & Ben, Bill & Ben, Flower Pot Men.
1 Feb, 2009
My cat Larry heard about Bill and Ben and said:-" By Jinksy, I hate those flower pot meeces to pieces! "
1 Feb, 2009
Thufferin Thuccotash! I taut I taw a puddy tat! Is that Sylvester or Larry ? Look over there - Could that be Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse of Mexico or two mice I can’t tell?
1 Feb, 2009
Gardeningfriend....maybe it was Little Weed that ate the raspberry......mmmmm.
1 Feb, 2009
Well done Donna.......my Bill and Ben flowerpot men are out in the cold today waiting for the snow to arrive.....
well done to you Jacque as well.... got all our brains working.....and had a good laugh.....
1 Feb, 2009
Greenfingers - Thank you for your very clever suggestion. I am sorry to tell you this but little weed turned into the tree that got cut down. It now lies between the flowerpot mice in the photo. So it could not have been little weed, could it? I am pretty sure it was either Bill or Ben as you can see one of them is holding the rasberry just before it got eaten. I think Jacque has gone shopping with another flowerpot person (her daughter)- so was it Bill or was it Ben? I can't tell the difference - can you?
1 Feb, 2009
Back from Shopping GF :) Glad so many of u enjoyed the little Comp :) Its been fun i must agree :)
2 Feb, 2009
My BIll and Ben have found the snow....lol
2 Feb, 2009
lol I bet they love that Holly have u made them their own Sledge? Theyd love 1 of those im sure:)
2 Feb, 2009
I've enjoyed the blog and I am disappointed that I didn't see mickey and minnie get at least an honorable mention. LOL I do like bill and ben.
3 Feb, 2009
Marge mentioned Micky & Minnie in the second suggestion... at least... at the top...LOL...my eye hand control is getting good exercise scrolling up and down..LOL...
3 Feb, 2009
lol apparently mine isn't there...I scrolled several times and apparently missed them. either that or alzhiemers setting in LOL
3 Feb, 2009
hmmmm...kmcue7...not sure what could've done that?....Jaque...?computers..probably ate them....seems to happen now and again....welcome to GOY by the way!...Fellow US Gardener...lol...~Cat
3 Feb, 2009
My Pc may have eaten those names Cat? Its been a rite pain last few days not been able to log on 2 any net work:(
3 Feb, 2009
Thought you'd been a bit quiet Jacque.
I hope your Pc behaves itself. :o)
I've just seen the alert about the Flower Pot People.
We need to call in The Two Ronnies to solve this one ~
The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town.
Might need to also ask Spike Milligan and David Jason ~
They were in on it too. Raspberries were being blown all over the place.
Could be a connection with the Flower Pot People.
I already have Holly's Bill and Ben on my photo pages for close scrutiny. xxx
3 Feb, 2009
HHHhhhhhhmmmm Phantom Raspberry Blower ? Now whats thats out of TT ? I remember the Phantom Flan Flinger from Tiswas :) "How I Love Chris Tarant" Mmmmmmmmmmmm i could Sit & Listen 2 that Man All Nite HHHHHHHHHhuuuuuuuuu :) lol
4 Feb, 2009
The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town is on old recordings of The Two Ronnies BBC TV show, starring Ronnie Corbett and Ronnie Barker. It was a comical serial as part of the weekly comedy show.
The Phantom Flan Flinger sounds equally bizarre. LOL.
Seems like your PC is okay now ?
Raspberry flan anyone ? :o)
4 Feb, 2009
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27 Jan, 2009