....................Sowing Seeds........................
By jacque
Always Read Your Seed Packets/Boxes Before You Even Start 2 Sow The Seeds As This Will Tell You The Time 2 Sow Them ,The Dept 2 Cover Them & If They Need Warm /Cold Coniditions 2 Start Them Growing ! Get Your Seed Tray & Fill with a Good Compost
Then Sprinkle Your Seeds onto the Top ,If Very Small Seeds Then u May Find A Very Fine Sand Mixed With Them Will Help Sow Them More Easily
Now U Need to Cover The Seeds The Dept The Packet Says,I Always Rub The Compost Between My Fingers Making It Fine & It Makes Sure Theres No Big Lumps
Make Sure Its Even & Lightly Pressed Down To Make A Level Surface ,
Now All U Need 2 Do Is Lightly Water & Label The Seeds So U Dont Forget Whats Sown In There :)
So There U Go All Finished & Ready 2 Start Again With Another Seed Tray :)
4 Feb, 2009
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I asked you to make this blog, so many thanks.
Could you please add a comment about watering.
Do you water always from below ? Thanks :o)
4 Feb, 2009
well done Jacque , we will be waiting to see the results later on this yr. did you get many seeds sown this morning?
4 Feb, 2009
Good job Jacque.
I have made a start on my seeds too but all mine are in the house. Still too cold for outdoors yet. I usually water mine before I sow the seeds and then just mist them to keep them moist.
4 Feb, 2009
Thanks, Gilli.
Mine are in the house, so I could do that misting suggestion.
Great idea. :o)
4 Feb, 2009
Thanks Jacque a good reminder to get started on some of mine :o)
4 Feb, 2009
Well done Jacque, you are a busy girl, good luck with the seeds.
4 Feb, 2009
The only thing you didn't tell us was what you planted!
Do you remember that I got an electric propagator from 'Freecycle' last year? I have been using it, and it is worth its weight in gold! I planted Ipomoea, (thanks Flcrazy!) Agastache, Gazania, Antirrinum and Verbena bonariensis. They are all up except the V.bon. which does take ages to germinate.
(Husband doesn't like seed trays in the house) :-(
4 Feb, 2009
Great blog Jacque...as Spritz says...what did you plant today ?
4 Feb, 2009
still waiting for compost that hubby has promised to fetch for me for the last 2 weeks!!! hopefully this weekend as i want to get seeds in....sighs
Good blog Jacque, were they marigolds?
4 Feb, 2009
we could all have a guess till Jacque gets back
4 Feb, 2009
It says marigolds on the label in the photo ~
Is that what you planted, Jacque ? Lol.
4 Feb, 2009
lol Yep Their Pot Marigolds Every1 Majeekahead Posted them2me Last Yr :) But i also Sowed Morning Glory,Dwarf Sunflowers,Candy Tuft,Double White/Red&Blue Petunias & Iv still more to Sow another day :)
4 Feb, 2009
I started mine last weekend. I was out in the shed til my fingers were so numb with cold I didn't actually feel the scizzors stab my hand! It's Ok, only a minor injury was sustained, an elastoplast soon fixed that! My seed trays are on every window sill in the house and already there has been some activity in the 1st week! The 3 varieties of sunflower are already poking their heads out of the compost. Unfortunatley last year the high winds took the sunflowers down before they flowered - I was absolutely gutted. I was actually taking part in growing some for the Gardeners' World seed trial, but sadly the weather got the better of them and snapped them, so I can not report any results back to them. I had some seeds left over so I have planted them for this year - I will ensure NOTHING ruins them this year. I bought a few packets of seed last week and have also planted up some sweet peas, antirhhinum and nastertium seeds too. I did leave those trays in the shed but with this coldness I doubt if anything's happened yet, I'll check on them tomorrow. Good luck to everyone with their seeds - it'll be lovely to see the results on this site.
4 Feb, 2009
Sounds Great GreenF i also Planted Some of my Home Picked Varigated Leaf Nasteriums 2day 2 thanx 4 reminding me about those :) My Petunia Seeds are the Only 1s Indoors GreenF all the Other seeds are in My Greenhouse so i think itl be alittle while b4 they show signs of growing? But saying that theres New Growth on a Few Of My Fuchsias iv got in There ! Is this Normal u think???
4 Feb, 2009
Hi J, With the lengthening days & temp of above 5 to 7 it is not unusual to see some life starting to appear in your Fuchsias, i wil post pics tommorrow of mine that are starting back now,
great lesson in sowing seed, well done.
4 Feb, 2009
Just noticed that it's a year today since you joined GOY Jacque. Can you believe it?
4 Feb, 2009
Also waiting for hubby to fetch my compost,think I,ll make him read your blog Jacque,(after football has finished)......
4 Feb, 2009
Well done Jacque - your Blog reminds us to think about our foliage plants for summer colour. The kitchen window sill and other parts of the house will soon be full of seed trays!
4 Feb, 2009
Good blog Jacque.....and it just shows how easy it is! I'll be getting more compost tomorrow...to get on this weekend.....
4 Feb, 2009
Those who have seed trays on window sills ~
do you have little trays under the seed trays ?
4 Feb, 2009
I'll have to follow your instructions Jacque. Perhaps I'll get better success. This is a good blog and worth reading.
4 Feb, 2009
Yes, TT. My trays have trays lol.
If you use the newpaper pots TT, it helps keep the soil moist too when you mist as the newpaper holds the moisture around the soil.
4 Feb, 2009
Hi Jac, excellent job, i had a feeling they were the marrigolds i sent, it's funny coz i sowed the Holyhocks you sent me yesterday too! look forward to seeing the results,
5 Feb, 2009
Morn Ang plez show pics when the Hollyhocks are all grown up & looking pretty wont u :) Iv sown so many Seeds thi yr Ang garden should look good :)
5 Feb, 2009
i am sure it will be lovely Jac, i have sown a few, but had to restrict myself a bit, by sowing lots of different types in smaller quatnties as once at pricking up stage i will have no where to put them lol - gues you don't have that problem with your lovely big greenhouse, wish i had one like yours :-)
5 Feb, 2009
Oooohhhhh - I'm itching to get started! But on a cautious note, I started a load of seeds one year and an unexpected frost killed the lot :-( I will wait a while yet me thinks ;-)
6 Feb, 2009
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Well done Jacque. You have made a start. I shall be doing the same this weekend with my bedding begonias and petunias for my baskets. These take longer than all the rest so the others can wait another week or so. Happy sowing to you...............Lol
4 Feb, 2009