My Frozen Flower Boarders,Are Yours like this 2 ?
By jacque
Been Days since a Good Thawing & its still Frozen Solid
In This Pic u can see The Pond is only Frozen one end because i keep My Pump/Filter going which keeps Waterfall Working
BBBBBBBBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Hurry Up UK Spring/Summer :)
9 Feb, 2009
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Ithink My garden Borders have gone2Ice TT due to the Puddles i had from the Rain:( The Blackbirds enjoyed bathing in The Puddle of Pic1 TT :) Think theyl should Learn2 Ice Skate now for some fun :)lol
9 Feb, 2009
Mine is like this as well Jacque where the ice is think and in the shade it hasn,t thawed .....
We empty the birds water bowls at night .. this morning Snowball was sitting in it waiting for us to put the water in.. LOL..
9 Feb, 2009
Bless Snowball Amy :) My Garden Birds are the same they seem 2 sit&wait every morning for Food/Water In the Big Apple Tree!:) Its Good that so many GOY members & others look after them isnt it :)
9 Feb, 2009
Snowball and Jacque's blackbirds seem to be coping with the cold ~
ideal ice-skaters for the GoY Winter Wellie Olympics. LOL.
9 Feb, 2009
Jacque rest assured you are not alone. There is still so much snow today I could build a six foot snow man or taller. But won't to it, fed up of snow now to be honest.
9 Feb, 2009
It does get u down does`nt it Michaella :/ its the Coldness of it all that makes me So Unhappy :( Just want it2be warm again & See all the Pretty Flowers :)
9 Feb, 2009
Hi Jacque,
We have had continuous rain here in Bristol since yesterday (Sunday) so the snow in Bristol is melting. Its much warmer today 4 degrees.We have been to Somerset this morning and areas are still covered in snow but within a few yards there was little or no snow.
It's a good idea to keep your pond pump running - we did the same and it prevented a build up of ice.
Our garden is almost clear of snow now. There appears to be no casualties thankfully, and the tree ferns seem fine.
Hope things thaw out quickly for you.
Take care and keep warm xx
9 Feb, 2009
So Good 2 hear Your snow is Thawing Grenville/Alan :) Great 2 also hear No Casualties from the Frost/Snow its self , Dont know what iv lost as yet until the Summer ! Im Very Warm thanx as im Home with The Central Heating On ;)xxx
9 Feb, 2009
All our snow has gone now in Bournemouth - but sady the snow has been replaced with rain, rain, rain and even more rain - it hasn't stopped all day - got soaked coming to work on my bike this morning - and it looks like I'll be soaked going home too!
The snow hadn't put me off getting out in the garden and I managed to set up some new bird feeders on Saturday morning, sadly the bird food I put out on a tray on top of my shed roof will have washed away today. I would have put some more out this morning but poor birdies don't like soggy seed! The seed balls are still in situe and the bird seed holder is still swinging from the branch I have 'made' so at least the little birdies can have a scooby snack if the rain eases up.
9 Feb, 2009
Sorry u got soaking Wet GF :/ weve had afew Showers here 2day2 but it keeps stopping thank goodness ! Ice/Snow is Going But Very Slowly :(
9 Feb, 2009
It has been raining here since yesterday p.m. so most of our snow has gone, BUT the stream is well up and the lanes are now flooded with the rain and melted snow!
The water on our lane is 6" deep - and it's still raining! Get the ark ready, please...
9 Feb, 2009
OOOo No Not more Flooding Spritz how awful 4 u :/ has the River got as high as last time ?
9 Feb, 2009
Almost, Jacque, and it's still raining, with lots of snow up on the hills left to melt - it all runs down to us...
HELP!! I'll keep you posted...
9 Feb, 2009
There's still some snow here Jacque but the rain is washing most of it away now. I hope you'r plants will be allright. We need a warm spring now !
9 Feb, 2009
Our snow has gone now.. but have had heavy rain the whole day...the lawn is flooded
9 Feb, 2009
Lots more forecast for some areas tonight, particularly the Midlands. Just thought I'd share the good news. Oh, and heavy rain in southern England tomorrow.
9 Feb, 2009
Get the wellies ready - and the brolly - and the raincoat....and a boat! I got even wetter coming home from work tonight - it just has not stopped all day!
9 Feb, 2009
Heavy rain since last night, my front lawn is under water and some of the flower beds. My path is only passable by using the stepping stones (a bit precarious really!). Don't like this weather at all.
9 Feb, 2009
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww What Horrid UK Weather were all having :(
9 Feb, 2009
We had snow again last night everything was frozen solid, rain this evening so it's all a lot of sloppy slush....:o(
9 Feb, 2009
Sorry missed this Jacque..if any consolation our borders are looking much like yours.But the birds are doing ok !!! lol
10 Feb, 2009
Snowed here yesterday. Now its back to being cold today. Still have a lot of snow on the ground. <sigh> The joy of winter. :o(
11 Feb, 2009
No snow or rain yet, but it is only 6.42am, a very hard frost though - another cold day ahead, I think. Never mind, still lots of indoor gardening jobs to do.
11 Feb, 2009
I just hope none of us lose2many plants 2 this Horrid Winter were all having :(
11 Feb, 2009
My garden has been frozen too Jacque, but you know what follows the thaw - flooding. Our pond burst its banks and the brook was very high and fast, seen it worse though, bring on Spring!
12 Feb, 2009
has the garden all thawed out now ? its fairly clear in my neck of the woods
14 Feb, 2009
Yes Snow/Ice all Gone now Maccrimmon :) But Like Dawn says its all water Now :( So still not suitable for any Planting ect :/ Sorry your Ponds Flooded Dawn :(
15 Feb, 2009
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5 Feb, 2009
Snow is like this in my garden, but deeper.
Not so much ice, though.
I wonder if we will all lose lots of plants because of the freeze :o(
9 Feb, 2009