My garden this summer (2018)
By jenlewis
(Well better late then never 😀)
At the beginning of this year I had said that I wanted much more colour in the garden. I would still like more colour but it definitely had much more then when we moved in.
Poor Tim, I tell you all that he curtails my spending but with starting decorating the house, our daughters wedding and then having so many things I want to do in the garden, he does need to stop me sometimes as I can get carried away lol 😁
Here are some of the photos I’ve taken over the summer.
The bed under the window was a small lawn with a very thin bed. Tim always complained when he mowed it so I leapt at the chance to dig it up and add more plants lol. The delphinium are dwarfs and I grew them from seeds. They are one of Tim’s favourites so was easy to get him to agree 😀. I didn’t know at the time how hard they where to get to germinate and failed the 1st 2 times I tried. Then googled and found out what I was doing wrong and 3rd time was a success.
This bed was very crowded so I cleared it out and then bought 3 of David Austin bare root Roald Dahl roses. Had some of the Busy Lizzie left over so planted them for colour as I think the roses will do better next year once settled in.
One of our very kind regular customers know I like gardening so turned up with this Sunflower when he came to see us. Talking to him the other day, he said he was disappointed he hadn’t grown the kind that just had the single head but I quite like it
Was really please with the new blue wall pots for adding a bit of colour and so bought two extra and put up on our front garden wall. Bonus was they even matched Laura’s car 😀.
In the back garden, we had taken out the conifer hedge between the lawn and greenhouse area but the dogs kept running over it. When I came to filling this bed, Shirley very kindly sent me up a passion flower for the trellis that looked like it hadn’t made it through the last winter but luckily did start to put on a bit of growth and we got a single flower on it so I’m sure it will do much better next year. She also sent me up some Erysimum which I have totally fallen in love with and as I write this are still flowering their little heads off. As Tim by this time said no more plants I went and bought as packet of cornflowers seeds (Well, he didn’t say seeds, just plants lol). I then had to put canes around then to stop the dogs destroying them as they still wanted to run over this bed.
This year we decided that we really needed to start to sort out the bed in the far corner and went to my favourite local nursery which unfortunately closed this late summer as they decided to retired. Also unfortunately this is also, after we had planted it up, the corner that we have had all the problem with since June with our neighbours that stopped me from finishing this blog back in late summer. I got to this corner and then just left It as a draft. It was an empty bed with only a bit of sun so this is what we did.
In the 1st photo please excuse all the large stones along the edge by the grass. These are what I keep digging out, as I go then collect them later on and put them down where the old chicken run was.
I will finish with some random other photos as I forgot to include the wisteria over our front wall that seemed to just keep on flowering most of the summer this year.
21 Nov, 2018
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Jen its lovely! You certainly succeeded with lots of colour! Its all bigger than I imagined too. I loved the Delphiniums too - what did you discover you'd been doing wrong with germination? I have never grown them as its too windy here for tall flowers, but dwarf ones might be OK.
21 Nov, 2018
Seaburngirl, thank you. With the Wedding this last summer I really wanted the garden to be colourful. Think where it's a Victorian house so a garden for a fair few years, the top bit of soil is good but about a ft down it is the Shropshire red Sandy soil but also bits of clay lol.
Stera, thank you. With the Delphiniums I followed the planting instructions but one 1 or two only germinated so finally tried putting the seeds in a bowl of warm water then left to soaked over night. Then when I had sown them, made sure it was good and damp then covered with kitchen foil and put them in the conservatory. In the end had about 45 come up. Still had to support a couple even behind my front garden wall but was really pleased with them.
21 Nov, 2018
See PM
23 Nov, 2018
Good idea Jen. Was kitchen foil aluminium or clingfilm?
23 Nov, 2018
Stera, it was aluminium 😀.
23 Nov, 2018
My goodness haven't you done well? I also love delphiniums and after failing to get seeds to germinate I gave in and bought a couple of plants only to have them consumed by slugs/snails! Yours look lovely.
23 Nov, 2018
Brilliant colours, Jen. That's a lovely Acer. Has pride of place there.
24 Nov, 2018
Your garden is lovely. It's nice to look back over the summer to remember what it was like.
I love Delphiniums but never had any success with them. Seeing your dwarf ones has made me want to try again next year.
Now I have nobody to stop me buying plants - Beryl is just as bad as I am lol and we buy more plants than we need … and I am always wondering where on earth to plant them ! :D
24 Nov, 2018
Hi Waddy, how are you and hubby doing? Thank you. Think I must be stubborn lol. I wasn't going to be beat by Delphiniums 😀. Google helped. Slugs didn't get them but don't know if it was the warm dry weather but didn't seem to have many slugs this year.
24 Nov, 2018
Thank you Eirlys. I love the colour of the Acer. It almost glowed. Previous owner planted it.
24 Nov, 2018
Hi Hywel, thank you. I would try again with Delphiniums lol. Tim just gives me a budget but I tend to blow it lol.
24 Nov, 2018
I would do the same Jen :D
25 Nov, 2018
We are both doing well, thank you. As for slugs I think you maybe right. I noticed this last summer my hostas were less 'holey' than usual.
25 Nov, 2018
I am so pleased that you both are doing well Waddy. My test will be how many of the Delphinium come back next year but am thinking of trying Dwarf Dahias from seed for next year. A friend was telling me they are easy to grow, hope she is right 😀
26 Nov, 2018
Thank you Jen. Good luck with the Dwarf Dahlias.
26 Nov, 2018
You have a lovely garden Jen, love those Cornflowers. I am glad the Passionflower is thriving, should have more blooms next year!
27 Nov, 2018
Thank you Shirley. Was really pleased passion flower servived 😀 was also pleased with the cornflowers. Had a large gap and it was late spring so googled what I could sow that late on in the season. Never grown them before but loved watching the wildlife that they atracted
29 Nov, 2018
I agree, it's great to see the wildlife visiting the garden. No chance of gardening today, rotten wet & windy weather ... :o(
1 Dec, 2018
Only trouble Shirley was Shadow, kept trying to catch the bees on the cornflowers, kept having to tell him to leave them lol. Thought all I need to to take him to vets due to bee sting. Don't think we have it as bad as you today from weather forecast but overcast and light showers. Not gardening weather
1 Dec, 2018
2 Dec, 2018
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lots of colour there Jen. Your soil looks really rich. Delphiniums are a gorgeous flower and tend to be devils to germinate.
21 Nov, 2018