Starting again.....
By karenfrance
Six years ago I moved to France. My husband to be owned a ‘maison ancienne’ – full of character, no mod cons! The garden was a sorry patch of neglected grass, a derelict potager and a bit of field with a newly installed swimming pool.
After five years of hard work and no little expense, the house was comfortable and the garden was wonderful – real joy to be in.
Then, around eighteen months ago, the gods conspired to introduce me to a new project…another derelict house and garden…they made me an offer I couldn’t refuse!
And so, around this time last year, we sold up and moved. The first year was spent fighting to get the inside habitable…not just ‘no mod cons’ this time – no sanitation, no nothing!
Although I tried to get on top of the garden, it was impossible…tonnes of rubble, wood, plasterboard and other assorted building materials just kept being dumped around the outside of the house.
We did attempt to seed a lawn, but then ten pallets of blocks were deposited, making it look like we were building a skyscraper.
Finally, at the beginning of March, we had the front garden and the back terrace hard-landscaped and were able to start planting.
Here are some pics to show the story so far….
(The first one is of my lovely old front garden)
15 May, 2011
Next post: Not as dead as a Dodo!
Ooh nice place you have there..lucky you staying in France!
I always wanted to stay there after watching 'A good Year' filmed in France I loved that old house and the vineyards!
Very nice!
23 Jun, 2011
The house is nearly finished! The garden never will be...there is always something else you want to do! But, at least it's becoming a pleasure rather than just hard work, at last!
It is nice, living here...well most of the time, anyway, lol!
24 Jun, 2011
I love the way you tell your looks wonderful Karen....I feel envious, I love France. At the moment....why do I say 'the moment' I wonder.....the weather here is miserable. Very cloudy and cool and not at all summery, so seeing your lovely sunshine has made me feel like I want to emigrate! You enjoy it for all of us stuck here in grey grey Scotland! :)) Karen
27 Jun, 2011
Oh, Karen, it's over 40°C here today...just too hot to do anything! Everyone's indoors with the shutters closed. But really shouldn't complain!
I am going to Scotland tomorrow to visit my daughter and her new baby... :) report says 12°C in Dundee... :(
...a bit of a change, idea what clothes to pack for cool, grey, old Scotland!
27 Jun, 2011
Are you coming to Dundee? I am only 12 miles away! It's horrid Karen, it's been pouring all day and it never really even got so dark and gloomy. Pack your raincoat, that's for sure!
27 Jun, 2011
Karen, am in Dundee now! not as bad as I expected...but a little on the chilly side...
2 Jul, 2011
Well, its a lovely sunny morning here in Carnoustie Karen...enjoy your time in Dundee!
2 Jul, 2011
Thank you, Karen :)
4 Jul, 2011
rbroath on sunny Sunday for Dads 89th bithday we had a BBQ it was so nice!
6 Jul, 2011
oops I dont know what happened there lol
I was up in Arbroath it should have started
6 Jul, 2011
Sunday was a lovely day in Dundee. My daughter and I went to Broughty Ferry with the wee one - it was his (and her) first day out with the pram...she should have had L plates on! lol!
11 Jul, 2011
I am very envious of you living in my favourite country, we would be there now if it was not for our youngest daughter giving birth (wasn't going to have any children?) then had two so we had to be on hand to help, like we did for her two sisters before her.......still they are lovely children and we will be back there for our annual holiday, looking forward to it.....I love the pictures of your house and garden, and wish you good luck with your new garden...
11 Jul, 2011
Do you come to Charente, Dd2? Its a good place for holidays, the weather is reliably good in the summer months... :)
12 Jul, 2011
We come to La Palmyre near Royan every year with friends and family......cant wait!!
13 Jul, 2011
Oooh, the coast is lovely...not too far from us... but we never seem to get there very often...always too much to do!!!
14 Jul, 2011
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It looks great....After a little while I'm sure you'll feel as much 'at home' here as in your last garden.
18 May, 2011