Winter damage to rhododendrons
By katarina
Probably this winter was merciful to those in the British isles, as I assumed from photos of beautiful rhododendrons blooming now in your gardens.
In Central Europe we had late deep frosts coming to minus 20 degrees of Celsius, plus a short period of heavy snowing. My rhododendrons seem they suffered the worst damage after years. So far, I was looking for some guide how to distinguish already dead from just shocked plants.
Here I found one link, which might be useful for thos of us who grow rhododendrons and who have cold winters from time to time.
14 Apr, 2012
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i do hope like Terra says that some have survived Kat...
14 Apr, 2012
Such a shame, we here in France Kat, went down to -14 and I lost a fair few shrubs and plants...
14 Apr, 2012
I actually did not lose rhododendrons, but some branches have dead leaves (as is shown in the article) and majority of their flower buds were destroyed or look like empty calices. Very strange.
14 Apr, 2012
Our Winter Clematis went exactly like that...One of them we cut right back it was almost black...
You were lucky not to lose them...
14 Apr, 2012
I hope some of them as survived aswell.
14 Apr, 2012
i will see definite damage in May. i gave them some organic boost.
14 Apr, 2012
Fingers crossed for you, i've covered quite a few plants up in my greenhouse with fleece as its very cold here aswell.
14 Apr, 2012
That is a shame Katarina...I hope come May you will not be too disappointed.
I must say that I am very disappointed with my Rhoddies this year - not due to frost or snow - they just seem to be very sad if you know what I mean!
14 Apr, 2012
Actually, I do not know what are sad rhododendrons, lol. Tell me, please.
15 Apr, 2012
they are looking very unhappy - I think lack of rain!!
15 Apr, 2012
I see :) :)
16 Apr, 2012
I have same problem Kat,checked on a couple of websites and they say kits due to lack of water in July as that is the time buds will begin to form flor spring.They advise mulch mulch and mulch at this time
25 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Maggiekins for advice. Will do it. You are right, last July was very dry, but damage to leaves is definitely due to winter.
25 Apr, 2012
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Hi Katarina...
I hope some of your rhododendrons have survived !
14 Apr, 2012