Somebody who says Good morning to me
By katarina
I woke up today in a small pension and while checking what is the time, I have heard gentle tweet from my balcony doors. I looked out – nothing. Then I looked down and there he was. My little “cvirikos” :)))
Looked closer to him – it is blackbird child. He did not learn yet that he must be afraid of humans and cats, so he was staring on me, while I unwrapped my camera and made a photo of him :)
Then he jumpy-dumpy galumphed to the edge of my balcony and watched his parents flying over the opposite fence. Then he spread little wings and took off. He landed over there and immediately hided in flowers.
27 Jul, 2012
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Hi Paul, that is their meaning in England?
27 Jul, 2012
Sorry Kat a bit lost with question ?
27 Jul, 2012
Sweet..He is a she Katarina
27 Jul, 2012
Such a beautiful sight,Katarina..and what a lovely thing to wake up to :o)
27 Jul, 2012
I love your descriptions Katarina.......especially jumpy-dumpy so apt!
Where are youstaying the gsrden looks nice
27 Jul, 2012
great way to start the cute, hope he gets more streetwise
27 Jul, 2012
Pimpernel @ in times, when general population doesn´t know, who is who and what is happening - I don´t think that it matters if the blackbird is she or he. By the way, I trusted to my intuition which said, that this was sweet little boy :)
Paulsgarden@ lol, Paul, I do not know who is more lost in the questions,,,lol. I understood that you said, that this type of birds are symbols of love. Lol.
Pamq@jumpy-dumpy just sounded good to my ear, but I absolutely do not know if it means anything :)
I am staying in one small pension in Western Slovakia. Wanted to make som tours but I am terribly tired.
Taz@ agree. That was very cute. Unfortunately did not have time to give him farewell kiss :)
27 Jul, 2012
How sweet. The baby blackbird is so cute and very brave! lol ;-/
27 Jul, 2012
great blog and pictures,sweet bird:)))))
27 Jul, 2012
what a lovely blog katarina!! put it in my favourites
my sister used to have a blackbird that tapped on her window and waited for her to feed it some raisins, then he brought back all the babies too!!
27 Jul, 2012
Thank you to all for nice comments and little blackbird would be happy if she/he knows how many people love her/him just because she/he is who she/he is :)))
Stickitoffee, I believe (but nothing proved by science :))) that birds are re-incarnated people whom we knew and whom we loved. They stay with us, just in other bodies.
27 Jul, 2012
Lovely blog and such beautiful photos, Katarina, what a lovely way to start the day :)
27 Jul, 2012
ah favoured because I love birds - maybe better English :D
28 Jul, 2012
This I understand now, Paul. Thank you :))
28 Jul, 2012
Paul@I bought a large grass...:D
28 Jul, 2012
How brill is that to wake up to seeing that lovely photos.
28 Jul, 2012
And this is the song I forgot to add to my blog :)))
28 Jul, 2012
Beautiful birds. They used to build nests in our garden in London. One female used to bring the grass to show me before weaving it into her nest. She was very friendly, I used to feed her by hand...have a photo of her somewhere. Beautiful song also.
28 Jul, 2012
Nice Kat will love to see your grass
28 Jul, 2012
How lovely, birds do bring us such pleasure don't they? For two years, after my garden makeover, the birds deserted me. Now all is settled they have come back. I even have had visits from a woodpecker, I felt very honoured. The main birds in my garden are house sparrows, dunnocks, starlings, blackbirds, robins, wrens and the ubiquitous wood pigeons who bully each other mercilessly:-)
29 Jul, 2012
29 Jul, 2012
I love the little blackbird, I have lots here as they nest in a big hawthorn hedge at the bottom of my garden, they come onto the patio to let me know when they are hungry..
Great blog and pics Katarina...
29 Jul, 2012
Thank you, Linclass.
29 Jul, 2012
Lovely blog and love the sentiment of re-incarnation.
7 Aug, 2012
Hi Valadel, the same strong sentiment had Carl Gustav Jung :))
7 Aug, 2012
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So sweet Katarina - have favoured as love birds
27 Jul, 2012