Two herbs good for...
By katarina
In this blog I would like to introduce two basic herbs, which are used by herbalists in edema/retention of fluids of any origin. They are yarrow and marigold. So if you are prone to edema or have fluid retention, regular drinking of a tea from this mixture can help. Just don´t be surprised, if you start to urinate and sweat more, then usual. These are some of those detoxication effects.
Achillea millefolium
The genus was named for the Greek mythological hero Achilles. According to the Illiad Achilles’ soldiers used yarrow to treat their wounds. In Slovakia its common names are “mouse tail” and “bloodwort”. During the WW I school children picked bloodwort and used to send it to the front, instead of drugs. Yarrow belongs among herbs with the strongest disinfective effects – from outside it helps to heal wounds and ulcers, when used internally, it stimulates detoxication of blood and improves digestion.
Here is the field full of yarrow. It is very common herb, which can be picked almost all year.
Calendula officinalis
Both yarrow and marigold slightly decrease blood pressure. Marigold has very positive effects on digestion and kidneys and is used often as a tea in problems with menstruation. It stimulates function of liver, kidneys and sweat glands.
Did you know, that flowers of Calendula can be added to rice instead of saffron?
22 Dec, 2012
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Hm. I am not sure if it works in dogs, Brian.
23 Dec, 2012
Hi Katarina. That first picture looks like a little bit of yarrow growing around a big clump of Eryngium?
24 Dec, 2012
You are absolutely right, Plantwhisperer (I like your name, lol). In this meadow you can find all herbs one may needs. It is my secret place and I wish to be buried there and transform to something like this :))
24 Dec, 2012
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No I did not know any of that,led a sheltered
Will remember it for Jamie cheaper than the Vet.
22 Dec, 2012