Trip to Lake McConaughy Nebraska
By kmccue07
Bike is loaded up and ready to go.
First stop was the I 80 truck stop.
On the way out we rode through Iowa and kept seeing old school buses all painted up and decorated with lots of bicycles on top. We soon found out that RAGBRAI was starting that day. RAGBRAI, The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, is an annual seven-day bicycle ride across the state.
We had encountered several teams on their way to the starting point, Council Bluffs Iowa.
There was team toxic, team bubba clyde, team bagonuts and team shagbrai.
We arrived to the campsite on Sunday afternoon and set up camp.
Monday afternoon there was a hail storm that rolled through.
Hubby’s priority…:)
The end of the storm.
Some of the local wild life.
A couple of flickers
A pelican and a blue heron.
View from the top of the dam.
Preparing to ride.
The ride.
The bike rodeo.
The barrel race…first one to get across the finish line without the barrel crossing the middle line (a rope laid the length of the track) won.
The slow ride…last one to cross the finish line without putting their feet down won.
the straight path…2 ropes laid a tire width apart…you had to travel between the ropes without crossing them…the quickest time won. (the golf carts in the background are spectators from elsewhere on the campgrounds who came down to watch. )
I did not participate in the rodeo…still too much of a greenhorn with riding to attempt it.
The week just flew by and the next thing I knew we were back home and going to work again. :( This is one time I would like a rerun. :)
31 Jul, 2009
Previous post: Arn't they sooooo cute #2
Next post: Garden at the end of July
Looks like you had a great time and I think hubby got his priorities just about spot on. With a bike like that I think I would have got it under cover as soon as I got there Lol.
I would have liked to have a go at some of the rodeo 'games'? just to say I had took part. (plus I like making people laugh :-))) )
31 Jul, 2009
I wasn't concerned at being laughed at...scared of dumping the bike in the sand...not good for the engine. maybe next time...they plan on doing this again in a couple of years.
31 Jul, 2009
True true, not a good thing for the bike at all, I bet your off again before a couple of years though? Perhaps I could join in on my mobility scooter LOl :~))
31 Jul, 2009
Brilliant photos...thankyou for showing us those...looks like a great ride. Love the last pic with the lights on!
31 Jul, 2009
Glad you enjoyed it,looks great fun and a nice place to camp as well,great photo`s........
31 Jul, 2009
yes Ian but not with the BIA group it will probably be just hubby and I.
1 Aug, 2009
You sure my mob. scooter won't keep up? LOL :~))
1 Aug, 2009
LOL...if you get Wile E Coyote to share some of his rocket boosters I'm sure you wouldn't have any troubles.
1 Aug, 2009
Lol Kris, I'm up for giving it a go ! ! ! ! ! :~))))
1 Aug, 2009
Great blog and the trip sounded so much fun.
1 Aug, 2009
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Sounds like great fun ! I wish I'd have been there aswell.
31 Jul, 2009