bargain plants
By lauram
So Saturday evening after work I went to Lowe’s, because I had to go to the bank and Lowe’s is right across the road. It was a good excuse to shop. I bought some tomato plants & then checked out their bargain table.
This charming specimen is a Majesty palm, or at least it was before it was neglected and turned into a stick. Nothing majestic about it, but for $5.95 I guessed I could probably repot it and set it right.
And this palm (can’t remember what it is) was only $9.95!
Last year I bought 4 nearly-dead Coreopsis for 99 cents each. They were dried-out but I could still see a little green. “Oh, they just need a little TLC” I told the cashier. This is how one of them looks now!
And here are the tomatoes.
In all I wound up spending $25 and was a little mad at myself because I probably shouldn’t have, but when I got home there was a refund check in the mailbox for $27 from AT&T. Yay!
I hope to get the raised bed built tomorrow and finally get all these tomato plants in the ground. It’s 85 degrees out today, and I was able to remove most of the dead leaves from the beds and dig out some Chinese privet and cut down some pine trees. I’ll have 10 days off from work in a few weeks and I’ll be working for days trying to clear brambles and get this place in shape. Yay spring!!
4 Apr, 2011
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I have to admit that my yard would be quite bare if it weren't for bargain tables!! When we first moved into our home, the yard consisted of several huge raised beds with nothing in them but river rock. Once the river rock was gone I was left with huge beds of dirt that desperately needed some vegetation. If it weren't for bargain perennials, many of these beds would still be empty!! :)
4 Apr, 2011
Laurum, Your certainly not alone spending too much on plants, each time i go out Sue dreads it when i get home, usually having bought more plants lol. Nice to see you rescueing bargain neglected plants.
4 Apr, 2011
I rarely snag any bargain/neglected have the touch it would seem, Lauram, with your previous success.
I hope they all revive for you...and you also get a great crop of tomatoes. You'll certainly have the sun and warm if they are in a hothouse!
Lovely to have time off work to look forward to very soon. Don't work too hard in the high heat of the day although I suppose you are used to the climate. I don't think I'd manage your temps. very well :(
4 Apr, 2011
Well done on snaffling those bargains, Lauram! You seem to be as bad as me for bringing home waifs and strays! I can't tell you how many times I've come home with what looks like a potful of neglected compost or, as you say, a stick and my poor hubby has just looked at me and rolled his eyes! But, isn't it brill when those 'empty' pots revive, or in some cases...resurrect! As Whistonlass says, those tomatoes of yours will be growing like crazy in that sort of heat, and although Whiston might have a problem, I think even I would love to ripen in that sort of temperature! It would make a lovely change from all the wind and rain!!
4 Apr, 2011
Oh, we will have some wind and rain here shortly, 60% chance of a tornado tonight they say. Baaaaad weather is coming in from the west with strong winds, heavy rain and hail. Apparently the warm temps today will make it worse.
Whiston, we're so sick of the cold weather here that the heat and humidity is welcome. We'll be complaining about it within a month, though, and waiting patiently for November. Last year it was in the 90s every single day from June through September.
Libet - why not take a chance on those poor neglected plants - they don't cost much and it really helps! I plan to put these in the turtle pens. They're in full sun and it's hard to find tropical-looking plants that are both inexpensive and tolerant of blazing sunshine. I have native needle palms and also windmill palms planted there, but they grow relatively slowly and I need plants that'll give the turtles some shade. I can't bring anything in over the winter because of the termites.
4 Apr, 2011
That was a fine lot of bargains you got! The refund came just in the nick of time, so really.. all the plants were free!! Even Better! The weather sounds lovely and warm, but not so good, if it means tornados, "Yikes" very scary, hope it doesn't happen! Keep safe. Laura!
4 Apr, 2011
You must be very good at nursing your plants back to health, Lauram. Hope they all survive and that the expected tornado doesn't come.
5 Apr, 2011
Oh, I do bring home the neglected ones, that's the problem! I love a good half-dead plant to nurse back to health! I think Keith would like me to bring home a few more recognisably 'healthy' plants, but where would the challenge be in that!! Plus, you can buy the injured ones for half nothing!!!
Oh, and I hope that tornedo isn't as terrifying as it's sounds, take care of yoursef! I'll be thinking of you!!
5 Apr, 2011
I'm more worried about the lightning; I think the house was hit again last Sunday night. We've been hit at least 4 times that I know of. Part of the problem was that the house wasn't properly grounded; I found that out when it came close to burning down last year. Twice it came through the phone line and fried my computer and TV. I have the lightning-protection guys coming out in a few weeks to install lightning rods because the storms lately have been incredibly bad and I'm getting nervous. I would never be able to get all the animals out of the house if something happened.
5 Apr, 2011
It's great to have a bargain. I hope you can recover that palm. I've never been able to grow a coreopsis. I don't know why but I always end up killing them lol. Good luck with your tomatoes.
85 degrees ! phew ! a bit hot ! :(
5 Apr, 2011
Lauram, the lightening rods' installation sounds like a must have for sure. I sure hope, until they are in situ, you are able to weather the storms without any damage to you, your animals or your home.
I've never had to cope with extremes of storms like you do and I think I'd find it pretty scary. I only remember one hurricane (Hurricane Freda) when I was in my early teens but I slept right through it. I awoke in the morning to the sound of chain saws as men were out on the road clearing the tangle of fallen trees. What a mess.
Keep safe, Lauram.
5 Apr, 2011
Nice bargains - hope they all thrive for you Lauram :):):)
5 Apr, 2011
There is nothing more satisfying than reviving a sad looking plant. You have worked wonders with your bargains, good luck with the palm ...though with you, I don't think luck comes into it !
5 Apr, 2011
Well done Lauram...The bargain shelf is my fav....i head straight to it when i go to the garden centre....:>)
5 Apr, 2011
Glad your ok today!
5 Apr, 2011
what I can't do are houseplants - I kill all of them!
5 Apr, 2011
I am so with you on the houseplants!! If I don't kill them, my dog eats them - either way they all end up dead!! :)
7 Apr, 2011
I love it when I get a bargain, especially plants. living in the countryside as I do you often drive past houses where there are garden plant sales selling their plants for a mere snip:^) when I do venture into a garden centre I go for the special offer ones that might look a bit sickly (my husband thinks I'm bonkers) but as Judywolf said there is nothing more rewarding than reviving a sad looking plant:)
6 Jun, 2011
I'm always looking for a good bargain myself lauram,got two this week see what I can pickup next week.
12 Jun, 2011
my bargain palms look great now, I have to plant them into some nice pots.
13 Jun, 2011
Always good to get a bargain Laura ..
I can't do houseplants either ... I've a cheeseplant and a spider plant which I've had about 20 years and they just kinda look after themselves!!!
25 May, 2012
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Well done on putting new life into bargain plants :o)
4 Apr, 2011