A lovely weekend pottering in the garden
By lily2
What could be better than a potter in the gentle autumn sunshine. Here’s what I found to do this weekend.
Job no.1 was to bury the tiny little mouse that fell victim to Daisy as she lay on the grass. It ran along behind her whispering ‘here I am, come and get me’ and so she did This is the only way she would ever manage to catch one. I rescued it and kept it in intensive care overnight but as I suspected, it was dead next morning. I did not think a photo of a dead mouse would be very tasteful!
After conducting a burial and funeral service for said sweet little mouse I continued along the flower bed weeding.
Next job was to inspect the potted up pansies and look what was just posing bold as brass for a photo shoot on one of the leaves, public enemy no.1, vine weevil
You can quess what happened next – it won’t be doing any more posing that’s for sure!
I wonder if it was responsible for one of the pansies looking like this -
Then …..horror, found some mildew traces also on the pansies so gave them a quick squirt of the necessary.
Found these in the shed, planted them up and will have to wait and see what comes up – daffs probably.
After some lunch and a long fix of GoY it was out to scarify the “lawn”. This is not very big but still managed to produce all this thatch (no moss) for the green waste collection.
I could easily have carried on and produced another 2 bagfuls but thought it best not to be too drastic at this time of year (electric scarifier, in case you’re wondering!). A trip to the garden centre required to buy some autumn lawn food I think. The grass looked bad before I did it and now looks even worse!……
Then off to do some deadheading and see what’s what in the rest of the flower beds.
Schitsostylus just starting to come out, I don’t expect too much from it this year as the lovely big established clump had to be dug up and split to spend most of the summer in pots to keep it safe during garden renovations.
Pulled out a few bits of summer bedding that had gone over but most of it is still flowering well
Rosa Canary Bird is coming out to play with a few late blooms
Penstemon still producing a few flowers
Nerines are just flowering
Sedum ‘coca cola’ new this summer but doing well
and Pennisetum Rubrum looking more lovely than ever
The beautiful sunny weekend was finished off with a walk down to the local lake to visit the ducks. We did notice how low the water level was, an indication of the lack of rain here this summer.
A quick visit from the granchildren was the last thing to happen before a bit of catching up on GoY followed by a lovely soak in the bath.
Just lovely!
27 Sep, 2009
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Lily, your superb photo's only accentuate what is already a most amazingly wonderful and colourful garden.
The mix of your planting highlights so many great flowers and plants and once again, another brilliant blog.
Thanks for sharing your day. I'm quite busy at mo and falling behind with people's blogs/pics but keep getting drawn back....glad I did tonight as I enjoyed this blog a lot....:0)-
Public enemy no. 1......great pic though!!
27 Sep, 2009
Now I know what comes in my house weavels thank you for identifing them for me. Your garden is beautiful with a lovely selection of bright and colourful plants. Love the water scenes with the ducks and geese too. Hope you enjoyed your bath.:o))
27 Sep, 2009
Thanks Hywel. Yes they are ugly watsits aren't they but better than spiders! lol
Thank you too Dan, you're always so generous in your comments, glad you enjoyed it. I was rather pleased with the pic of the 'ugly one'! It's getting hard to keep up with it all even when you're not a busy person, I spend far too much time on here! :o)
The bath was lovely Morgana, just got out! Funny how those weevils come indoors isn't it?
27 Sep, 2009
I'm glad you managed to get such a good photo of that 'critter', Lily - now I shall know what to look for.
You've still got plenty of lovely flowers in your garden! It looks beautiful, still. :-))
27 Sep, 2009
It is I was worried incase it was a death watch beetle or bugs as I don't have a clue what they look like either
27 Sep, 2009
I have only seen one weevil in my house. It never came in again :o) Plenty outside though and they do more harm than spiders, but I know what you mean Lily.
27 Sep, 2009
garden still looks very colourfull lily, some pretty flowers there, nasty bug, not very nice, they eat everything underground roots to,,lay eggs below i think,,lovely pics of the lake, very scenic, glad you had a lovely weekend :o)
27 Sep, 2009
This sounds like the perfect late summer weekend to me Lily. You know I haven't been so lucky, never sat down for more than half an hour at a time since I was invaded, and tomorrow I've got the school run again. :~((
27 Sep, 2009
It has been a lovely week end for so many and almost Oct. your garden is still so full of colour Lily.
27 Sep, 2009
Wow! Lily what a great blog and some wonderful shots too, they are stunning, the picture of that vine weevil should be nominated, please add it to your pics and I will nominate it.
27 Sep, 2009
I'll second that as I want it in my favourites so I can find it again if I ever see one. Ugly looking thing. :~((
27 Sep, 2009
Wow! What colours!! Gorgeous! The vine weevil is horrible tho! Yeeucchh!
28 Sep, 2009
A lovely blog Lily and gorgeous pictures.
Your Pennisetum's beautful, i love them :)
28 Sep, 2009
Still so many colourful summer bedding plants !! This little 'Indian Summer' has really 'lifted' everything hasn't it ? Beautiful Lily, really beautiful !! :-)))
28 Sep, 2009
Thank you all for your kind comments. I have to say vine weevils are much easier to take pics of than bees! Yes San it's the underground larvae which do most damage. The first time I ever found one indoors, in my ignorance, I carefully put it outside in one of my containers - bad move, Weevil heaven!! OK Bob and Ian I'll put him in my pics for you :o)
28 Sep, 2009
Thanks Lily and how are you this fine and sunny morning?
28 Sep, 2009
Ah, so that's where the sun is hiding today then! It's said to be putting in an appearance later but cloudy for now. Just as well, as there's housework to do after all that time spent gardening! Thanks for asking, I'm fine today even if the weather's not. Lol
28 Sep, 2009
I'm sure it will come out sooner or later. Lol ;~))
28 Sep, 2009
Beautiful sedum - a perfect match for the Nerine. Lovely set of photos. Enjoyed the walk to see the ducks, too.
28 Sep, 2009
what beautiful colours
its amazing, I have hardly any colour left now
just the Autumn colours coming in
well done
x x x
28 Sep, 2009
Beautiful garden - I have had loads of slugs and snails this year and said to my son that when I go up to heaven there wont be god instead there will be a big snail looking down on me going "huh huh" and squishing me with a big foot (getting their own back!!)
28 Sep, 2009
Thank you Wagger, Mookins, and GS, glad you enjoyed a last look at summer's colour. I don't think it will last much beyond this week as it's supposed to be turning colder which will see most of it off.....ah well, at least I won't have to water it! ( and the ducks will still be there) :o) A snail, slug or vine weevil is definitely not the best thing to be!
28 Sep, 2009
Lily your garden is breathtaking. You have so much colour. Your garden is very neat and tidy too. Love the nerines :o)
28 Sep, 2009
Thanks Spindle. Sometimes I wish I had my previous large garden again, that definitely wasn't so neat and tidy but this one suits my protesting bones better even though it's sometimes a bit limiting. The Nerines are a new thing for me, haven't found the right spot for them yet so they're in a pot.
28 Sep, 2009
Well Lily you have done a brilliant job - dont suppose you have any photos of your last garden too?
28 Sep, 2009
I didn't take many Spindle as I wasn't a very good or interested photographer and the camera wasn't much good either! I'll have a look through them, see if I can find any 'in focus' ones! lol . GoY (and a digital camera) have improved my skills considerably but I'm still learning....
28 Sep, 2009
What a lot of colour you have! Wonderful. The lake looks a fab place to walk to...wish we had something like that near us.
28 Sep, 2009
We go there quite often Fluff, always plenty of ducks and geese to watch. I don't know if you saw the duck blog I did earlier this year, this is where we released the ducklings.
29 Sep, 2009
Fantastic pictures Lily, the Nerines and Sedum look fantastic and the vine weavel adorable...only kidding!! (about the beatle). I'm glad someone else has noticed the lack of rain in the southeast, elsewhere in the country no one believes me when I tell them we need some rain.
29 Sep, 2009
No Lily I haven't yet seen your duck blog...one of these days I'm going to sit down & go back thru' blogs I've missed...how long do you think I'd need? Lol!!
29 Sep, 2009
Oh only about 3 years Fluff, give or take a month or two! Lol
Glad you like the pics Rbt, including the ugly little beastie. The ground is so dry isn't it and I think it's been even worse over in East Anglia, at least my rain barrels have filled up once or twice this summer.
29 Sep, 2009
Mine are empty again Lily, ;~((
29 Sep, 2009
Mine was, but its filling up today again!!!!
29 Sep, 2009
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Your garden is still colourful Lily. You got a lot done too :o)
Aren't those weevils horrible ... lol... and ugly !
27 Sep, 2009