new potatoes
By lilypad
Well I could not wait any longer. I sampled two varieties from my growing sacks. Red Duke of York and Rocket. I am underwhelmed by both of them. The red does not scrape and when boiled is very floury. Not at all what I want in a new potato. Just like the sackful I normally buy in the autumn for roasting and baking. points out of ten 2. Rocket scraped well but was floury too. I was expecting all new potatoes to be waxy and delicious . points out of ten 3. Hope Charlotte ,swift ,kestrel, maris peer, and maris piper ,javelin ,Vales emerald and pink fir apple or king edward will do the business. Over to others
17 Jun, 2010
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My earlies are "Foremost"....might be tempted to lift some this weekend.....:-o)
17 Jun, 2010
Lilypad I think you have simply lifted your new potatoes too soon! That said there are waxy and flowery new potatoes - you need to check which varieties to grow next year. Some of the potatoes you have listed are main crop = the pink fir apple is definitely waxy... though it produces rather small and odd shaped tubers.
17 Jun, 2010
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You inspired me to test for our potatoes and wow we've got some :-)
just pulled up enough for my tea, they are first earlies called annabelle
will let you know what they are like
looking good so far, skin can be peeled by slightly rubbing but have left skin on :-)
17 Jun, 2010