Niger seed in bird planter..
By lincslass
A while back when planting my seeds, I sprinkled some Niger seed in one of the bird planters, hadn`t got any idea what it would look like, its doing quite well..
I cannot believe it has turned out to be this, I used to have this in my garden, it was terrible to get rid of, I`m so pleased my Niger seed feeders are in the apple trees, not hanging over the garden.
I`m now going to put the planter down near the apple trees, hoping the Goldfinches find it….
19 Jun, 2011
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Sorry but its Persicaria maculosa Redshank an annual weed Lincslass. The seeds can lie dormant for over 40 years. I am wondering though if you remove it have you something else in there?
19 Jun, 2011
No Drc I just wondered what the niger seed would be like, thats why its in the bird planter, a bit of curiosity you could say, I`ll be keeping a very watchful eye on it as I do not want it back in my garden, lol...
19 Jun, 2011
Got you lol
19 Jun, 2011
yes hope for the goldfinches for you - I also bought some and try keep it in the terracotta pot :)
19 Jun, 2011
They still visit Paul, they come to the baths every day and the fruit trees but never bother with the feeders, guess theres plenty of other delights to be had...
19 Jun, 2011
same here Lincslass - thanks to the waterfall they bathe in it - first time ever had them this year
19 Jun, 2011
Oh dear Linclass! Don't let it escape! It's terrible to get out of the garden, Drc's right, it lies in wait for years and then pounces when your back's turned, Lol!
19 Jun, 2011
I know Libet, I used to have it in one of the beds and did manage to clear it, I`m hoping the finches appreciate it, I`m making sure I`m careful where the niger feeders are hanging now..
19 Jun, 2011
I hope it doesn't spread too much sue. It can be a nuisance.
20 Jun, 2011
I got Niger seeds hoping to attract Goldfinches, but alas they don;t come least when I'm looking!
Got plenty of bluetits and STARLINGS! grr..oh and damn pigeons!
20 Jun, 2011
Well I never ..... hadn't associated the weed with the seed!
I hadn't thought of sowing bird seed to see what grows, may have to do some research.
20 Jun, 2011
Hiya Hywel, I `ve only got it in a bird planter which I`ve now moved near the bottom greenhouse, its stood on the path and rest assured I`m going to keep my eyes open, if the birds don`t bother with it I`ll dispose of all of it in the garden green bin, definitely not my compost...
20 Jun, 2011
Pixi don`t give up I had niger feeders in my garden for over a year before they started coming, last winter there were loads visiting daily....
20 Jun, 2011
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owww so that is what that is.... just thought this was a weed.....
19 Jun, 2011