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September in the garden...


I’ve been struggling very much with pain in my spine and hips, reached the point whereby I could hardly walk anywhere and going upstairs or up a hill was agony for me, at long last I have now been offered some help, the doctor I saw last February told me it was my age and I had to expect it to happen and take a painkiller, I’ve now had xrays and mri scans, it turns out I have osteopenia in my spine as well as osteoarthritis in my hips and rheumatoid anywhere it wishes to attack, I’ve been given some extra strong painkillers now and I’m awaiting delivery of some tablets ( cannot remember the name)to take once a week for the next five years, plus I’m on calcium tablets twice daily which hopefully will increase the density of my bones, also been advised on some exercises to do that hopefully will stop my joints seizing up, especially my hands and wrists, the one good thing is I can still do my gardening in easy stages, just have to pace myself. as you can imagine I haven’t been a happy bunny this summer.. .August was not worth showing, the poor garden has really struggled through lack of rain, I lost a lot of plants and it was too dry to even contemplate trying to replace them, out of two dozen gladioli I had three that flowered, the rest all burnt to a crisp before they had chance to produce any blooms, a lot of the roses developed blackspot and looked dreadful, first time I’ve had that in years, everything in my greenhouse was very slow growing at first but I’m pleased to say the toms and cucumbers are now doing very well…..Things are picking up now and I do have some very nice autumn colour to cheer me up…. The roses are doing very well now and as you can see these ones have nice fresh leaves and no black spot, I do have three more not shown but they are improving as well…

Other colour around my garden…

Despite the lack of water my ferns in the stumpery have flourished, the hostas not so good as they were eaten right down to the ground…

The Acers are now back near the pond, they spent many weeks underneath the apple tree, the only shady spot in the garden, they were suffering and their leaves were shrivelling from both wind and sunburn, the pots were hot to touch , I’m thinking its time to move them out of the pots into the garden itself, don’t yet know where but needs must if I want them to survive…..

Its been a real struggle this year but I was determined my garden was not going to be neglected, …As the saying goes "Where there’s a will, There’s always a way".. .

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