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April in June.


Well thats the kind of day it is here, bright sunshine then showers, I`m backwards and forwards like a yoyo.
Doing what? one might say..Carting water..

From here…

To the back of my greenhouse..

Neither of my greenhouses are suitable for guttering, shame..

Storing those bins at the back does save me time and energy when watering and I prefer rainwater as much as possible…. Getting legs wet when going past the valerian..

I will trim them back when they go to seed but they are a bit of colour in the dogs run..
Do have a butt on the bottom shed.

Spare wheelie bin tucked away here but haven`t yet got my guttering fitted up, its on my to do list.

As you can see I did have company in the garden…

The bottom pond is topped up as well, must get a barley stick to clear the water, haven`t put one in yet, its a crafty move on my part as last year Brynner kept getting the tadpoles out and with murky water he hasn`t taken any notice of them so far….

All in all not a bad day and this time its warm between the showers, thats a good growing day….

Had to add this one, its the first time I`ve managed to get a photo..

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Adding this to GoYpedia Waterbutts...

Yes .. it has been a day of sunshine and showers ...
... well done on your water-carrying !

My waterbutts and spare bins are all full of rainwater ...

nice to have the rain because my gardens have been very thirsty in recent months ... :o)

PS Who left his toy on the garden path ? ;o)

18 Jun, 2011


Yes Terra, the toys are scattered all over house and garden..Have you seen my add on pic. I`m really chuffed..

18 Jun, 2011


Just seen the add-on pic.
Well photographed ! :o)

18 Jun, 2011


Do Red Kites eat chickens ? when I first saw it, it was very low over a neighbours garden, he has chickens and I`ve never seen it as low before....

18 Jun, 2011


Same weather here.

18 Jun, 2011


Quite a lot on internet about the diet of Kites etc.

... possibly the Kite was more interested in the Collared Dove than in the chickens, but Kites also eat a lot of carrion, rather than moving prey ...

18 Jun, 2011


sunshine and showers here on south coast... and very windy again......think we had our summer in April when it was lovely.... : O )

18 Jun, 2011


Similar sun & showers here ... I did manage to edge the lawn & mow the back part before the mower stopped working! OH now trying to sort out the problem ... hope it's just a fuse needing to be changed! Love the pic of the Red Kite ... but I do think your Collared Dove looks like he's on a stick ... lol! : o )))

18 Jun, 2011


LOL, Shirley I never took any notice before, it looks as though its up his gungha-poocha ,its a rather large beanstick showing, I have a few popped in amongst everything else.......

18 Jun, 2011


There's an expression I've not heard before ... but I get the meaning of it! Black as night down here now and it's only 5.30 ... : o ((

18 Jun, 2011


Great blog Lincs. Love your water butts. I really have to set some up here. Especially as we are going on water meters soon.
We are having much the same weather here. :o(

18 Jun, 2011


Looks like you've lots to keep you fit in your garden Lincs, love the valerian along your path. My butts are full but I don't need to use them as my garden has had more than enough rain now and so have I. I know we all longed for the rain to come but.....maybe just a few sunny days now?

18 Jun, 2011


Love the pic of the Kite very well captured. I must have known what was coming weather wise as last week we sorted out our water butts moving from patio to bottom of garden. We now have three 240Ltr and they are all full and overflowing could do with a 4th. Its put a bit of a damper on alterations we started by the patio steps, but hope to get finished some time next week.
That old whatnot or plant stand at the back of the greenhouse looks interesting.

18 Jun, 2011


Isn`t Goy clever!!!!!! Have any of you noticed that the GardenCentre pics at the side are all to do with waterbutts and accessories....

18 Jun, 2011


your well prepared for rainwater sue with all your water butts etc, garden looking great to and love your garden companians to, im waiting to get the back of my shed cleared so i can have a water butt there, on baz`s list ummm lol :o)

18 Jun, 2011


I`m lucky San, we have a trailer so I fill it up and then tell hubby there`s rubbish to go to the tip, if something is too heavy I leave space and tell him on the day that there is a little something to be added and I`m sorry but could n`t manage on my own, lol...

18 Jun, 2011


lovely blog - yes the months are all mixed up - April was like June and vice versa as you say - Jan was like March as I remember and MAy was like OCtober - and I am confusing things here :D We only have one water butt and already emptied it had a little rain but not much. Your pictures are lovely and you are working hard - know the felling I been doing same watering Gunnera and Camellias this method too :):):)

18 Jun, 2011


I`d get an overflow butt in line Paul if you have one, cos when it comes your way if its like ours you`ll sure need one...

18 Jun, 2011


I have a bucket that's it - need another one - would love one :):):):))

18 Jun, 2011

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