From My House to Yours....
By lincslass
Thanks to advice from Hywel and Balcony I can use goy again without it winding me up, I haven’t been on for a long time because I thought we had lost it, out of curiosity I had a look one day last week and Lo and Behold, there it was, however still inundated with even more adverts., today I have none…Yay !!! Happy Goyer…..
There is not a lot to report going on in the garden at the moment, untidy, and mainly different shades of green, I do have quite a few very confused plants that think its springtime so there is the odd dash of colour for me to admire as I wander around, the lawns need a cut but its too wet to even contemplate doing that, my succulents and tender plants are safely tucked away in the g’house for the winter, I pruned the roses a third back a few weeks ago, will do them again in February..
Even though the weather has been atrocious for the last few weeks, I’m pleased to say I have not had any damage caused by those storms, had to fish the garden seat out of the fishpond twice but it didn’t break, thankfully the netting saved it from sinking ,its blown again in last nights wind but this time was thrown in a different direction, now I’m leaving it laid on its back as its too heavy for me to lift on my own….I hope none of you have suffered any flooding or damage and are all keeping well xx…..No photos of the garden this time so I’ll show my Christmas Decs instead….
18 Dec, 2024
Previous post: September in the garden...
so pleased GoY is working for you again. It is a relief to have it working well [fingers crossed it will continue]
Also pleased you have had no storm damage and as for chairs being blown around I don't blame you leaving it on its back.
Your home looks very cheerful and I hope it brings you the best Christmas ever.
19 Dec, 2024
Hello and thankyou Bernie, I'm now trying to catch up on the blogs and the friends I've been missing, I am in contact with a few on FB but not everybody uses it, I was feeling sad when I thought Goy had gone completely, lots of friends and memories have been made over those years.....The sun is shining beautifully here, has been for the last few days, we deserve it after all the storms and amount of rain we've been getting, weather has gone a bit mad in the last few years, it seems as though we are like you and get all or nothing, not for as long as you with your dry and wet seasons but its a fact we are experiencing longer periods with no rain at all and then it arrives and I joke and say I can have a paddy field , I've even considered making a prairie garden in part of my garden, something that will love the dry weeks when the lawn turns brown in places and my summer plants die off, lol....We have to accept what we get don't we, lol.... Have a wonderful Christmas Bernieh.....xx
19 Dec, 2024
Seaburn its good to have it back again, I was amazed when I turned it on last week and found it was working, when I tried a while back I couldn't find it, just some gobbledy gook that I did not understand at all, I as you know am not teccie-minded at all, I must have coincided with when it was down or whatever, was Shirley's post that explained it all but I was still frustrated at all those ads, Hywel and Balcony pointed me in the right direction and I have no ads at all, we've been around a very long time and I would hate to think it had gone completely...
How are things with you and all your family, I hope your garden escaped the storm damage, some people had it very bad didn't they, not the time for your outings on the motorbike Seaburn although a day like today would be nice...I'm indoor gardening, watering and sorting out my household plants before the Christmas and New Year neglect time, happens every year as they get shoved aside to make room for xmas decs....Have a wonderful Christmas Eileen and like you I'm keeping everything xx that we are sorted out on here now, I really do get lost without it...
19 Dec, 2024
Merry Christmas Sue xx
Nice to see your decorations, glad you had no damage from the storm, and happy to know you've been able to get rid of the ads :)
19 Dec, 2024
Sue, great to see a blog from you, well done on getting back to GoY. Our son-in-law has been with us most of the day, waiting for his car to have a service/MOT and he's kindly spent ages trying to get our printer working. No success though ... I feel like throwing it out to be honest! Good old pen and paper beckons ... :o))
19 Dec, 2024
Thanks Hywel, I wished I'd asked about the adblock months ago, it was so easy to follow that link,lets hope we are all clear now and can continue here as before, I was missing my Goy and all my friends, there are quite a few that don't use FB ..Hope you have a good Christmas Hywel ...xx
19 Dec, 2024
Good to see you Sue, and your Christmas Decs are a treat!
19 Dec, 2024
Hiya Shirley, its funny you mention the printer, when Derek passed away we put his computer and all the gear upstairs in the little room, Sherryl even bought a new desk for all the kit and caboodle, that included our printer, that was over a year ago, do you know she still has not connected it up properly, consequently we have no printer in action, hopefully when she gets around to setting it all back up our one will still work, lol. In Leicester on Monday waiting whilst Juliet had her op, we wandered around the shopping centre, one of the places we went into was a photographic shop that you can print all sorts of things, so she spent money in there printing off special gift cards, goodness knows what it cost her Shirley, mind you it was warmer in there so I didn't mind the wait...I haven't a clue how to connect anything so if I need something printed I ask my granddaughter Lizzie or her dad to do it for me at their house, grandson George has now made his home in Liverpool, he would have done it all for us if he was still living at home. I was quite lost without Goy Shirley so I'm really pleased its sorted, haven't tried any pm's but assume they are okay as well, the photo's went on very quickly, don't know what Dave has done but he's a very good chappie ..x
19 Dec, 2024
Hello Sheila and thankyou, its grand to be back, I missed everybody...Merry Christmas to You xx
19 Dec, 2024
Glad to see you are back to creating blogs, Sue! I'm also glad we could help you with adblocker! It's not just GoY where you will notice the difference but everywhere you go on the internet!
Now looking forward to seeing your garden again - in the spring!
Happy Christmas to you & family.
19 Dec, 2024
Merry Christmas Lincslass. Your house looks very festive.
Glad to see you back, you were missed.
19 Dec, 2024
Sue, my comment seems to have not been sent, so PM on the way to you!
19 Dec, 2024
Balcony thankyou, I have already noticed a difference today, I'm looking forward to being able to be active on here again and follow everyones blogs and seeing all the photo's, I know I have FB but its not the same as being on here, I did try other sites but just couldn't get on with them......
Hope you, your wife and the family have a lovely Christmas...xx
19 Dec, 2024
Merry Christmas Linclass, love your decorations. I hope we have a good 2025 for all our gardening projects.
19 Dec, 2024
Hello Klahanie and thankyou, its good to be back, I missed all of you as well, hoping all the glitches have been fixed now and we can carry on next year enjoying ourselves posting and showing photos...Merry Christmas to you ..xx
19 Dec, 2024
Merry Christmas F'few and thankyou, I'm certainly looking forwards to a new gardening year, although I can't really say that this year has ended yet as regards my garden, I'm still popping out and deadheading flowers, forecasters keep warning of freezing conditions but in actual fact its very mild really so they 're still producing blooms, I might be regretting saying that before very long , lol.
19 Dec, 2024
Have a lovely Christmas Sue and Best Wishes for the New Year.
I love all your decorations and the trees.
I have a Choisya that thinks it is the Spring! Very strange weather!
Take care x
20 Dec, 2024
Great to see you on here Sue! Well done getting rid of the ads. Your home looks cosy and twinkly! Happy Christmas x
20 Dec, 2024
Merry Christmas Rose, are you spending it with family ? Its bitter cold today, comes as a blow after being so mild all week, they keep threatening us with an artic blast, we wait and see....xx
20 Dec, 2024
Thanks Karen, its such a relief to come on and not have ads everywhere, keeping my fingers xx goy runs smoothly now, wasn't right without it...
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas...xx
20 Dec, 2024
Yes I am Sue. Going to my grandaughters Christmas Day and my son and wife comes on Boxing Day.
I hope you are too! Will send you a pm. x
21 Dec, 2024
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So glad to hear the storms did not cause any damage at your place. I think it's a good idea to leave the chair lying down.
Your Christmas decorations are lovely. Everything looks very festive. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
18 Dec, 2024