Now for the collection frames
Yesterday, I showed a bit of the garden, thought it fair to show some of what is in the backyard.
This is one of my main frames (racks) – mesembs
Then we have the frames for Haworthias
And this is one of the baby seedling racks
There is another 5 of them! So I guess I qualify as an addict! LOL! LT
24 Aug, 2012
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All those pots to look after must take you some time! Stera said what have you in mind for them.....
24 Aug, 2012
Stera, Pam, the pots on the main frame are mine, mine! LOL! Those represent species and grouped by genus, top for instance are all various Conophytum species. The Haworthia's (pink frame) also all singular species with one or 2 multiples. The last rack is babies, and I pick 3-5, planted in max 2-3 pots, the rest go first to friends & family, then I either sell or give them to other collectors.
24 Aug, 2012
Oh, watering, when I water it takes me 15 min at most, when I decide to feed or water groups deeper, maybe 1 hour. This happens rarely, most of the time I just walk slooooowly and enjoy, see what's on offer, always something happening. When the neighbour or another collector visits - 2 hours at least! LOL!
24 Aug, 2012
Now that is an addiction :)
24 Aug, 2012
My goodness, you don't do things by half do you? Your collection is fantastic!
24 Aug, 2012
I love my little soldiers! They are very special and for the amount of plants, do not require much space! You get some like Hereroa, sitting next to, which flower at night, many of the cono's do not get higher than 1 cm, I will post a few tomorrow or so.
24 Aug, 2012
i love your little soldiers too Lt...all in little rows...looking forward to seeing more of your
24 Aug, 2012
Yes I think you're an addict ;o) There are sooooo many ! I think they're wonderful ...
24 Aug, 2012
Hehe, Thanks. I work like this, I take a genus, say Pleiospilos, then see what I have a do not have, and try and get seeds of the species I do not have and grow them, that is why tagging is important for me and putting them in genus groups as well.
25 Aug, 2012
very organised....
25 Aug, 2012
Thanks, I bought the pots bulk (love square pots for space utilization and look) and the tags, much cheaper and for me it all about the little cuties, so pots must be understated.
25 Aug, 2012
i like the square ones too. they take up less space when i take them to plant sales.
do you have to protect them at times of the year or do they do just fine outside?
26 Aug, 2012
I have them tight against a wall outside under the overhang of the house, where they get morning sun and facing away from 90% of the rain storms, so I do not have to worry, unless we have the odd rainstorm from the wrong side, but if they are dry, a little rain will not do too much harm.
26 Aug, 2012
here in the uk mine are only outside from may till october then they have to be tucked up in the greenhouse in a frame and covered at night in january and february.....but they are worth the effort..
27 Aug, 2012
Definitely. I guess you guys need to be a little careful on the size of some plants, if you have to move it around. LT
28 Aug, 2012
we do Lt...finding space in the winter is the thing...every window in the house is full during the cold weather.
28 Aug, 2012
One of my US friends pull his succulents for winter every year, but leaves a pot in the spot, so that he can either replant or just slip them back into the spots. Clever! Glad we do not have those issues here. Pheew! LT
28 Aug, 2012
i love to collect them all in and fill my tunnel and shed they look so lovely tucked up for the winter.. i would love to see them get big in your climate but as i true welsh woman i melt if the temps go above 24. which is why i will enjoy seeing all your babies doing their thin in the sunshine...:-)
28 Aug, 2012
I need to practise this smiling thing :-) , hehe! I actually also do not like anything above 28C for too long, we have temps ranging from 20-25 on average, maybe a smidgen higher in summer. Another reason I love it here! LT
28 Aug, 2012
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What can be said but wow!! Hope you have room for all those, unless youa re going to sell some.
24 Aug, 2012