By littlelegs
Here are some photo’s from our recent holiday in sunny Majorca.
6 days of sun, 1 overcast day. 80 degrees the norm.
First the view from our balcony at sunrise.
Stunning don’t you think?
We stayed at a resort called Calles de Mallorca.
I expect there’s a few people on GOY who have been there.
The hotel was right on the beach, perched on the rocks above, and a path has been built along the top of the cliffs. It stretches a few miles and takes in a couple of beaches along the way.
We decided to do the cliff walk on the overcast day, but it was still nice and warm.
Stick with me because there are some flowers coming up!
There are a few hotels on the way, and some villas, the flowers and palms looked very nice, even though its now October. I haven’t a clue what the plants are, but I’m sure that somebody will know on here. They just looked nice to me.
These lovely little things were around a hotel along the way. The berries look like blackberry, and the bush was thorny, like a rose, I thought they looked like verbena.
Just after these photo’s were taken, the gardener ( Spanish ) came along and trimmed the bushes down, removing all the blooms with it.
Does anyone know the name of these flowers ?
We reached the end of our walk and took some refreshments from a beach bar, then we decided to make our way up off the beach to a hotel at the top of a cove. On the way up, in the valley, there was an abundance of morning glory growing wild. I would love to see it when its all in bloom. I should imagine its quite spectacular.
This is Candice, my brother and Sister in Laws granddaughter. She decided to make some earrings from the local flowers. Looks sweet, don’t you think.
On the way up we encountered some of the locals.
I don’t know if they had 2 legs longer than the other 2. LOL.
And to finish off this part 1 off my blog, some more flowers, don’t ask me to name them though…….
I hope to do Part 2 shortly, this will include a visit to the market.
Wakey Wakey at the back !!!!!!!!
13 Oct, 2010
Previous post: *BACK FROM HOLS*
Next post: *MAJORCAN MYSTERIES* Part 2
I don't know whistonlass, there were some waspie things around and I did'nt want a sore nose. :o)))
13 Oct, 2010
Best avoided, those waspie things! I'd not manage the hike even with waspies threatening....I can easily become panicky with anything that might bite! So....the shrubs can't have been too fragrant to need a nose-to-bloom sniff I guess. :)
13 Oct, 2010
I think the orange, yellow and pink flowers are a type of Lantana , often seen them in The Algarve as hedging plants. Lovely photos taken on a gorgeous island. Pleased you had a good holiday too.
13 Oct, 2010
Wild-type Spanish Flag (Lantana camara), thats the yellow and red one.
Just googled it Shirley, yes it is, and guess what , its a member of the verbena family, YIPPEE, I'm learning all the time. Thankyou. :o))))
13 Oct, 2010
I've put a photo of a Lantana on for you, in case you're pining for Mallorca !
13 Oct, 2010
Lovely blog LL ... the flowers are beautiful. Why do they cut them down while they are still flowering? Such a shame!
We saw lots of MGs growing wild in Crete ... gorgeous blue hedgefuls all along the roadside. I was in heaven!
Hey Candice! Cool earrings! ;o)
13 Oct, 2010
Lovely photos - especially pleased to see the pink climber that I queried in one of my blogs - a Pink Trumpet Vine. Also nice to see the hotel I stayed in with my young daughters (and ex- Bleurgh!) 30 years ago!!!! Thirty! Oh dear, far too many years!
14 Oct, 2010
It seems you had a nice holiday. I'm pleased you showed us some photos. The shrub is called Lantana. Don't know if someone has already said it. I don't read all the comments - too time consuming lol
80 is too hot for me though :o( but I'm glad you enjoyed.
14 Oct, 2010
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Spectacular scenery and the photos of the abundant flowers are wonderful. It is a shame the blooms were cut off the shrub...they were very attractive with their variety of colour. Were many of the shrubs fragrant?
It looked a very steep walk up the cliffs so you must be very fit, LL. I'll look forward to part 2.
13 Oct, 2010