While Taking A Night Walk In The Garden...
By loosestrife2
I noticed that one of my Monarda’s had “Crowned” itself by sending another smaller flowering stalk right in the middle of the main flower head. Being a rare sight to my eyes I decided to take a photo of this in the dead of night using my headlamp for illumination. I then remembered a member of GOY who called herself “ Moongrow” because she preferred to do her planting at night. Though she has not posted for quite a while I decided to do something I have never done before which is to take a few nighttime photos. The first photo you will see in this set is the self crowned Monarda I have just mentioned. The final photo in the set is a sign that says “Lilly’s Garden”. Lilly was a dog kept by a neighbor who was rescued from the great hurricane that destroyed New Orleans. Lilly loved my garden and almost every day she lead my neighbor to my garden to walk around it. Lilly passed away earlier this year and I decided to dedicate my garden to her hence the sign. I dedicate the following nighttime photos to Moongrow…
Daytime Headgear:
Nighttime Headgear:
19 Jun, 2020
Previous post: Abandon Ship?
Next post: My Garden In The Day When You Can See The Full Moon......
lovely photo's, taking them in the dark can give a real magical feel about them, the head in the pond is brilliant :) :)
19 Jun, 2020
Super photos, somehow they look more magical in that light. I am sure all those little people are just waiting for you to turn your back before they start partying!
19 Jun, 2020
Thank You All! I took these photos with my apple iPad. The lighting source came from a headlamp which I place over my cap when I walk my dogs at night. I have attached photos of both my day and night headgear.
19 Jun, 2020
I'm always up for a night time stroll. I used to grow moon flower for that very reason - the huge white flowers open at night and emit the most amazing fragrance for a particular moth which pollinates. The flowers are done by sunrise and you'd never know they were there. As for your Monarda, I believe it's a genetic mutation caused by a virus, which is irreversible. I would discard that plant ASAP. Lovely garden otherwise. I think I spotted a veronica, another fave of mine.
20 Jun, 2020
That patch of Monarda has been next to my garden pond for about 20 years Bath. I think a combination of self seeding and offshoots from runners has kept it going. I wouldn’t mind if they all looked like that so I will leave it as is. Besides when I pop off -not that far off - the new owner will probably bulldoz the garden flat, put in grass and top it off with one of those ugly wooden kiddie play sets that the kids never play on.
20 Jun, 2020
Love the night vision lamp! I agree with all the other’s comments, so very magical and mystical at night isn’t it!
You’ve captured lots of lovely colours in your garden, I guess the colours are vivid in the daytime too, but, I guess the night lends a different aspect to the planting and colour when captured, especially with your fancy headgear!
20 Jun, 2020
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Beautiful photo's, it looks magical L'strife, I never get a good result when I try and take photographs after dark, I 'll have to get a light and try your way.. Lovely way to remember Lily, she must have found peace and safety walking in your garden after the trauma of the hurricane, that was a compliment to you......
19 Jun, 2020