It's the Solstice!
By lorilyn57
The earth has made another circle of the sun…and today is summer! Hope everyone has a little bit of a celebration today. At least the celestial forces are behaving as they always have…can’t say much for the terrestrial ones! The one constant where I live is getting up to another project. This one is done! (well the construction part, at least.)
Today saw the completion of the backdoor decking…it’s a job I’m happy to have finished. Never saw the excavator again…so I went out with my trusty shovel and cleared the area that I needed to level for the deck. The frame took longer to paint than it did to assemble and we used the 5/4 decking that is pressure treated to resist rot and the timbers we painted with a good exterior paint instead of buying the poisoned wood. We had no choice in the decking as it doesn’t come any other way. The top needs a coat of weather seal…and we’re still looking for a patio set to complete the project. Barbeque needs to be cleaned and transferred. Have plans for a couple of trellises and will be planting up the two huge terra cotta planters that made it thro the move unbroken!
This morning’s tour held four surprises:
1. The dahlias from Wales are coming up. I planted them so late that I was concerned for them. Put them in the bed at the front steps where we pulled out the huge rock!… Mandy bedded down on them once…and it’s been necessary for me to hook up the hose and water recently..and still not much moisture in the forecast! Lovely things are emerging from the soil…Thanks Arlene!
2. My hastily planted clematis are starting to blossom! This is Warsaw Nike, the other two plants are still poking along…but not worried. hope to strengthen them for the coming winter and perhaps will pot them up for storage. Still toying with the idea of keeping them in the basement.
3. Over the winter I’ve looked at the sihouettes of the trees and shrubs that were already here and wondered how they would fit with my plans for the garden…two trees in particular I was not familiar with…one is in the family garden area at the back of the house and the other is in the front yard…One of the locals said they were Elms (Ulmus) but I knew by their shape that they were mature and certainly not Elms. Considering the other trees in the vicinity (one is a young Red Maple) I was toying with the idea of removing the largest one. When I raked beneath the trees earlier this spring I saw that the leaves were small and arranged on long spathes…hmmm…. looks like a sumac…no too large…then I found a squirrel’s cache and it all became clear! They are black walnut. Juglans nigra…and the previous owner had made a perennial bed under the largest tree in the front garden! (in the picture of the deck you will see the other black walnut in the background) This tree is quite tall and it’s dripline circumference takes in a lot of territory…but what’s more puzzling is the fact that there is a line of extemely tall balsam spruce in line with it and two young trees (maple and spruce) within 20 ft. of it.
Looks like they are going to bear nuts…check this out!
4. Another area which I was planning on clearing out was the Hazel thicket …but looking at them I realized that there are nuts forming on them too! Glad I was delayed in getting to the area. Sorry that this photo isn’t as well focused as it should be…old eyes, I guess.
Today’s walk was really worthwhile!
The following are a few little extras that popped up…one of them is a pic of wild geranium…
UPDATE: Libet gets a gold star because she observed that the flower in question looked like an echium! It is, in fact, Viper’s Bugloss, Echium vulgare…a wild echium quite different from the echiums of the Canary Islands…but an echium all the same!
Found a lovely surprise …check out the colour of the lovely spider on these little wild flowers… These blue flowers grow along roadsides, and yes, I’ll be updating when I’ve had a chance to get on the i’net and check it out.
The last is the excavated material that I have to level and turn into a garden and pathway…I’ve already planted a weigela and calla lilies…which are doing fine, touch wood…The plox and daylilies were already here and are up and growing well too. Where the most of the digging was done there were abundant stones from small ones to boulders! will be looking for uses for any and all…Rocks are the bones of the garden landscape…no wonder the Japanese name them!
Next blog will have photos of the greenhouse…oh please let it be so!!!
21 Jun, 2011
Previous post: Obituary
Next post: *This morning's ramble...
Hi Lorilyn I enjoyed reading this blog you have been so busy, everything look's great. I loved the geranium they are a favourite of mine and I have not seen a yellow spider before :-)
21 Jun, 2011
Hello Lori! Hope you're feeling better. You're getting on great there by the looks of it, the decking is very enviable! It's really lovely, with lots of scope for planting in pots. As you say, sometimes it's better to hold off when you move somewhere, all those nuts would have been lost, well, as long as the critters leave them alone for you! The little blue flower is beautiful, it looks a bit like a little echium, and that yellow spider (shudder!) couldn't have picked a better colour of plant to pose against!
You are to be admired for the amount of work you've done there, Lori, the garden and surroundings will be a credit to you when you've finished...although when are we ever finished...that would be no fun at all! Take care!
21 Jun, 2011
You are sure keeping busy Lori, pleased you took time for a walk and thankyou for taking us along.
You take care when moving those boulders around, they are rather large compared to what we have in our gardens, lol.
Very interesting and I hope you get your greenhouse soon......
21 Jun, 2011
hi Lori its so nice to see your garden starting to come to life and all the new changes taking place, glad the weather is beginning to get better for you to, love the new deck area, keep the blogs comming :o))
22 Jun, 2011
Sorry I've been slow getting back to this page... Thanks to everyone (Julien, Mavis, Libet, Lincslass and Sandra) for your kind comments.
I find that keeping busy has helped me over the worst of the grief and finishing a project always gives me a boost.
next blog is hatching ....
22 Jun, 2011
Recent posts by lorilyn57
- Winter of the Deer
15 Jan, 2014
- Late Autumn/Early Winter 2013
13 Jan, 2014
- June to August 2013...The Summer that almost wasn't
30 Dec, 2013
- The Reluctant Spring ... 2013
4 May, 2013
- Winter 2012/13...and the spring flood, Part II
19 Apr, 2013
- Winter 2012/13...and the spring flood.
19 Apr, 2013
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It looks a great place you have there, very peacefull with all the trees, and once the path and garden are in place it will add to this tranquillity.
21 Jun, 2011