"Oh Wind a-blowing all day long..."
By lorilyn57
The summer of 2011 will go into the records for it’s extremes, not the least of which has been the extremely strong winds. It The spring had the coldest beginning in a great many years, as on April 20, 2011 we received freezing rain and snow
May couldn’t make up it’s mind whether it was going to be warm or cold…very changeable! Cold temps were with us well into the month of June but finally in the latter weeks southerly winds brought some warmth, at last, but also storms and high winds. July arrived and with it record temperatures and oppressive humidity…July 20th went on record as the hottest day on record in the Ottawa Valley with 35 Degrees Celsius, and with the humidity factor (humidex) it felt like 45 degrees Celsius. Whenever we have extreme heat and humidity (from the south) the normal circulation brings cooler air from the arctic…and the meeting of the fronts spawns highwinds and thunderstorms.
The last ramble into the margin of the forest impressed me with the number of fallen trees and limbs that have come down.
Also, makes you aware that in any forest you should not ignore what may potentially fall on your head! Heads Up!
Earlier in the year…a hemlock tree with a fractured trunk finally fell in the early spring storms. Most recently (one week apart) the tops of two trees in the front yard just cracked and fell! Wind played a part but it was obvious after they fell, that both had weak areas from water damage, (freezing, thawing and mould and fungus had undermined the upper reaches) and all that was required was a bit of wind to tip the branches out of balance…and crash!
The first to go was a large ash tree near the stream and the road…and very close to the hydro wires..just lucky that it fell toward the house and not the other direction where it could have snapped wires!
The second was the top of my new favourite, the black walnut. It fell into the little valley where the stream runs down from the back of the property…had the fall been the other way it might have landed on our car!
This is how it looked on a lovely June morning…after a cool evening the rising dew in the morning sun made a wonderful show…sigh.
The small creatures are hoarding like mad…so I’m wondering what that augers for the coming winter! This little chipmunk had his jaw pouches so full he had to be top heavy!
Cooking during a power outage presents some challenges…lol.
We have a gas barbeque…but it can’t compete with the fun of the fire! That night was spent by the fire…in the pitch dark, because the hydro pole, (pic up three) had snapped completely off and the wires and cables were almost in the Madawaska River!…Two large white pine by the highway fell across the lines on the opposite side of the river. The wires were intact…but the pole snapped cleanly off!
This wind had to be at least 100 kmh.
" Oh wind a-blowing all day long…oh wind that sings so loud a song!" Apologies to RLS.
25 Jul, 2011
Previous post: *Looking at "Weeds" with new eyes.*
Next post: Autumn 2011 ...all the tasks that couldn't be done...
I sure hope for that too, Karen...given your 10 day theory...it would not auger well for Scotland. Then again, you did have that terrible blow at the time of the Chelsea Flower Show! It must have picked up speed over the North Atlantic!
25 Jul, 2011
I have decided to abandon my 10 day theory...can't possibly be right can it? lol lol lol ;))
26 Jul, 2011
I hope it's not...for your sake. wouldn't wish our weather on you! Thunder is rumbling in the distance and the clouds are dark, low and threatening...but just a few drops of rain...and whoosh~ the wind has blown the clouds away and the sun is peeking thro! just plain weird!!! all this in just about the time it took to type this message! X-/
26 Jul, 2011
that's a man firepit Lori
next time i am passing i will bring a hunk of boar, you supply the salmon and i will bring a cple of gallons of local wine, St. Mont, and some nice fresh baguettes with loads of both our homegrown salad stuffs and not to forget my Mara de Bois strawberries and we will have ourtselves a lovely evening, anybody else coming???
i will bring my camper van so i wont have to drive home at night
all sorted???
if only....
27 Jul, 2011
sorry, bit forward there... LOL
you could come here but i dont have the impressive pit!!
27 Jul, 2011
LOL...what a great idea. Well we could have a virtual cook out! And bringing a camper is an excellent idea..that way any who fall asleep beside the firepit can be moved to the camper... The pic above is of making "s'mores". Ever had them?
27 Jul, 2011
no, tell....
28 Jul, 2011
S'mores are Campfire fare...popular with the younger set (and some of us oldsters as well!) You need to cut a very long branch or cut a sapling and peel the bark off of the tips..then you must season the wood in the fire...(cook it, essentially) just the tips...when the tips are hardened by the heat treatment..allow to cool and apply a marshmallow. Hold the marshmallow over the firepit coals;(this is the reason for the long stick, don't want to get toasted yourself) and turn it till the mm is browned on all sides and gooey in the middle. Sometimes it catches fire..but you just blow out the flames and there's a nice black crispy crust which adds a "je nesais quoi" to the s'more. (rusty French, but I hope you get the idea!) Get out a box of Graham Crackers and select two...place a square of milk chocolate on the cracker and apply the the hot marshmallow, top with the other cracker and squish. the chocolate melts with the mm and it's delish. and you always want S'more.
*Graham Crackers are a sweet whole wheat cracker, (very wholesome).
28 Jul, 2011
that sounds so nice, especially as it will have a smokey flavour .
29 Jul, 2011
They can be made in the microwave..but I prefer the fire!
31 Jul, 2011
Recent posts by lorilyn57
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- Late Autumn/Early Winter 2013
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- June to August 2013...The Summer that almost wasn't
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- The Reluctant Spring ... 2013
4 May, 2013
- Winter 2012/13...and the spring flood, Part II
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- Winter 2012/13...and the spring flood.
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Good grief! Still.....amazing fire pit you have there Lori! :)) Hope the rest of the year brings some sane and calm weather conditions!
25 Jul, 2011