By lorilyn57
with the seasons the new place is becoming familiar in all it’s changes… Autumn has come and will very soon give way to snow and frigid cold.
But back on the farm…. welllll…. back home, it’s time to put away…clean up…and generally make the place ready for snow.
This autumn the digging of corms and transplanting was easy…not much to do as I’m hardly started but it’s been done without any frostbite and now I’m storing it all away in dried peat and paper bags waiting for March
2012. Roll on spring!
This summer saw changes wrought by my hand…a deck area at the back door to hold the muddle of projects..(so many irons in the fire!) and attached a trellis/deck seat in the later stages of construction…when finished it will boast a shingled roof…but for the winter just the lattice has been attached.
The turkeys are grazing and so are the deer…with hunting season so close it makes me concerned for their welfare.
The fishies are back indoors…in a new tank. Fifteen little guys and three big ones. One of the larger fish is having eye problems so I have to set up a hospital tank and get him treated.
Have been collecting seeds, (what’s left after the deer have foraged) and I’m using the trimmed branches to cover the flower beds to help the snow cover remain deep over the perennials.
Today is drizzle and cold. No sun and precip at this time of year usually makes things totally miserable..and the shortening days tend to foster a depressed outlook.
The wood pile has grown…bought 2 cord of wood as that was all the woodcutter had! That took only a morning to pile in the shed. Outside the old shed I removed the dog pen and turned the areas on either side of the small door into raised beds. Two beds prepared and one planted with perennials covered now with boughs and cardboard in preparation for snow fall. Moved and divided a clump of Iris that was planted under the black walnut, as well as a small clump of yellow day lilies, and a pink monarda. The astilbe seems to have taken hold and it’s been covered up as well…just hope the rodents don’t consume the iris and lily rhizomes…
3 Nov, 2011
Previous post: Autumn 2011 ...all the tasks that couldn't be done...
Next post: *FIRST SNOW...digging the herb bed...*
those vistas of trees are simply stunning.
3 Nov, 2011
Oh what gorgeous colours in those trees. Lovely blog
3 Nov, 2011
Thats a gorgeous sight to wake up to Lori and it seems to me that you have yourself well organised for the winter months.
I`ve been catching up on your blogs, not sure why I missed them, you seem to have experienced a lot of things happening in your area, falling trees and power lines nearly in your stream, you sound so matter of fact about it all, it looks great fun to cook outdoors but I guess it feels different when its a case of needs must.
Enjoyed your blogs and the photo`s are stunning...
3 Nov, 2011
Wow, I especially love the pictures of the trees. Ansolutely stunning. Thanks for posting.
3 Nov, 2011
Loved the glorious colour of those tree,s :-)
3 Nov, 2011
you are so organised Lori...love all the autumn colour. but i know what you mean about these damp autumn days..i have mostly moved inside for the winter now...plenty to do in here..enjoy your hibernation...:-)
4 Nov, 2011
wow lori tree colours are amazing, beautifull, i would sit for hours just looking at them.
your pond is comming on nicely and hope your fishies eye heals soon, you have done so much since being there, :o))
4 Nov, 2011
Lori I can see why you love living in such a spectacular area I would never tire of those views , you have been so busy this year making new items for the garden , I hope your plants sleep well and come through the winter snow and frosts and you have enough wood to keep yourself cosy . :o)
4 Nov, 2011
What amazing colour those trees are, sorry your fish as a poorly eye hope it soon gets better.
5 Nov, 2011
good morning everyone! thanks for your comments.
The autumn is almost done and winter waits in the wings. All the leaves have fallen and the squirrels and chipmunks have been working like mad to get all the bounty in for the winter. I took about a dozen black walnuts and left the rest for the squirrels! Today...will be going out to prep the greenhouse for winter. Some leaks to check out and fix. Our weather is expected to become seriously cold this month but according to the latest weather forecast we can expect days in the double digits for the next 8 days! freaky weather.
5 Nov, 2011
As usual Lori, you have inspired me with the sheer amount of hard graft you've managed to put in during a short summer! Lets hope you have a few more weeks to enjoy it all before you're forced to stop playing outdoors! :))) x
5 Nov, 2011
Sounds like there are some warm days (relative to Nov. in Eastern Ontario) ahead of us. And you are right,Karen. even though I use terms like work...slog...build...dig...it all amounts to the same thing for me...playing! LoL
I have a list as long as my arm of all the "tasks" ahead of me indoors this winter. I even have some creative projects that I have left on hiatus for almost 2 years that I need to finish up...and the number one item is my kitchen...hopefully the winter will fly by much as this past summer has seemed to do.
Hope you have better winter weather this year, Karen...stay warm! x-) xo
5 Nov, 2011
Thanks Lori! :) x
5 Nov, 2011
Recent posts by lorilyn57
- Winter of the Deer
15 Jan, 2014
- Late Autumn/Early Winter 2013
13 Jan, 2014
- June to August 2013...The Summer that almost wasn't
30 Dec, 2013
- The Reluctant Spring ... 2013
4 May, 2013
- Winter 2012/13...and the spring flood, Part II
19 Apr, 2013
- Winter 2012/13...and the spring flood.
19 Apr, 2013
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Absolutely spectacular, beautiful colours.
3 Nov, 2011