My Next Project.
By louise1
I love projects !
It doesn’t matter what size they are, i love them !
I like planning and arranging them and enjoy every stage from the first idea to the final watering-in, so, this is next on my project agenda …. the top of the drystone wall in the back garden.
This shows the area i’m talking about, currently the planting’s Iris, Aubretia, Geranium, Euphorbia, Heuchera (just visible infront of the iris far right) and grasses – those are to the right of the picture and i want to leave them there, so from the Heuchera forwards will be the area i’m dealing with.
This is a sunbaked area with free drainage that faces south and it runs along the top of the drystone wall that’s above the rockery.
I wanted colour up there because this is the view from the back of the house so is always looked upon.
My chosen plants are these ; Dianthus ‘Starburst’ – 6" high and a long season of cherry red and pink flowers
Dianthus ‘Tickled Pink’ – 6" high and a long season of candy pink flowers
Helianthemum ‘Ben Hope’ – 6" pink flowers
Lavandula Little Bee Dark Rose. The Little Bee range is new i think and are perfect for this small area. 10-12" high with rose flowers and pale pink bracts
I have next week off work so if i don’t start it this week i know i have plenty of time then …. and i’ll show the end result then too !
25 Aug, 2009
Previous post: The Best Performers.
Next post: Winter Flowering Bulbs
Lovely plant choices! That pink lavender is superb!
25 Aug, 2009
Terra, there's the other side to that wall - it's divided by 3 little steps - to the left of the picture.
The wall encloses the top lawn which is about 2' higher than the rest of the garden but no, no other walls.
Madperth, that Lavender is just gorgeous isn't it ? I'm chuffed to bits with it :)))))
25 Aug, 2009
Yes, I'll have to look out for that one it's SO different, my favourite scent in my favourite colour, what could be better?
25 Aug, 2009
Scrumptious those shades of pink...More holiday?....Well Deserved..:)))
25 Aug, 2009
Thanks Alice :-)
I'm making up for lost time with these weeks off ;)
25 Aug, 2009
I've just looked to where the Lavenders are and they're full of bees :))))
I'm SO pleased with those, the colours are beautiful in the sun.
25 Aug, 2009
Now youre making me jealous, Louise!
25 Aug, 2009
Oops, sorry :(
Getting a bit over-excited again !
25 Aug, 2009
25 Aug, 2009
Hi Louise, we have three Dianthus in our garden and they just go on and on and on and......... well you get the picture. Lol :~))
25 Aug, 2009
They're great plants Ian.
25 Aug, 2009
25 Aug, 2009
Even if they ARE flowery things, Ian? :-)
25 Aug, 2009
Yes, ok I'll admit it, and you heard it here first folks.!?! :~))
25 Aug, 2009
Just love the stone walling.... the flowery things will look good there :o)
25 Aug, 2009
I'm still jealous! PINK lavender! Where can I get it? PLEASE tell me!!!
25 Aug, 2009
I don't know for sure but Direct Plants on Ebay might have it. Have you seen my coloured Heather?
25 Aug, 2009
Not yet, is it tartan?
25 Aug, 2009
No............ Lol
25 Aug, 2009
that's going to look lovely with those colours Louise :)
26 Aug, 2009
Thanks Grindle :)
Madperth, your local garden centre will have the Lavenders, they cost £3.50 each which i think is very reasonable.
The pot is 5" wide and the plant's 11" tall and about 12" wide.
26 Aug, 2009
You have a lovely choice of plants Louise. I especially like the Helianthemum and I'm sure it will give a wonderful show tumbling over that beautiful dry wall.
26 Aug, 2009
Thanks Hywel, i love Helianthemum and they do well in my gardens.
26 Aug, 2009
I will be hunting them down as soon as my student loan hits the bank!!!!
Thank you!
£3.50? Now, how many can I fit in???????
26 Aug, 2009
Like your stone walls also beautiful is the Lavandula
26 Aug, 2009
That'll look great, Louise! All those plants should thrive there. :-))
I'll be over to check it out when it's all finished! lol.
26 Aug, 2009
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Good luck with your project.
Do you have stone walls in other parts of the garden ?
25 Aug, 2009