Hi all!!
By lulu33
Long time no nothing on GoY! We were late paying our phone bill and were disconnected hence not being able to play at Goying! Hope this finds you all well and happy and enjoying the sunshine! Can’t believe how quickly the garden is growing and how brown I am turning!
Sadly no photos as I am using hubby’s computer but am snapping away for when were are finally back online.
Sluggy has been helping in the garden digging out stray grass in my flower beds and bless her she has just had her first birthday. I made her a doggie mince cake using butternut squash skin to line the bowl so when you fill it with mince and turn it out it looks like icing! We bought her bones and chews which are scattered around the garden, which can be annoying esp when I accidently mow them (shards of bone everywhere!)
So in a nutshell…the pond is looking better but my new fish are still a little shy. Clems are all budding up nicely, just preying we have no big winds to trash them all! Nigellas are averywhere which is great! My honeysuckle shrubs surprise me everyday with their beautiful scent an my roses have already got blackspot! Quite a few trips to various GC’s!!! Nearly running out of bed space, don’t really want to dig another because the garden is getting big enough to give me loads of work!
Have made a couple of mosaics too!
Hope to be back proper soon
x Lulu and of course The Sluggy Pup!
18 Apr, 2011
More blog posts by lulu33
Previous post: Prettiest Alpines!
Next post: Westonbirt Bluebells
So do I skippy, I get bored sitting still waiting for them to swim about! The newts are cool though!
18 Apr, 2011
glad you're back! will look forward to the pictures, your honeysuckle is out already? dont think i have got any buds on mine??!!
18 Apr, 2011
Hi Lulu - glad to see you're still around - am really looking forward to seeing your pics.
18 Apr, 2011
Welcome back! Sounds like you have been kept busy!. :-)
18 Apr, 2011
Nice to have you back Lulu, did miss you!
18 Apr, 2011
Will look forward to your photos once you are back in action, Lulu.
Other GoYers have been having their clematis spurt into prolific growth this year....hope you meet with the same success :)
18 Apr, 2011
Sticki, my Honeysuckle isn't out, just the clems!!
Thanks for your messages peeps x Hey Sticki, how about a westonbirt bluebell outing in May, just put that thought out on a blog as well as a GoY badge!!
18 Apr, 2011
i just found the blog ~ and answered ~ great idea. i have committments on wednesdays but let me know the date and i will see what i can do. watch out for half term tho ~ can get crowded there ~ been before and couldnt get a cup of coffee!!!
18 Apr, 2011
Welcome back, Lulu - your garden sounds great. Looking forward to seeing pics!
18 Apr, 2011
wondered where you were LuLu, gkad your ok and look forward to some pics, glad the pond is settled and fish ok, i think two of my 3 fish have been swooped off by either Heron or magpies, magpies is my bet as nothing has been disturbed and havent seen the herons lately, anyway im sad and one little fishy all alone so i will be getting him/her a new friend tomoz, cant bare it being alone and its gone very timid :o((
18 Apr, 2011
Oh no San that's so sad, I cry when my fishies disappear:.(
STICKI....I was right but forgot, I do have honeysuckle blooming, it's an early shrub with tiny pink flowers and red berries later, grows about 6' and when you catch it on the wind it's lovely.
Re Westonbirt...not having kids when is half term!!! We could always coffee and picnic at the stud, in my garden!?
18 Apr, 2011
Don't worry about pics Lulu - it's nice to hear from you:) Since I moved to Wales I was without internet for most of the time, so I know the feeling:) Was wondering where did you go? lol. Well - it's nice to have a big garden, but... Talk to you soon:)
18 Apr, 2011
that honeysuckle sounds lovely lulu, half term will probably be the last week in may? what used to be called witsun week - i think???
18 Apr, 2011
How are you Kasy? and how is Wales and hoe are you? x
18 Apr, 2011
Oh, I am still alive - just survived 6th day at work, hehe... plenty to do at work, hot and dry - plenty of watering, but so nice to see new plants arriving, flowering... Treated myself with new acer - looking just fantastic in the corner between my kitchen door and fence... Called it 'japanese corner' - trying to gather there plants with any oriental name in it... or Orient origin, hehe.
Wales is wonderfull - getting better would say. Managed to go for a walk - have a lovely canal not far away from my home. Bit of work on a veg patch - plenty to do:) Hope to hear from you soon:)
18 Apr, 2011
Oh Kasy you have your own veg patch as well!! lots going on in your garden ; )
Ok Lulu personally i would like to declare war on those ultra stupid BT idiots/bar stewards, or is it one of the other many broadband/total chaos providers. Who's with me?? would just love to see an all out war on our so called services in this country
18 Apr, 2011
Nice to hear from you again and glad your garden is doing well. I hope you'll be back properly soon :)
Happy Birthday Sluggy !!
19 Apr, 2011
Oh Stevie, don't get me going on this country! I woke at 5am this morning and was watching the sun rise and hearing the birds, just thinking how peaceful it is in this beautiful countryside but then I think to myself what a damn mess the polititians have made, all the wars we are now involved in etc etc. and it doesn't seem so peaceful. Fast forward a couple of years, goodness knows where we'll be.
When I was a little girlie!! and my Dad explained to me how expensive houses were and you had to spend your whole life paying for it, I thought to myself that certainly a home should be the one important place that all people should have relative easy access to. I told my Dad that some houses were built hundreds of years ago and therefore were already paid for in bricks and mortar, over and over!! And because of this greed (ok it may be nice to buy a house for 1,000 and sell for a million!!) we are all in the you know what!
ooooooh I could go on!
19 Apr, 2011
Hi Lulu, glad to hear from you, wondered where you'd got to!
19 Apr, 2011
Hi Karen, good to hear from you too! Haven't checked on blogs and pics yet, only a quick log in while passing the office. Should be back on line in 10 days or so.
19 Apr, 2011
Well welcome to third world Britain Lulu, yes some things are great, like our countryside and anything else that doesnt involve people. Thing is you hear politicians go on about all the great things we do but the truth is we just simply either arent very good at stuff, inefficient or incompetant or a combination of those three.
Lest get a few bods together, go and find an uninhabited pennisual and declare it an independant state and run it properly, run free utilities or at cost, everyone working together and making stuff work
19 Apr, 2011
I agree with that Stevie, any room for old coggers!!
19 Apr, 2011
Wouldn't that be good! an Island maybe!
And yippee I am back online!
19 Apr, 2011
Great Lulu, nice to have you back.
19 Apr, 2011
glad you are back on line
not sure about this uninhabited peninsula cos if i come and live on it ~ it wont be uninhabited any more!! i fancy an island ~ no neighbours!!!
19 Apr, 2011
No neighbours except, Lulu, Steve, me and hubbie, and anyone who wants to come too!! Lol.
19 Apr, 2011
of course GM!
19 Apr, 2011
We need a forest also, for fuel! (this could get really silly!)
19 Apr, 2011
of course GrandM old codgers are especially appreciated for the skills and life experience they have.
Ok so maybe an island, how about tidal power and make that free and would need to be pretty big for a sustainable forest. I guess we can have a bit of solar n wind power as well. hmmm got me thinkin now : )
19 Apr, 2011
Yeah it would have to be a big forest, but I do love those big woods. If yo really hink about it, it's quite difficult really.......................!
19 Apr, 2011
Hi Lulu, I wondered if you'd gone off to a tropical island without telling! It'll take you an age to catch up on GoY ... I've been trying to after a week without looking in ... so many lovely pics and blogs to see! : o )
20 Apr, 2011
Hiya Shirley! My computer is running slow as the new broadband kicks in, takes an age to look at the photos!!
21 Apr, 2011
Persevere with it, Lulu! Have a good day ......
21 Apr, 2011
Lulu, my new super computer is running very s l o w e l y too!!! Drives me nuts.
21 Apr, 2011
Recent posts by lulu33
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- Hello and garden update
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- Possible Polytunnel Guardians!
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- An Easter song and a sculpture.
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- The danger of dead trees
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- A little sunny walk
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pictures pictures pictures..good to see you back lulu..hope the fish find their confidence..
18 Apr, 2011