Colour and Scent (at last!)
By lulu33
Been clicking away! Whilst offline I thought I’d take the photos and deal with computer later! Out of 220 pics not so many were any good, couldn’t believe that. But here are a few pics of my garden this month. Hope you enjoy.
And sorry again for not being able to make comments on anyones pics or blogs as this broadband is a bit too slow for my impatience at the moment, also the sun is shining……………..!!
And when the sun shines those plants have extra vitality for jumping into those trolleys!! Now not all these were mine but it was my job to plant them all!!
This is one of my fave clems, it can handle shade and wind and it’s in the gravel with a bit of soil. It’s growing so well and puts on such a fine show each Spring. It’s a Macrapeta or is it Macrapetela (Karensusan will know!!)
Lots of blues at the moment, Forgetmenots…everywhere. These are a particulary deep blue.
Love this Aquiliga, such a pure white and always the first to flower. This is it’s 2nd or maybe 3rd year and it’s getting quite big.
And there is saxefragia growing everywhere!
This is the patio bed, in a month or so it should be a blaze of colour.
Lilly of the Valley spreading well with lots of flowers.
And here are a couple of my very best tulips…
The pond is looking good, spent hours weeding out grass from the chamomile and the mint is everywhere which I don’t really mind. Gave it an algae treatment yesterday and I can now actually see the fish, and newts and frogs and toads!
Sorry, couldn’t resist this pic!
Hosta, not yet eaten by slugs!
This is the new rockery extention! I might join the two ends like a triangle and have a HUGE one!
The shady bed! hostas L of the V, Astillbe….
Baby Salvias a beautiful china blue, hope they will flower this year, seeds collected last year.
And finally a couple of evening shots
Tara from now and heehee actually managed a blog without a dog in it! (having just proofed the blog….I did see a dog!)
21 Apr, 2011
More blog posts by lulu33
Previous post: Westonbirt Bluebells
Next post: Wild flower walk (and some field shots!)
I love your garden :))))
21 Apr, 2011
Thanks Skips and michaella, not one plant or shrub when we arrived! V happy to be able to borrow the studs sit on mower!
21 Apr, 2011
What a great blog Lula, loved every peek round your very extensive garden, and that clem is to die for.
21 Apr, 2011
Lovely spacious garden, great photos. I would be in my element designing that !! Loved it thank you.
21 Apr, 2011
Lovely pics.Lulu, and that Clem. to die for. also tulips and rockery and sluggs, all looking wonderful.
21 Apr, 2011
Your new rockery/wall is looking grand...shifting all the stone for that must have taken some effort!
You have a huge garden and it's all looking very neat and tidy...the clem looks so pretty with all the vigorous growth. Thanks for sharing "your space" with us all, Lulu.
21 Apr, 2011
Thank you all for your kind comment! WLass, am thinking about joining the ends of that rockery to make a triangle!!
21 Apr, 2011
Fabulous Lulu !
21 Apr, 2011
Lovely blog (and I spotted the dog!). What a fantastic rockery, it's huge. Love the clematis and the aquiliga, still waiting for mine to open. You've not only got a bigger garden than me but bigger feet too :)
21 Apr, 2011
fantastic pictures Lulu - with so many of my favs in there - tiarella and astilbes are my favourites too. Nice to see you have heron we have in there too :D love seeing him looking over the garden - wonder garden :):):)
21 Apr, 2011
lovely pictures LuLu and all looking lovely to, i really like the bridge, wouldnt mind something like that to stop herons, going to get a few new fish over weekend as my little fish is lonely.
21 Apr, 2011
Lovely Clematis Macropetala Lulu and your rockery is fab-u-lous!! Enjoy....btw, I love the idea of a triangular rockery with a sort of 'sanctuary' in the middle!
21 Apr, 2011
MMMnmm I was thinking of a chamomile sancturary in the middle!
And Gee I love my feet! Even though they are a bit painful now!
21 Apr, 2011
21 Apr, 2011
well done Lulu:)
21 Apr, 2011
Hi Lulu - what an enormous garden you have - it must take you a lot of time to keep it up to scratch.
You have certainly made a lovely space from a blank area and your plants are growing so well. Well done.
21 Apr, 2011
So much space in the garden ... love Aquilegias and have a few buds right now ... the Clematis is fabulous ... did the rockery start life as a dry stone wall? It's beautiful stone. : o )
21 Apr, 2011
I saw the dog aswell lol. It wouldn't be the same without a dog in one of the photos lol
I'm glad you are making the most of the nice weather :)
22 Apr, 2011
Shirley you are correct, the stone was taken from an old dry stone wall! I built the first straight bit 7 years ago, am impressed it's still standing, have to be careful not to bash the edges with the mower though!!
Lovely sunshine eh Hywel, my fish are sparkling in their clean pond!
22 Apr, 2011
Well, I think you're doing a brilliant job as it looks great. : o )
22 Apr, 2011
xxx Shirley! back breaking stuff!
22 Apr, 2011
nice collection of photos, although i would say maybe slightly trim those toenails ; )
toptip, just in case you turn everything computery off when you have finished using it, just have a separate plug and keep the router always on
23 Apr, 2011
Top tip for router and toenails haha! Need another varnish, fed up with silver, maybe dk brown to match my earthy fingernails!
23 Apr, 2011
Recent posts by lulu33
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- Hello and garden update
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- Possible Polytunnel Guardians!
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- An Easter song and a sculpture.
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- The danger of dead trees
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- A little sunny walk
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great blog and great to see your the blue clemitis i just have to get one..
the garden looks massive so lots of work but youve done well in making it look very attractive..
thanks for sharing
21 Apr, 2011