Cotswold & our very long walk!
By lulu33
Sluggy recently bought her daddy a birthday presant, a book of Cotswold walks. Tail wagging and face all expectant all 3 girls hopped into the back of the car and off we drove to Sherston for a quick lunch before setting off! We had a good lunch with the pups begging for chips at the neighbouring table (naughty pups!)
We had decided to walk in a different direction, one which would take us through rolling farmland, along the River Avon and back along a disused part of the Fosseway, a large circle taking us back to Sherston. The book stated the walk should take us about 3 hours, it took us 4 because we got a bit lost but we made it in the end!!
Pups on leads at first
Past the pretty houses in Noble St. Love the colour of the first window shot, it’s a common colour used in the Cotswolds.
One path took us along the backs of houses, nosing into gardens………..always interesting! I just loved this hammock! A bit of a public place for it though!!
Pretty flowers in the hedgerows
Pups needed a bit of control (waving walking stick around mainly!!)
Walking through farmland. We got to an area close to here which was full of young pheasants, can you imagin Sluggy’s face! All 3 girls we very good about it, a few blows of the whistle and ‘No girls, leave ’em’s’ we managed to walk past them leaving no roadkill!!
About 1 and a half hours into the walk we came to a very pretty village called Easton Grey. Some old cottages and the river Avon.
I thought this building was just amazing!!
An interesting chimney!!
We are getting pretty hot after nearly 2 hours and getting a little lost walking around fields trying to find the correct styles and gates!! At last, part of the river we can play and paddle in!
Lots of watercress here, did’nt dare eat it as not sure how clean the water was.
watercress and water shot!
Dear Prudence playing on the bridge
’Nother watershot!
My turn for a paddle, cool water for hot feet!
Off to check the watercress
And a very wet Sluggy cuddle!!
now a wet Pru and sluggy cuddle. Jazzy is busy bouncing around the watercress.
The lovely view as we move on and towards the old Fosseway
And this is the Fosse, straight as a die or is it dye? Didn’t find any Roman coins though!!
The walk took us through a stud farm, this is where poor jazzy got stung by wasps.
A rather rustic fence!!
The peephole!
Nearing the road back to Sherston now, thank goodness, 4 hours later! I like the sun and shadows in this pic.
More pretty Sherston houses!
The churchyard in the evening light……….
And at last…………back to the pub!! 3 tired pooches, 1 tired Lulu and a hubby who is so fit he is rarely tired!! Not even after the London marathon!
And the SUN SHONE the whole time!!
16 Sep, 2011
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It was our pleasure Nariz! Happy that you could enjoy it too!
16 Sep, 2011
looks like everybody had fun:) how about a mosaic with that lovely chimney Lulu? Thank you for sharing:)
16 Sep, 2011
Lovey Lulu
dont know the route you took, strange I know the Pub
16 Sep, 2011
It was a area between Sherston, Easton Grey and then near to Norton.........and back!!
And it's a great pub to know!
16 Sep, 2011
What a beautiful blog! Loved walking along with you and yours ☺ That cottage pic..looks like something Constable would have painted! And the churchyard..something I might paint :) Super pics :)
16 Sep, 2011
Lovely walk Lulu, and the weather looked fab. I love Cotswold houses, so romantic looking! That water cress would have been lushious Lu, you eat the green that is above the water, although it looked as it was flowering and by then it has past its best! My friend grows it in his running pond that has Koi in the bottom pond, it is delicious.
16 Sep, 2011
Lovely blog and photos Lulu :o))
16 Sep, 2011
A very nice walk. I'm pleased the sun shone for you. It was lovely to see all the photos of the pups enjoying aswell :o)
16 Sep, 2011
that was a lovely walk and beautiful views, thanks lulu, i loved looking at the pictures ~ especially the river and 3 pups!
16 Sep, 2011
Grandmage, I was more worried about some kind of liver disease you can get from eating watercress in unclean water, so I had to force myself not to eat any!!
Thanks all for you kind comments. I still have sore shins from walking so far and at a 6'4" hubby pace!
16 Sep, 2011
Lulu I wrote a blog, a while ago, 'is it safe to eat watercress from a pond'? Please take a look on my blog page (2) and read the comments posted, very interesting. The disease is called 'liver fluke' and is usually passed on by grazing animals.
16 Sep, 2011
going to sit down now and sleep for an hour, that walked has left me tired out, thanks Lou before blog/photos
16 Sep, 2011
nice blog Lulu, although your other halfs shorts!!!!
16 Sep, 2011
Oooh, me shins. shin splints I think it's called!
Stevie you are not the first to mention hubby's shorts!!
16 Sep, 2011
Really enjoyed this walk with you, Lulu, as it's a part of the country I have yet to visit ... I hope you are fully recovered from the four hour 'trek' ! :o)
16 Sep, 2011
Oh Lulu! Lovely blog, lovely dogs, lovely walk, although I think I would have to run after a 6ft 4 hubby, oops! noo! I meant he has, at the very least a foot on me, och, I'm just getting myself in trouble...
16 Sep, 2011
yeah Libet quit while your behind lol!
17 Sep, 2011
wow..what a great blog..looks a lovely walk and a great way to spend the day..i love your man's little checkered mini too..i want one
17 Sep, 2011
Go for it Skips but we need a photo!
17 Sep, 2011
Yeah let's see yer legs!
17 Sep, 2011
Reminds me of a song but I won't go into that!!!!
18 Sep, 2011
She knows how to use them!
18 Sep, 2011
Dinah, Dinah, show us your leg!!
18 Sep, 2011
Oh it wasnt the one I was thinking of lolol not heard that one!
18 Sep, 2011
Darn it! Guy! I thought you were talking about a mini car!! Lol!!
Gettin' even further behind Pixi! In fact, I think me and my behind are just diggin' a big behind shaped hole! Lol!
18 Sep, 2011
18 Sep, 2011
Wonderful blog and brill photos:)
19 Sep, 2011
It was a lovely walk Nana, nice change from making mosaics and gardening!
19 Sep, 2011
Lovely walk and really liked the photo`s, thanks Lulu...
19 Sep, 2011
Why didn't I read this before. What a lovely calming blog, wish I could show it to my daughter and my two nieces who are all stressed out by the workplace. Actually their emails to each other re same were hilarious - to me - but , when I stopped laughing I gave them some WISE MOTHERLY ADVICE which might help but i'm sure reading your lovely blog would have been much more effective. Great photos. Thank you....
22 Sep, 2011
Thank you, a fine compliment. I am lucky to work deep in the countryside, left the smoke, commuting and stressy workplaces behind!! But it was a rare half day off for my husband and it was lovely to take the girls out for a long walk. I especially love the riverbank.
22 Sep, 2011
Recent posts by lulu33
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- The danger of dead trees
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Lovely! Thanks for taking us on that walk. :o)
16 Sep, 2011