By lulu33
After a long day of gardening and mosaicing…..I was tired and fractious and it wouldn’t connect with the internet. A couple of restarts later, still not… so I thumped it…just a little thump…. and of course now it’s not working!!
Will occasionally be able to touch base with the office computer but not often.
Hope to be back up and running soon and not so tired and fractious!!!
Double oops
x Lulu
26 Sep, 2011
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Ive been known to thump, and swear, and cry when my laptop acts up lol..
26 Sep, 2011
i have seen engineers kick things to make them work!
sorry it isnt working lulu, hope its better soon ~ i can understand you getting cross with it!!
26 Sep, 2011
It used to be TVs and washing machines you kicked and we must include coffee machines.
26 Sep, 2011
Oh, gor blimey Lulu, they don`t like being thumped no matter how lightly one does it. I very often feel like chucking mine through the window but have to slam about with something stronger and cheaper to replace, lol, can turn the air blue with my curses as well...
26 Sep, 2011
Dont go for long Lu. !!
26 Sep, 2011
Oh dear! Lu, it thumped you back where it hurts! Get it fixed quick...we need you!!;0)x
26 Sep, 2011
Oh dear..hope its fixed soon! :))))) x
26 Sep, 2011
I've thumped mine too lol - because it made a noise, and now it makes a louder noise - I hate gadjets :o(
I hope you can get it mended soon. It must be a nuisance for you to be without it.
27 Sep, 2011
Come back to us Lulu.....come back, and please, don't dare be fractious when you do :)
27 Sep, 2011
Hope to get your PC back and running Lulu - you must be stronger than you think - I put it down to gardening makes us strong :)))) I like the word fractious -I looked it in the Thesaurus :D
I at times slightly hit the desk when the PC slows up - gracious we're all nutters lol
27 Sep, 2011
Lulu hope you will be back soon, I have thumped things too, and like Lincslass want to chuck stuff out the window, so pick something stronger, kitchen cupboards are goo for slamming. Fractious is a good word Paulsgarden, vexed is ok too lol
27 Sep, 2011
I've always been told 'turn it off at the mains and count up to 20'
then if that doesnt work---- thumpit---
27 Sep, 2011
Computer problems - a simple answer I just give mine to the kids (all in there 20's) to fix if its playing up, -they have their uses, but have to kick them sometimes the trouble is they are all over 6ft and I'm 5'2" ( known as little mummy ) -speak soon lulu.
27 Sep, 2011
Hope you get it fixed soon.
27 Sep, 2011
Yes the same from me . Dont be away to long :(
27 Sep, 2011
Never do anything when you are in a temper, for you will do everything wrong.
Baltasar Gracian
27 Sep, 2011
Grrrr Lulu . . . how maddening. But another time, just slam the door, OK? The slam it again - harder - and you'll feel better! Hope to see you again soon . . .
27 Sep, 2011
very true Guy :)
27 Sep, 2011
and never go shopping when you are hungry.
27 Sep, 2011
going shopping when angry isnt the best plan either ~ i spend too much!!!
poor lulu that computer must be in bits!!!
27 Sep, 2011
there lulu ~ i have made a mosaic for you.
27 Sep, 2011
27 Sep, 2011
You been on the wine gums again Stick!!?
27 Sep, 2011
LMAO at Sticki and Libet :)))))
27 Sep, 2011
sorry lil ~ i know its late but i cant work that one out.
27 Sep, 2011
Laughing My Ass Off
You can also say LMFAO but only if you are not a lady ;0
27 Sep, 2011
27 Sep, 2011
oops lol
27 Sep, 2011
Think it might be time for bed for you Pixi.
27 Sep, 2011
Totally! lol
27 Sep, 2011
28 Sep, 2011
A quick sneak into the office this morning, before Tet arrives...Yippee!!
Good advice Guy, have forgotten now why I was so cross!!
Thanks for the mosaic Sticki and the MMMOOOSAIC ETC Pixi, those wine gums must be strong!!
Fractious!!! Lol Paul!
Computer is in nearby computer hospital will get phone call today to see if it's life threatening or just a new hard drive!!
No mosaics made this week, too much gardening work.
I have re-vamped stag in forest, he looks fabidozy, will post new pic...er when I can!
Enjoy the sunshine everyone, today apparently a scorcher.
28 Sep, 2011
Hope your comp gets well soon :))))))))))))
28 Sep, 2011
Glad you popped in!
Hope it's a quick recovery for the computer!
28 Sep, 2011
Haven't been on here for a while. Thank goodness there are still 'nuts' on
28 Sep, 2011
My last computer was 'built' for about £50 and it was fine for quite a while and i just used it for the net. Then it started to mess me about and one fractilious day it died and came on again and I lost what I was doing. At that fractiliousness moment i chose not to express my anger but calmly went and put the kettle on, then after a nice cuppa went and put my boots on, came back in, eased the compute out from under the table and made a conscious descision to kick its %%&** head in.
I must admit it felt rather good ; )
28 Sep, 2011
thats the funniest thing i have read for a long time.
must make a note of fractiliousness!!!
28 Sep, 2011
Lol Stevie!
28 Sep, 2011
Fingers crossed pooter is back today, along with a hefty bill!!
29 Sep, 2011
Be great to have it and you back - pay them in mosaics!?
29 Sep, 2011
He doesn't look like a mosaicy kinda guy!
Haven't made anything since that stag, too busy, so falling a bit behind at the mo!
29 Sep, 2011
lol my dad says pooter! cumpooter..not ew
nice to see you Lulu :))))))))))
29 Sep, 2011
Well my computer sued me for 140 quid!!
At least it's up and running. Just need to find all my old faves and websites first!
29 Sep, 2011
\EEEEEEEEk!!!!!!!! :)))))))))
29 Sep, 2011
EEEEEEEK indeed! An expensive thump!
29 Sep, 2011
Ah well but you wouldnt be without it now would you? :)
29 Sep, 2011
I could do without this sore throat though!
29 Sep, 2011
Dont forget to reformat and partition the hard drive and get and external one for backups. I dont know what your habit is but I save all to the D drive so if the OS goes down its all still there : )
29 Sep, 2011
glad you are back lulu
we could say the 'L drive' is now up and running??
29 Sep, 2011
Glockinshpegen goobly gook Stevie(???).
Glad to have you back Lulu!
29 Sep, 2011
hope your throat is better...gargle withslat water! bleh but its good for it!
29 Sep, 2011
oh gawd, stevie, I just start again with a clean slate!!
Throat better today Pix, just feel a bit wiped out!
30 Sep, 2011
:) good
30 Sep, 2011
explainsness; 'IF' you operating system (eg windows XP) goes down or get corrupted (sometimes cus of an older hardrive) then there is no way to access all your data and you can lose it (well you can if you have some more expert kit but you might not get it all back).
However if you have a new harddrive or have had the operatingystem reloaded you can at first reformat it and divide its memory and make another partition (a 'D' drive) or even several partitions. You just tell it how much memory you want in it. You can then save all your important stuff to the D drive so that if it goes down again you can put the hardrive into a caddy and plug it into another computer and access all the D drive without any problem, thus not losing a thing.
Also if you think you might have a virus or just want to clean it all up you can reformat the C drive (which will delete any virus) and reload the operating system without affecting any of your info on the D drive
or alternatively you can get someone else to do it for you and ply them with whatever tea/coffee carrot cake you have
anyway its a good idea to have a separate external drive and regularly back up everything important
30 Sep, 2011
apols I only bothered typing all that as my sausages are cooking
30 Sep, 2011
Aha! Pity you don't live next door you could do it all for me!
No worries about my HD, 2 new ones this year!!
Enjoy the sausages!
30 Sep, 2011
i was thinking the same lulu!!
i can make the carrot cake ~ great to know one part can be reformatted by a carrot cake loving person!!!
oooh sausages ~ yum!
30 Sep, 2011
Luby, you shouldn't be needing them regularly!!
I have the connections and you can get free software to access and rebuild the info but if the HD is damaged it wont get it all.
I have a computer friend whizzkid who I always ask ; ) He has just come back from earning a fortune but I can dable with the basics for a windows PC
Having to economise at the mo so bacon has gone out the window and now using 48p sausages : /
30 Sep, 2011
i thought that said 48 sausages!!
30 Sep, 2011
Thye are ok if you cook them well : )
30 Sep, 2011
i like them nearly burnt on the outside, 99p sausages from the supermarket i work in are very good.
30 Sep, 2011
I'm a veggie, live off cheese, so**ing expensive and rabbit food!
30 Sep, 2011
Years ago when I was totally skint I used to get cracked eggs and bacon scraps from the butcher and make quiches..was sick of them really but cheap food. Dont know if they still do that now..must ask my butcher :)
30 Sep, 2011
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Take care Lulu...don't overdo the thumping! :))
26 Sep, 2011