Where IS that snake
By lulu33
Well, having startled a snake by my pond this morning…googled black snakes…is it a rare grass snake? A black adder or a mamba…no, I don’t think so.
I went off to work and saw another snake!
…….I think that’s the right photo!
Then I got the dogs involved…………..
Where is it? where is it, what is it………I can smell it….lets trash Lou Lou’s pond till we find something…
Am I safe hiding behind this Lily pad?
Let’s look here then.
Well, the dogs are bored looking for snakes
Lets play
maybe I’ve eaten the snake
Who’s going to move first?
Well, Jazzy says she’s not moving….I have eaten my supper and am now sleeping.
But Millie on the other hand. Well, she’s on snake watch duty tonight!
18 Jun, 2012
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Great photos Lou, and I agree its scary!! i would run a mile.
18 Jun, 2012
I only hate them when they eat my fish or bite my dog!!!
18 Jun, 2012
Brilliant Lou!
18 Jun, 2012
Not too keen on them at close quarters. Lovely blog Lou. Off to find foal pics Jx
18 Jun, 2012
Grass snake!! Look just like mine!
18 Jun, 2012
love snakes, wish i had one in my pond Lulu, never see them round here, great pics to :o))
18 Jun, 2012
Great blog :-)))) your dogs do make me giggle.
18 Jun, 2012
Nppe, looks nothing like Rowan Atkinson Snoop! Lovely photos as usual Lulu!
18 Jun, 2012
Smashing blog Lulu, no snakes around here which is good as I`m not sure what I`d do let alone my cats and dogs, lol....
18 Jun, 2012
Well done Lu...Great blog.
18 Jun, 2012
Great blog Lulu ...........but I'm glad there are no snakes here too cold for them I hope !!!!!!!!!
18 Jun, 2012
Good big grass snake - they do love a swim. We had one once in the compost bin. Saw next door's at today carrying off a slow worm from our garden - cheek!
18 Jun, 2012
lol Great blog Lulu..hope you got rid of the snake and Perry is ok ! :)
19 Jun, 2012
Perry is in fishy heaven........well, my incinerator really, waiting for his funeral :( We will have dancing and singing (it is, after all the summer solstice!) and a big fire!
19 Jun, 2012
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ooooh scary!! but they dont like cold do they? so millie should have a trouble free evening?
18 Jun, 2012