Flowers everywhere!
By lulu33
Hi folks, while hubby David is watching the football………oh dear, looks like penalties……I thought i’d put some pics up of the my garden with it’s thousands of flowers and bees, dogs, cats and fish!
I wish I could just drag and drop my photos in a blog…this might take ages!
First a few pics of my pond…
It’s bling!
And a fish. I say A fish because I have had 3 die on me this week, floating, so I can’t blame the snake. The water is clear, not sure what is going on….
Bit of bling………Think I have one to show later (off other camera of Sticki’s pond present!)
To the borders now…foxgloves and bees everywhere!
The hebe I saved from certain death at a run down GC. And boy has it grown!
Another foxglove, probably full off bees…
My wild poppy bed, Stevies orange poppy is tucked in there, just waiting to flower….
Milliepuss, she’s been following me around the garden!
Well, we are into extra time of the footie, Sluggy has left the room due to shouting at the telly…David, not me!
Millie close up, she is cute..
And so is Dear Prudence. She’s been beaten up by her daughter Sluggy most of the evening!
A few more border pics….
Am loving these Nigellas and this spectacular foxglove!
And just to remind myself that I should be making some mosaics but have lost my inspiration!! here are 3 of my favourites…………….My fishy one
And then the 2 rivers.
And back into the garden for a bit…
The beautiful Knautia pastel pink
The beautiful Pru, pond gazing, looking for snakes and playing with pond bling!
Here is the Hare, for those of you who couldn’t quite make out what it was in a previous photo and thought it was a seal!!!
Double poppies…not sure how this happened, but, they are gorgeous
I’ve been uploading pics for so long now, England have gone to penalties!!!
Just a few more pics……think this will be my last blog till Christmas!
In fact, I think I’ll just put my feet up,
It’s getting a little chilly,
I have my glass of wine…
And the doggies are putting their feet up too!
24 Jun, 2012
More blog posts by lulu33
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Now we have the dissection! The dogs are crossing their legs!
24 Jun, 2012
Lost the penalties, (as if i needed to say that ; )
lovely pics Loos, plants looking even more fab
Love the river mosaics, the best
Top bling and if your taking pics of your feet all cant be bad : )
24 Jun, 2012
I don't believe that's your garden at all, Lulu. Those are just pictures of Paradise, tho' I don't know how you gained access...hmm. Everything is to die for, so wild and wonderful and then there's Milliepuss~ too adorable for her own good~ and the doggies, ditto. Speaking of which, hadn't someone better take them out now?
24 Jun, 2012
Brilliant blog Lou, I see your 'seal' has grown ears!!! and that your Knautia is now a Scabious!!! Did you know they are from the same family!! Your mosaics are beautiful Lou, why have you lost inspiration? just take a look around your amazing garden! Also can see you wear toe thong sandals!!!
24 Jun, 2012
Love your blogs Lulu x another garden I could spend hours in x
24 Jun, 2012
Great blog Lulu..never tire of looking at your wonderful garden, mosaics and pets..MIlliepuss is ace! :)
24 Jun, 2012
Lovely blog - enjoyed it!
24 Jun, 2012
I enjoyed it too!
24 Jun, 2012
You have such an interesting garden, loved looking at all the bright and beautiful pieces of art etc, and three beautiful dogs, looking after our youngest daughter's dog, a hyper Daxy called Colin, such high maintenance lol you cat is so pretty too.
I even watched the footie tonight, only because our eldest grand-daughter said I should be supporting England!! and well, what can I say.........words fail me!!
24 Jun, 2012
Beautiful, beautiful pictures lulu! What a perfect garden to put your feet up in!
My favourite mosaic is still the river, loved it the minute I saw it.
Sorry to hear about the fish :-(
24 Jun, 2012
So you spied my tanned flip flop feet eh!
And oops that first poppy pic was actually knautia...
Thanks all for your kind comments and enjoyment of my garden makes the ages spent on blogging well worth it!
Doggies have now uncrossed their legs and David has lost money on the footie!
Not sure where my inspiration has gone..............but it just has for the moment........maybe I should get into pressed flowers?
24 Jun, 2012
All of your pics are fantastic Lu, love seeing them all!! Def NO to the pressed flowers!
24 Jun, 2012
Can I ask, do you know what the caterpillars are Goung to morph into? Still tryin to differentiate between friend and foe x
25 Jun, 2012
I didnt know betting was the interest in Football. Always thought they were interested in the skill of the game.
We live and learn. Glad I went to bed at half-time. Fed up with their Rugby tackles.
Sooner watch your garden.
25 Jun, 2012
Nice to see your garden and the pets enjoying themselves. I like that hamock :o)
25 Jun, 2012
Lovely photos! Love the evening sun through the foxgloves - and the lanterns. How can ANYbody pay ANY attention to overpaid ego-fuelled footballers when there's all that outside? ;o)
25 Jun, 2012
What a wonderful blog! I can't add anything useful or original to what's already been said, except how pretty Millie is. Isn't it astounding how cats manage to keep themselves so pristine? All of ours look as though they've just been laundered, even if they've been rolling on my seedlings. I do know where all the dirt ends up, though - all over my white sofa covers.
25 Jun, 2012
lovely pics and can see the ears
25 Jun, 2012
just to say that i will be squirelling this blog away to look at during those wintermonths.
love the evening light and your fish mosaic et all.
a lot of stressy waves coming from the settee last night, B doesnt do shouting lol.
25 Jun, 2012
Aw Lil, just got the blotting paper out!
Those caterpillars turn into big brown Verbascum moths! Harmless although they do munch and completely trounce what was once a very pretty Verbscum leaf!
Thanks Resi, I will have a photo on my screensaver these coming winter months, just to remind me that there was, actually, a bit of sun this summer!
And yup, the hare has ears and yup is actually MY garden, although only on loan. It would be even more mega if it was ours (or I won the lottery!) Still quite alot of space I could use for more beds..............Once you take the ton of lime stone out of the ground and fill the hole with top soil!!
Millie is taking a bow......she better stay healthy, there would be no taking wild Millie Puss to the vet. I have told her on occasion to go medicate and she did. Phew!
25 Jun, 2012
Lovely blog Lulu, i do love the pond shots very nice...
25 Jun, 2012
I know the feeling, Lulu! Since pretty much all of our cats are feral, catching and taking any of them to a vet is a major, heartbreaking, stressful day-long undertaking. Small animal vets are few and far between, and involve a long car journey along curvy mountain roads, and the distress of a frightened, caged, hyperventilating animal over at least a 45 minute journey is awful. We've told quite a lot of ours to "go medicate", too, but they pretend they don't speak the language......
25 Jun, 2012
Thanks SL, I do love my pond but wish my toad tadpoles would hurry up and actually turn into toads, they are taking their time.
Gattina, what a stressful, feline, fandango!
25 Jun, 2012
So lovely Lulu a nd the dogs all asleep together look so peacefu
I,ve been thinking about the pond, can you discount runoff from the surrounding area during the awful weather poisoning the water or starving the water of oxygen
You can also test the water for acid/alkalinity....kits available or litmus paper
Its distressing when the die for no aparrant reason
25 Jun, 2012
There's no run off Pam. Will take a sample of water to local pond GC and see what they say.
Thanks ML...the bling attached to top of twirly pond stakes stop me poking myself in the eye when I bend over the pond!
25 Jun, 2012
I really enjoyed your garden and your blog, pretty nail varnish too lol.
25 Jun, 2012
I love the hare too, Lulu, now that I can see him properly; I was actually pretending to see him before 'cos I didn't want you to think I was criticising your 'photo, which I did indeed like! Also was afraid everyone would think I was totally stupid.
Funny thing about the inspiration, Lulu. I've been the same with my jewellery for about a month now - just can't seem to get back into it. Feeling guilty, I had a go this afternoon but it was very half-hearted and can't say I was over-happy with the result. The Muse has left me but it makes me feel very down. TBH, it's a bit similar with my garden at the moment too. I go out, potter about, without being able to settle on what to do, nor can I just sit peacefully. Strange thing is, this happens every year about this time and I've no idea why!
25 Jun, 2012
Thats a good idea lulu, just dont have any asparagus the day before!
25 Jun, 2012
It's the only nail varnish that stays on my fingers and toes and lets me do the gardening Marion1!
Horrible when the muse take a holiday TB..........I must admit to doing a bit more gardening than usual...whilst that sun is out but still haven't driven to Cirencester to get the water tested and/or buy some new fishy friends.
26 Jun, 2012
Have you looked at things like the pump electrics lulu?
Could it be the water was too hot when sun was out?
Or is the flow rate of your pump to much for it? I think if its too fast then that can cause a problem cus it doesn't allow the bacteria to do its job.
Getting a test kit is a good idea, could be also something toxic in there or a parasite, anti-parasitic food.
It my small experience its usually water quality
26 Jun, 2012
Got no electrics to the pond......not a fast flow from the solar panel. Did renew half the water with the bore hole water......gawd knows. Will take some to water world when I gather courage to fill tank with more diesel!
26 Jun, 2012
I can truly sympathise, Lulu: my Muse and I haven't been on speaking terms for over 15 years now. Apologise (even if you didn't think you'd done anything wrong) before the rift is permanent!!!
26 Jun, 2012
Such a lovely garden Lulu :o))
26 Jun, 2012
The muse seems to gone quiet on most people then?
Thanks Annella, am fighting with the snails on my hollyhocks since last night! I need a posse of hedgehogs but not sure if they would tolerate our dogs and cat? Wonder if I can source some from the RSPCA?
27 Jun, 2012
When we had hedgehogs in the garden, they and the cats would eat and drink from the same bowls and got along together absolutely fine. The cats would form a semi-circle and watch the hedgehogs with great interest, and the hedgehogs in turn would ignore the cats completely and just eat their food.
Not sure about dogs, which, I think, tend to be a bit dafter!
27 Jun, 2012
Just goggled it Gattina...Probably would scuttle off at the first woof from our dogs! Pity, thought all my slug woes would be done and dusted with a few hedgehogs!!
27 Jun, 2012
What an interesting garden Lulu33 - Love your Buddah overlooking the rockery and also the hare. I'm off to buy a Buddah statue today actually. My one is holding a lotus flower in it's hands and it's a solar light.
27 Jun, 2012
You're right Gattina - at least about the daft dog I had some years ago. I suddenly noticed that her mouth was swollen on one side and took her to the vet. Turned out she'd got hedgehog spines stuck in her cheek! Stupid animal! Why did she think it was covered in spines - so she could play with it???!!!
28 Jun, 2012
Thanks Annelise, I really like my Buddha, he's very relaxing to look at! Hope you find a good one today.
Silly dog Nariz! I'm not going to go down the hedgehog line! It seems that they would either be here already and no point to go get one or two because they would only waddle away!
28 Jun, 2012
Lovely blog Lulu, I do like a wander around your garden, shame about your fish, have you had any thunderstorms around your way, it takes the oxygen out of the water apparently and the fish suffocate, I don`t know the technical term for it, I do however know it can happen, learnt that the hard way a long time ago, we never turn our pump off and even switch the waterfall on if its thundery to create more moving water....
30 Jun, 2012
Ah, didn't know that Lincslass..but no thunder storms this way at all. I still have 2 fish and 5 tiny minnows, so hopefully whatever was wrong has levelled out now.
30 Jun, 2012
Great blog lulu the garden is looking amazing. Those foxgloves are just stunning. Millipuss is just gorgeous and such a poser lol. The three dogs asleep together awwww so cute.
Shame about the fish hopefully whatever it was will have sorted itself out and the other fish will be fine. Perhaps something scared them and that was what killed them.
1 Jul, 2012
Recent posts by lulu33
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- Hello and garden update
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- Possible Polytunnel Guardians!
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- The danger of dead trees
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- A little sunny walk
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Lovely blog Lulu enjoyed that, I'm a football widow too, oops looks like they've just lost to penalties, lot of shouting going on :-)
24 Jun, 2012