Not all Veggies
By maccrimmon
Grows on You has grown on me and as such this year I grew some things you cant eat err .. . . flowers and the like so thought I would show you some of them now remember no eating em.
This is a pot with Chicken tails.
This is a pot with chickens ( hee hee)
Lillies are still out , even I got to admit they are pretty although dont think you can eat them.
Dahlia fire and ice . … I think . . . lost the name tag.
That’s newly sprung in June .. . . well July
Put the fence up this year and put some begonia’s and things in.
Out front , I dont often venture round these parts.
Uploaded this lily by mistake so just left it in .
19 Jul, 2009
Previous post: How to open a monkey nut
Next post: Smiley potatoes .. Honest
Very nice, Maccrimmon, I like your pictures.
Do you realise that you have now stepped onto the slippery slope of growing ornamentals? I see that there is a lot of nice grass just begging to be turned over to flower beds :-).
19 Jul, 2009
Lovely blog and the flowers DO look good enough to eat. I think you've been hooked and those boring veggies could become history! :~)
19 Jul, 2009
well thanks u 3 , hmm there's an idea Bulba , I really will need to be careful.
19 Jul, 2009
Looks like you've been well and truly converted! Love the section of garden bed in front of the new fence and the beds at the front of the house - gorgeous. Great job!
19 Jul, 2009
Pretty planting...
Mac...well done :o)
19 Jul, 2009
It looks fantastic mac you have been very busy - where will it all end Well Done
19 Jul, 2009
Love it Mac you have some beautiful flowers, love the chicken tails poy, Dahhlia Fire and Ice and you have made lovely job of your front of house border!
19 Jul, 2009
19 Jul, 2009
Another one has crossed over Ian digs!!!! It's a conspiracy to have gardens full of flowers!
19 Jul, 2009
Not speaking to any of ya's
19 Jul, 2009
Come on Ian, don't sulk. We all know you've been unfaithful yourself and doing a bit of dabbling with the pretty flowery things. You're just finding out what you've been missing all this time!....;~))
19 Jul, 2009
No, not having it, that was Carol.....HeHe
Long live the veggies !!!!!!!!! If it was up to me there wouldn't be any veg in supermarkets, so there.
19 Jul, 2009
I should watch out, I'm an expert dummie thrower, I've been invited to join the GoY olympic team, so there.
19 Jul, 2009
now now Ian breath deeply and count to ten : ) :) At the rate you and Mac are going I can see you both teaming up to do a chelsea garden show next year
19 Jul, 2009
Well done your garden looks great.
19 Jul, 2009
GoY Olympics? there's a thought. There must be all sorts of veggie sports'tossing the turnip' or 'sprout juggling' ....or ???? Anyone got any other suggestions. I can't think of anymore just now and have to go out now to a wet and windy BBQ..:~(( What fun!!
19 Jul, 2009
HuuuuH phew, Thangs Angie. I feel much better now. :~))
Lily, what about the cane javaline
The 100mtr runner (bean) event
???? No i'm stuck as well........where's Terratoonie when you need her?
19 Jul, 2009
You could have a (bean) pole vault, a carrot and stick race, a lettuce lobbing contest, or how about a spud-bashing time trial. LoL. Of course, you could always grow Daylilies. They're edible, did you know?
19 Jul, 2009
P.S. I almost forgot. Great blog and photos Mac. Keep up the good work
(Whispers aside to audience) "Carrots would grow great where that lawn is"
19 Jul, 2009
Looks great Mac, agree with BBB though you only need to lift a few turfs to sow a few Courgettes/ Marrows. You could sell them at the front gate. Lol.
19 Jul, 2009
I don't care who started this but I'm finishing it!
Courgettes have beautiful flowers - ha so there, both possible on one plant.
Can't speak for the turnips, shame. lol
19 Jul, 2009
lovely plants Mac. dont eat the lilies will you.
with out flowers ian there wouldnt be beans and strawbs or any seed to grow cabbages and sprouts. long live the flowers.
19 Jul, 2009
I might look at a bit of the lawn and change things . .. . hmmm now let me think.
19 Jul, 2009
No, seriously Mac it looks great as it is. You've done a brilliant job.
19 Jul, 2009
thanks doc although it gets you thinking , I am not sure if gardeners are ever finished , is a garden ever completed?
19 Jul, 2009
A garden is completed to your complete satisfaction the week before you put the house on the market and move on!
well known Chinese saying
19 Jul, 2009
I started my garden doing veggies and flowers have already given up one potential veg patch for hubbys wildlife pond and once my pumpkins and sprouts have finished this area will be a Japanese garden... I hope...
less vegies more flowers,shrubs and fruit
x x x
19 Jul, 2009
Now Mookins, More veggies, more veggies and even more veggies. So there :~))
19 Jul, 2009
19 Jul, 2009
LOL :~))
See what you've started Mac?
19 Jul, 2009
Shall we all leave this now and go and veggie-tate?
19 Jul, 2009
It's all Bobs fault !!!
19 Jul, 2009
20 Jul, 2009
Mac......glad to see you are growing some sensible things like flowers at last. Well done. They look beautiful. have to stop passing the blame onto Bob. He's going to get a complex.
Just to put in my two cents worth......I dug up my huge veggie plot and made the entire thing into flower beds........hummmm....reminds me, I need to blog an update on that. :o)
20 Jul, 2009
hehe bumblebee thats funny
Great blog Mac
x x x
20 Jul, 2009
It's alright Gilli, I'm married so I'm used to taking the blame. LOL.
20 Jul, 2009
hold on!
20 Jul, 2009
Not you Doctorbob 1, The other Bob, Bob_g. Its all his fault ! Lol :~))
20 Jul, 2009
Sorry my mistake.
20 Jul, 2009
Has the other Bob ...Bob-g left for his holidays yet?
20 Jul, 2009
He says he's going to wave to me on his way to Blair Atholl on Saturday!
I'm not sure about veggies, but I do want go grow lots of fruit!
Mind you, is it too late to plant tatties? The ones in my fridge have sprouted! Too busy digging to waste time cooking!
23 Jul, 2009
he needs to pass me on the way up Madperth
25 Jul, 2009
Why, where are you?
25 Jul, 2009
im in East Kilbride Mp
25 Jul, 2009
Recent posts by maccrimmon
- courgettes or marrows
29 Jul, 2009
- Smiley potatoes .. Honest
23 Jul, 2009
- How to open a monkey nut
4 Jul, 2009
- pot grown vegetables
4 Jul, 2009
- Reddish grey Squirrel
17 Jun, 2009
- Garden 14th June 2009
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Lovely, Mac !
Your garden's gorgeous and i'm glad you ventured out the front because the sight is so pretty !!!
19 Jul, 2009