Flags No not the ones in the garden
By mad
Drc726 and Bamboo, I’m quite bamboozled. Because Millie has a US flag with her name may not mean that she lives over there, cos I’ve just noticed that Weeding has a Uzbekistan flag but lives in Worcestershire. I don’t think there is one of those there.
I can’t remember what the question is when joining, maybe the flag alludes to your birthplace. All very confusing.
5 Oct, 2009
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It asks you email address and user name thats it. Unless their email is registered in that country, other than this , I cannot see how they have the flag I am sure it asks your area too, as I put Warwickshire. Or it could be their email address is here but they live in that country.
5 Oct, 2009
you dont have to say where you are,
maybe thats just their choice of flag, like you say thay may be originally from elsewhere. or a possible computer glitch
must say like aster confusing if giving info for plants
x x
5 Oct, 2009
If you go to your own homepage and click on "Update Your Profile", you'll find you can enter any country you wish...
Then when your information is on GoY the flag of that country will be alongside your avatar...
5 Oct, 2009
Just did that Terratoonie and you're right. It is misleading though if you don't put the place in which you live at the moment, cos as Aster says people can't give the correct advice. If you were born in Timbuktoo (spelling?) it isn't relevant to your garden in the UK.
5 Oct, 2009
Yes, we are relying on the honesty of members to identify the country in which they are now living....
I guess a few might think "country" means country of birth...
5 Oct, 2009
I am confused !! I don't seem to have a flag at all.so what does that mean?he he
5 Oct, 2009
Yes you do Tulsalady its the UJ perhaps we cannot see our own? It does ask you your county or state and your country.
5 Oct, 2009
Hi Tulsalady...
If you hover your computer cursor over your avatar above this comment, you will see the Union flag.. with the word Derbyshire underneath.
On your homepage option to Update Your Profile, you can change your country to England....this will give you the flag of St. George (red cross on white background) which you can see by hovering your cursor over my avatar pic...
I hope I've explained that well enough...Lol.
5 Oct, 2009
Thanks terra toonie I wondered how you got yours?
5 Oct, 2009
You'll notice, for example,
Hywel has the flag of Wales...
... and David has the flag of Scotland. :o)
5 Oct, 2009
Terratoonie you can now see my flag is now correct.
5 Oct, 2009
Well done.... :o)
those of us in the UK have the choice of two flags...
...the Union flag, or those specific to Scotland, England, Wales etc.
5 Oct, 2009
Aster, where is the 'browse all members page' then'? Can't seem to find it.
5 Oct, 2009
On the members page under the list of 'newest members'. I don't think it's in any particular order either, maybe those who have been on recently .
5 Oct, 2009
I am going to look for that to Lily didnt know there was an all members page but thought there must be if you see what I mean?
5 Oct, 2009
Lily2 you have the Union Jack and Berkshire. On your home page click on 'update your profile' and it asks which Country you live in. Also which State/County.
5 Oct, 2009
There seem to be all sorts of pages on here if you've ever got any time left to dig a bit deeper Denise!
Mad,what's wrong with Berkshire and the Union Jack flag?
5 Oct, 2009
Nothing atall Lily2. I just thought you felt confused and unsure whether you had the correct one.Just been back to look at Millie's question and she confirms that she lives in Kent, England.
Oh what a palaver over nothing its turned out!! Still why the stars and stripes?
5 Oct, 2009
Oh no! Its changed to the Union Jack!!!Ha ha ha ha
5 Oct, 2009
I am proud of the British Union Jack Lily, but I also like to use the English flag of St George too.
5 Oct, 2009
I have thought in the past to change to St George as I am proud to be English but just never got around to it Denise. I suppose ideally I'd like to use both!!
5 Oct, 2009
The flag gets allocated by the site - when you say which country you live in, that's when it gets put down. So if someone says they live in Uzbekistan, that's what the flag will be. I didn't realise, though that you could refine it down to Wales, England, etc. It only matters if you're answering a question - where the plant's growing is crucial. And the member who lives in Kent, who had an American flag, has confirmed since that she means Kent, England - guess she just selected the wrong country when joining - slip of the fingers UK, US, all pretty close.
5 Oct, 2009
Mad, no I wasn't confused before but your comment made me think I'd got it wrong and I couldn't see why. Thanks anyway!
5 Oct, 2009
Yes Bamboo US UK could be a slip, but surely not Uzbekistan!
5 Oct, 2009
Inclined to agree with you mad.
5 Oct, 2009
Done as a joke, I think - although it also begins with U!
5 Oct, 2009
I use the Scottish Saltire just to show that I'm towards the north end of the UK, which is rather less "tropical"than the "Deep South", lol!! Distance from London c.450 miles, but in growing terms - a month!!!
5 Oct, 2009
I think they must of put uk and it came up with Uzbekistan
5 Oct, 2009
No, Morgana, you have to select from a list which country - that makes it really easy to click the wrong one...
5 Oct, 2009
Thank you Bamboo look at your pm message and look up also caladiums cranberry star too.
5 Oct, 2009
I tried to delete my comment but it won't do it. So you have this.
6 Oct, 2009
Thank -you - Sir Gar I could have been a lady if I'd known!
9 Oct, 2009
9 Oct, 2009
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I don't really see the point in putting the wrong flag on,it is not helpful if you are trying to help with plant problems.Some you may give the wrong info to .
Have you also noticed under 'browse all our members' the many who join but don't actually comment or add further info ?
5 Oct, 2009