Spring really does seem to be here at last
By mad
Its been a long time coming, but I do believe its arrived at long last. Our daffodils at the front are fully out now, but strangely (or not after the cold weather) the Aubretia isn’t out yet. Usually both are out together, and this year the aubretia has only just begun.
Our few deep blue Hyacinths are out and I love them.
My pot of Gold looked lovely this morning with the sun on it (pot of little daffs.)
The pansies are looking happy with their sweet little faces, and have forgotten that they got frozen almost out of existence earlier.
So here a few photos taken this morning.
6 Apr, 2010
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They look lovely Mad, its a treat to see all the spring flowers and shrubs coming out........
6 Apr, 2010
We seem to have waited a long time for Spring, doesn't it give you a lift. That's a striking Blue in those Hyacinths, they'd look good with the Daffs.
6 Apr, 2010
It seems to be here at last :o)
6 Apr, 2010
it is lovely isnt it when spring finally springs. :o)
6 Apr, 2010
The daffs look great against the trunk of the Silver Birch, and what a beautiful blue the Hyacinths are.
6 Apr, 2010
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Nice photos my pansies are just starting to get over all that cold weather.
6 Apr, 2010