plants doing strange things
Hi all ,hope your having good weather today, its been lovely here in sunny northants.
Anyway onto my topic
I have primroses in full bloom and my MIL reports that up in Scotland she has an apple tree with both apples and blossom. All very strange I think.
Do any of you have plants flowering out of season or similar strange occurances., I’d be interested to find out…
15 Aug, 2008
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A few Primroses also. One of my Acers has almost lost his leaves, but this might be just him as a few of his branches died due to the flooding that I had earlier in the year.
15 Aug, 2008
I've got Primroses too, and Primulas flowering again. My Vine is losing its leaves already! Far too soon! And, yes, Chris, I found some Muscari leaves poking through when I was tidying a flower bed today.
15 Aug, 2008
If you go on my home page in my photo's you'll find a daffodil in full bloom in middle of july.
16 Aug, 2008
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I have some primroses in Hungary too. The green leaves of my grape hyacinths have been through for about 2 weeks, I know they come through in early Autumn but I thought the beginning of August was on the early side. We've got some Autumn leaves appearing too.
15 Aug, 2008