we're in!!
forgive me for being so quiet the last few weeks, as we we’re moving house (and garden!!) .We’ll we had a 7.5 tonne lorry for the house stuff and a luton van full of garden stuff!!. So we’re all settled , well pretty much and I’ve started getting stuck in to my new garden.
So now i want to boast about my new garden (forgive me I’m still pinching myself)
I have a lovely pond full of fish and lots of waterplants , a veg plot with leeks, spinach and a huge marrow.
There’s a greenhouse full of tomatoes and peppers, a plum tree to which I’ve added my family apple and cherry.
The lawn which takes me an hour to cut in total is great because its large enough for my son to ride his bike around on. Behind the screen near the pond is a shaded tree walk which I plan to string a swing over a overhanging branch.
The previous owners were obviously much more interested in their veg than their flowers because the flower border was overrun with ground elder, (whilst the veg is completely weed free) and at one end was totally overwhelmed by it. I have attempted to clear and replant that area . I have planted a few of my shrubs in bare areas until I decide on the best position for them and to see what come up in springtime.
I’ve planted some japanese onion sets but suspect that they have been dug up by squirels. Anyway I’ve been rambling, hopefully i will get my old greenhuse up this weekend as an overwintering cold frame
26 Sep, 2008
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Next post: busy day
look's like you have 'inherited' a gem , and free food to boot!! lucky you..............steve
26 Sep, 2008
Good luck with your new garden. Put some photos for us when you can.
27 Sep, 2008
Great to read that someone else has moved home, too. What a wonderful garden you've got yourself. Best Wishes in your new hiome!
29 Sep, 2008
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Great excitement - moving into house and garden !
Good luck in your new home.
Looking forward to photos. :o)
26 Sep, 2008