always gardening sometimes here
Well its been ages since I last wrote a blog, new year to be exact. But you know sometimes life gets hectic especially chasing after two young boys and holding down a full time job..You know though its lovely to come back to Grows on You, a wonderful source of inspiration. Somehow I have always been found time to do some gardening despite my lack of time. I have dug several new borders and planning yet more.The Dahlias have been a bifg success and I’m definitely going to grow more.. The next project is a raised bed system made from railway sleepers. The vegetable have been moderately succesful with wonderful tomatoes,peppers, onions, courgettes and potatoes . But the carrots and peas were frankly pitiful…..
6 Aug, 2009
Previous post: new year..... new plants.......
Next post: Feathered and furry friends....
Yes I do get them to help, although my 6yr old is more interested in playing on the trampoline or riding his bike, However my 22 month old has got a huge gardening bug and loves nothing better than getting his hands dirty and "helping " me....I'm hoping he does'nt grow out of it like his older brother did...
7 Aug, 2009
both mine only garden when they want to not when i need the help? but that is life and growing up.
glad that you have had a successful garden year so far.
7 Aug, 2009
That's boys for you! Glad you get some time in your is far too short to let work take up all your time...should take my own advice!!
7 Aug, 2009
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Life takes over sometimes and you can't get on with what you want to do, but I'm glad you've been able to have some time in the garden. You have to force yourself to have some 'me' time because you're just as important as your kids etc. Do you get them to help you in the garden ? It would be good for them.
7 Aug, 2009